Tyra Banks gives new meaning to black or white, and quits her talk show


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
united states
not only is she quitting her longtime talk show, like oprah, but she's doing a 'controversial' photo shoot, where people of one color, become another color. if you click on the 'cycle 13' link, while you are reading the article about her quitting her show, you can see examples of the photo shoot. tyra is the world's greatest supermodel..yet, a lot of people may not say that, if they saw her without makeup. she is the world's greatest artist with makeup, and proves that beauty has many meanings, that you can make your dreams come true..even if it first seems impossible, and it's ok to make a change to yourself, as part of the process, if you feel the need. plus, if you are comfortable with who you are, from the inside out, you can make a change to yourself, on purpose, and still say you are proud of your original heritage, no matter what that heritage may be. or, if the change happens, beyond your control, and you didn't want it to happen, you can decide you are still proud of your original heritage, and not allow other people's disagreements with you, affect you. or you can remain as you are, and still be proud of your original heritage, no matter what that may be. i think the overall lesson in this, is being a person of strong mind, and believing what you choose to believe in life, and not becoming a sheep to the whims of the opinion of someone else, whether it be someone else in life, or in media, or whatever. it also helps us to learn to love and accept each other. period. no matter what.

if you will, please read the article, via the link, see the photo shoot, and give your thoughts.

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Re: tyra banks brings new meaning to black or white..

No offense, but I can't stand Tyra. More than anything in this world.
I have respect for Tyra and I am sure that she will do things in the classy way that she always has....thanks you for the thread..:)
Tyra is beautiful.

and i remember they made a big deal about that photoshoot :smilerolleyes:
i thought it was beautiful.
i don't see the problem with it.
they kept on talking about race...
you would think people would know by now that race is what's in your blood, not what you look like.
Even so I just say we are all one race "human race"

it's shows that you are YOU no matter what the color of your skin is... what color your hair is.. etc and all that good stuff.

race is only an issue when people make it to be.
it makes my eyes roll
I didn't watch Tyra's show that much, but when I did see it, I thought she was great. She can make me laugh real easy. I like her personality. I'm sure whatever she does in the future, it will be amazing
actually, i knew that she got her idea for the makeup to change the racial look, photo shoot from Michael's black or white video...i don't know why i gave her credit for it..