Two Poems


Proud Member
Jul 24, 2009
Orange County, CA
Not sure if this is the right place to put it, but well...I'm not really a poet, but I got the idea for both of these poems in my head last night. I thought I would have difficulty writing them, but when I started writing them, the words just flowed. And that usually doesn't happen very often for me. Both of them are directly inspired from MJ. Hope you like them


The smell of it is getting stronger and stronger
Sizzle, crackle, bake, fry
It's that chicken, that KFC
You know you want it
You've got to have it
Mmm...chicken. Kentucky Fried Chicken
It's a perfect way to end your day
Get me that bucket
I just love it
KFC is the place for me

Superhuman Man in the Sky

The man in the sky
They don't know why he does what he does
He looks down upon the earth
And wonders why
Why do people have to die?
There is so much to live for
He is a superhuman man of love
He knows what everyone is thinking of
You can't kill him
You can't beat him
There's no stopping his love
He lives on eternally
He knows he's free
From pain and suffering
Yet, he can see
There's still room to breathe freely
Sheltering all he loves
Inspiring others