Twitter anyone?


Proud Member
Feb 19, 2008
Illinois - U.S.
Such a strange phenomenon going through the internet world right now. Twitter. It's like a constant facebook status with a hyperactive disorder. I don't see the point unless you have a lot of friends who also use twitter. I have one, but don't usually update it. I got one so I could follow some celebrities who seem to use it like crack! It's kind of easy to get hooked on if you are following a celebrity who updates a lot, lol!

Here are some of the people i'm following

Sarah Bareilles
?uestlove (qoolquest is what he calls himself on twitter)
John Mayer
Kanye West
Erykah Badu (fatbellybella)
Diddy (iamdiddy)
Elijah Wood
Wendy and Lisa (yeah...Prince's girls from back in the day!)

So yea, if anyone does have Twitter....go ahead and add me. I might actually update if someone is following me, lol! The name is IvryKysRochelle.

Plus, if anyone has anything to say about Twitter. Stupid, funny, wtf, what is this world coming too, I'm addicted to it. Whatever. Post it in this thread.
I refuse to get sucked in to this. I try to avoid crazes. It took me forever to even start using Facebook.
I'm on there but I don't really use it. I've noticed a lot of people are following Stephen Fry *goes to follow him too*
ya im on it but dont update it much

as for celebrities, so far I am following Britney Spears lol