Twilight Saga fans?? Discuss it here!


Proud Member
Jul 29, 2009
Since the site down episode of yesterday, I'll redo my thread about the twilight Saga! :)

I've done the search and advanced search button and found nothing on it and I thought ''What, they never wrote on that??' So if there is already a thread on this, direct me there, if not, well, here's one!

Are you a fan of the Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer??

Before june 25th, I was a HUGGGE fan and I was just thinking ''Oh my Gawd, How am I gonna be able to wait until Nov 20th to see New Moon, it's sooo far!''
I've read the 4 books like 5-6 times and went to cinema to see the first movie like 12 times *crazy* I was watching the trailers as soon as they came out and spent hours on forum...

Well, of course, after june 25th, priorities have changes and I don't care much about non-MJ-things, but I'll still be going to theater to see that movie.

But one thing I have to say, I am NOT a Robert Pattinson fan. I love him in the movie, he plays the character good, but not way I'm following his every steps and crying over a shirtless pictures (actually think he doesn't look good shirtless.. but that's another story) :)

So, any Twilight fans??

Re: Twilight Saga fans??

So, any Twilight fans??

YES! :jump:

You've seen the movie 12 times?? :lol: I only saw it once, it was dissapointing to me.. They went way too fast, and the chemistry wasn't there at all :(
I hope New Moon is better!

Anyway, I'm team Jacob :p :punk:
Re: Twilight Saga fans??

I only saw it once, it was dissapointing to me.. They went way too fast, and the chemistry wasn't there at all :(

Yeah, I really get your point! But I've seen the movie and then I read the book, so for me it was ok, but watching the movie after reading the book, I know what you mean, we have no time to feel the tension and the chemistry.. but well, it's done...

From what I've read on, the second is gonna be great, and the trailer is very exciting!
I'm a fan of the books.:yes:

Unfortunately I didn't like the first movie much. Edward just wasn't 'it', And Kristen is very pretty but...sorry...she can't act.
Sorry, team Edward here :lol:

I'm certainly not a fanatic, althought I do talk about it, mainly because my friends are all fanatics and it's unavoidable.

I must say, I thought Twilight the book was way better than the movie. I felt the movie lacked the intensity of the relationship. And the book is just so descriptive of all the emotions etc, which is why it sucked me in!

I'm a bit of a Rob fan, I liked what he did with the character, although it was quite different to the book, again. But he's pretty cute, so that helps :lol: But just in general, I've seen him in a few interviews and he seems pretty cool - I like his style/persona

Looking forward to New moon though :)
If I had to choose between team Edward and team Jacob.. I'd pick team Jacob, he's young yes, but he's so much joyful and psychologically balanced lol!

New Moon (the book) is my favorite one, and I'm so looking foward for the cliff diving scene. For me it's the peak of the book and the emotions there woah! But.. I feel I'll just be decieved by it in the movie, cause I don't think Kristen can really give all those emotions on screen... she doesn't give much emotions anyway ;) but she's pretty!
I'm looking forward to the scene in Rome :)

Actually, I'm looking forward to it all!!! Haha

Can't it be November already??? :p
I'm looking forward to the tent scene in Eclipse! :wild: They better not dissapoint me!

Yeah Kristen's acting is annoying, but I also think Rob could have done better... I'm not sure they'll be much different in New Moon. The "This is the last time you'll ever see me"-scene from the trailer looks so emotionless :(
The "This is the last time you'll ever see me"-scene from the trailer looks so emotionless :(

10 points for, I feel the same..

And anyway he's suppose to say ''It will be as if I never existed''..

The 'emotion' looks so forced that it just doesn't work..

but, when Bella is screaming in her bed after nightmares.. that one caught me I have to say... makes me shiver.
I'm a fan for sure...loved the whole book series. I loved Twilight (the book) better than the movie, but I do love the movie too. Looking forward to New Moon next month--the trailer is wonderful. :)
*puts hand up* I'm OBSESSED with twilight, I have read the whole 4 books 4 times each, the draft copy of the 1st chapter of midnight sun that's on Stephanie's website, have the twilight & new moon board games, both Twilight & New Moon shirts and have everything from bookmarks, the action figures, all of the twilight posters that were out when twilight was released, a jigzaw puzzle which is hanging up above my bed (nice if it falls off the wall and knocks me on the head :lol:) I also have a throw over blanket some of the different books related to twilight, some of the official jewerelly too and last but not last the Official new moon poster with Edward, Jacob & Bella on it and a poster with just Jacob. I even got a twilight cake icing on my b'day cake this year thanks to my sister.

now if that's not obsessed I don't know what is :lol:

If that poster is an OFFICIAL one I want it. :lol:
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*puts hand up* I'm OBSESSED with twilight, I have read the whole 4 books 4 times each, the draft copy of the 1st chapter of midnight sun that's on Stephanie's website, have the twilight & new moon board games, both Twilight & New Moon shirts and have everything from bookmarks, the action figures, all of the twilight posters that were out when twilight was released, a jigzaw puzzle which is hanging up above my bed (nice if it falls off the wall and knocks me on the head :lol:) I also have a throw over blanket some of the different books related to twilight, some of the official jewerelly too and last but not last the Official new moon poster with Edward, Jacob & Bella on it and a poster with just Jacob. I even got a twilight cake icing on my b'day cake this year thanks to my sister.

now if that's not obsessed I don't know what is :lol:

If that poster is an OFFICIAL one I want it. :lol:

Geeeeezz, yeah, you're obsessed, but that's ok :)
I just have the 4 books, a poster (given by someone else) and the movie companion for twilight.
I also read the midnight sun draft and I want her to finish it!
Geeeeezz, yeah, you're obsessed, but that's ok :)
I just have the 4 books, a poster (given by someone else) and the movie companion for twilight.
I also read the midnight sun draft and I want her to finish it!

yeh, it's ok...cause we've sent her to Twilightaholicas annonymous....right Mel :p
Geeeeezz, yeah, you're obsessed, but that's ok :)
I just have the 4 books, a poster (given by someone else) and the movie companion for twilight.
I also read the midnight sun draft and I want her to finish it!

:lol: *tries to keep a straight face*, by in my defence my Niece actually got me into it, I never liked it at 1st and she was the one that dragged me to the movies, so I can blame it on her :lol:
:lol: Yep Nay, thanks to you I'm ALWAYS spending time on that forum, I've already done 560 posts haha not bad considering I only joined up 4 days ago :lol:

I think that forum would scare me...all those diehard fans who think Edward is actually real :lol: I know they exist!! They chased poor Rob down the street!!

Poor rob :no:
I think that forum would scare me...all those diehard fans who think Edward is actually real :lol: I know they exist!! They chased poor Rob down the street!!

Poor rob :no:

you are right there are HEAPS of girls that constantly go on and on about Edward, seriously if he was really I'd feel SERIOUSLY sorry for the guy :lol:

I love Jasper & Carlise :D
^^ I love Jasper's face expressions in the film :lmao: classic, he looks like he's half confused about something and half about to knock someone off :lol:
Hey Twilight fans!

I have something to ask you..

Depending on where your heart is, I suggest that when the New Moon movie comes out, we don't go on the first weekend to give all the chance to Michael to have a bigger first weekend than New Moon.

What do you think?
I can't wait to see new Moon but I don't want this movie to be bigger than This is it, if that's possible...
Hey Twilight fans!

I have something to ask you..

Depending on where your heart is, I suggest that when the New Moon movie comes out, we don't go on the first weekend to give all the chance to Michael to have a bigger first weekend than New Moon.

What do you think?
I can't wait to see new Moon but I don't want this movie to be bigger than This is it, if that's possible...

I would agree with you, but unfortunately I've already brought my tickets for the first screening at 12:01am, but I will only be seeing this movie probably 3 - 4 times.

This Is It I've already seen it 5 times and its only to 2nd weeks today, I will be going to see it quite a few times more now that it's been extended here for another 2 weeks.
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Honestly what I think of Twilight... Hmm... WORST BOOK EVER!!!! Not only does Stephanie Meyers, give young girls the impression that having an emotional abusive relationship is alright, but to also be a girl who is so co-Dependant on a guy, forget your friends, lie to parents, have your life evolve around one person to be just fine. Yes this seems so healthy! This also seems to be alright to teach young girls.

I just very much dislike her for the fact that girls believe Edward is the perfect boyfriend, and that what Bella, and Edward has is true love. First of all it's lust/infatuation. Edward is a vegetarian, but is infatuated by Bella because of the scent of her blood, because she would taste good. Bella is infatuated with Edward due to the fact that he has a perfectly sculpted chest, and arms, and model like features. Yes this is true love. You don't really get to know Edward in the books at all, and for being a vampire over 200 year old he's sure quite immature, and unstable.

I LOATHE this book to pieces. I honestly wish the saga's were banned, only due to the fact that these young girls would not believe that a personality trait such as Edward 's is known to be such the perfect man, because the personality trait wouldn't even be considered a man, but a coward, and monster.
Honestly what I think of Twilight... Hmm... WORST BOOK EVER!!!! Not only does Stephanie Meyers, give young girls the impression that having an emotional abusive relationship is alright, but to also be a girl who is so co-Dependant on a guy, forget your friends, lie to parents, have your life evolve around one person to be just fine. Yes this seems so healthy! This also seems to be alright to teach young girls.

I just very much dislike her for the fact that girls believe Edward is the perfect boyfriend, and that what Bella, and Edward has is true love. First of all it's lust/infatuation. Edward is a vegetarian, but is infatuated by Bella because of the scent of her blood, because she would taste good. Bella is infatuated with Edward due to the fact that he has a perfectly sculpted chest, and arms, and model like features. Yes this is true love. You don't really get to know Edward in the books at all, and for being a vampire over 200 year old he's sure quite immature, and unstable.

I LOATHE this book to pieces. I honestly wish the saga's were banned, only due to the fact that these young girls would not believe that a personality trait such as Edward 's is known to be such the perfect man, because the personality trait wouldn't even be considered a man, but a coward, and monster.
I love everything that you just said. Major kudos. :clapping::clapping::clapping: