TV Alert My Friend Michael Jackson

He was still saying he told MJ stop the pill popping crap again! *rolleyes* even though he said many times he never ACTUALLY seen MJ pop pills he still says he was abusing them! LOL!

He even cried at one point remembering MJ and I felt nothing for Uri not a sorry, not nothing I just said look at his crocodile tears! I mean he introduced MJ to bashir.......and it was gross to see the rabbi who was shown in the home videos uri was showing given MJ a hug too! I was like look at that smuck!
Uri Gellar can go straight to hell!

You see how life is unfair? he still continues to use up precious air and Michael is gone, how fair is that?
may i ask what does pill popping have to do with his death,cuz i understand cm injected him and he died, am i wrong? oh , so what is uri geller's point. hmmmmm
Don't watch it. Its terrible. It got slated when it aired him as the media called Uri fake and 'the latest one to sell out Jackson's name for money.'
Uri Geller, he is the one who called Michael anti semitic and set him up with Martin Bashir and implied he was guilty of child allegations in 2003 but yet in recent documentary said he knew he was innocent as he had hypnotised him without him knowing, which is also unethical, nevertheless if he knew he was innocent in the 90s why did Uri imply he was guilty in 2003 . I believe this is because he was part of a team to character assassinate Michael

All Uri sees in his fake friendship with Michael is $$$$$$$$.

He also has told a lot of lies about Michael
Uri Geller is such a weirdo. I've always thought that. He comes across as being so freaky and it worries me that Michael actually spent time around a person like that; travelled with him and stuff... Shit.
"Conspiracy is all around me"
Jul 10 2006, 05:42 AM

Tommy Mottolla was the instigater, he had a motive, and he did make that comment " One day 93 will come back and haunt Michael". Bashir's brother was Mottolla's driver, so in comes Bashir who knew he could get to Michael through Uri.

By the time Bashir starts filming at Neverland the Arviso's had already been sent away, and Schaffel though fired was still working at NVE as was Backerman, and they were planning at this point to write a book.

Konitzer who we believe to be a Sony plant and had power of attorney was in constant touch with NVE office as was Dieter Wiezner, Konitzer was also a good friend of Mottolla.

Bashir tells Michael that he wants to film him with some kids he had helped. Bashir filmed the boy who was burned by his father. So with the Arvisos gone means somebody told Bashir about this family and conveniently Bashir wanted to film them.

Schaffel all this time wanted to get back with Michael and Somehow according to Evvy he ended up in Germany at the Bambi Awards, "between Germany and the release of LWMJ I dont know where Schaffel was other than at NVE schemeing." but its clear he had time to become acquainted with Bashir.

On January 24th 03 the transcripts for LWMJ were delivered to Schaffel by Kathryn Milofsky from Granada TV UK. She said it would be very damaging to Michael.
Schaffel called Wiezner who was at Neverland Ranch to let Michael know about the transcript.

This was the chance Schaffel needed to get back in with Mike. Schaffel told Michael the Arviso's could ruin your career, they could blackmail you. It was Schaffel, Konitzer and Wiezner's idea for the rebutal video.

As well as Michael being stuck once more with the Arviso's LWMJ was aired in the UK then in US. We all know what happened from here. Michael was set up big time by all the above mentioned, but I believe Mottolla was the main player.
how some people be so unbelievably hypocritical??? is so beyond me.