TV Alert: Michael Jackson: Our Icon


Proud Member
Aug 31, 2009
Brooklyn/Manhattan, NY
Has this aired before? I want to see it, as it is regarding the Ebony photoshoot at the Brooklyn Museum...

Cntric (channel 89 on Time Warner Cable, NYC)

Thursday, December 3, 10:30pm - 11:00pm

Singer Michael Jackson takes part in a December 2007 photoshoot for Ebony magazine.
Nope. I haven't seen this either but I really enjoyed it! Thanks for posting the links.

The way MJ worked....he's a genius.
Stuff like laying on his back singing to achieve a certain sound.

He did Billie Jean in one take. :eek:

And the part in there where he says he wants to bring happiness to people with his music. Mission accomplished MJ. :)
But yet he feels he had nothing to do with it. That it comes from the Heavens.

The video froze on the part talking about his feelings about Obama.
I would have loved to hear that.

How much more truth is it when B. McKnight said: We had no warning.
(referring to MJ's passing)

Thanks again for posting.
Bearden: (re) Michael's blackness and Obama
Bearden: MJ said to me "You know what I did when he won?"
Bearden said: "No what did you do?"
MJ: I just cried.
Bearden: says MJ said, not only was this a victory for black people, and it was, but it was a victory for the whole world because we need that energy in the world right now. We need to embrace the LOVE. He was always talking about love.
^Thanks for that. :)

The first part about Obama kept freezing on me, but I caught the part
when Beardon said MJ's always talking about LOVE.

Miss him.
I have just watched it for the first time. The last two minutes of it had me crying like a baby. Michael I miss you so much.
Ok, just watched. Really nice. My impression from the description of this show from TV was that they would cover more of the photoshoot. But this was nice.

I can only imagine the pride and joy Michael felt when Obama won. That was a magical night if there ever was one. It was a special night that I know I will never forget.
Thanks for posting. I missed this one when it came on. Based on the youtube date I'm guessing this was one of the many tributes that aired during his bday? I remember avoiding most of those cuz they were too hard to take, but I'm glad I checked this one out now. I think this might be the first time I've heard of Michael's reaction to Obama becoming president. Awwwness! :wub: And loved the additional footage and pix of the Ebony shoot. Bearden's accounts of MJ are always awesome (same as Ortega and Payne). He should def do more interviews. LOL @ the grits! :lol:

Lovely tribute. More smiles than sadness. Thanks for sharing it. :flowers:
i appreciate all the tributes. i'm glad they are positive. at the same time, i'm just...tired of seeing reminders that...

he's not here. but...i would be hurt if those tributes were not there..

just...totally mixed..for me.
i appreciate all the tributes. i'm glad they are positive. at the same time, i'm just...tired of seeing reminders that...

he's not here. but...i would be hurt if those tributes were not there..

just...totally mixed..for me.

Yes, I understand that too. There are times when I can not listen or watch and there are times what I can not see and hear enough of him.
I have seen it on BET. You can find it on YouTube too. I think it was a good show.

Thanks. :) I don't get Cntric Channel I do get BET and every other channel,though..

Did everyone see The TV special on the FUSE channel 'Michael Jackson: Devotion'
It is done in very Positive Light.

If anyone knows where any other MJ related airings on Cntric that are on youtube etc. please link..? Thanks :)
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