*** TV Alert *** Last Days of Michael Jackson

I have the TV Guide channel and they are showing Michael Jackson: His Family Dynasty.
There is some confusion here. The E Station has the Last Days of Michael Jackson and the TV Guide Channel has Michael Jackson: His Family Dynasty.
Ugh. Haters. So glad I stuck to my guns and didn't give them any ratings. *Off to write another e-mail to E!*
The E! channel is showing the 'new' one. the TV guide channel show sthis CRAP since July everyday.. man this is fed-up crap on E! i am going to call or email them. SICK
saying he shoot up in between his toes in his groin he never slept with lisa same old trash leaving the public to think he wasa drug addict child M*** freak. I am disgusted.
LIES LIES LIES!!! and to think these type of shows and all the news reports from June 25th through now are archived and will be re aired through-out history.. I hate this.. i am not going to let them destroy him.


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I watched it a couple of times before too, but I picked up on something tonight. I can't remember who it was who said that if MJ's kids wanted to go into the show business, how would MJ react and that nobody would know. Funny I remember him saying exactly what he would do if one or more if his children expressed interest in the music business. He said it on Barbara Walters I believe and he said he would make sure they would know the negative side of the business as well as the positive side.
Let's face it guys. We are waiting on the media to do something they are not going to do. Have a little bit of integraty. They are to stupid to realize that if they put positive things on they will get more viewers. His millions of fans and maybe curious people. Example the Memorial Service. The millions of magazines sold. Look. I'm saying it is time for the fans to take action. The MJJ Legacy Project is finding strategic ways to get the fans messages across in an intellectual way. We want to get away from random complaints and call for doing things big through the mass of fans MJ has. It is our time. Forget E! and all the other E! like shows. They will never do right by him, but we will do right by him. We are letting a small few out shout us. We are much larger than they are. We are from several countries and all walks of life. We even have in the closet fans. Don't worry we are organizing for small battles and the ultimate is to win the war. With that said, we will still have none believers and idiots, but our message will be out there.
For those who couldn't watch, you didn't miss anything.

The ONLY thing "new" was the backdrop. So I don't know what their supposed "investigation" was. :doh:

It was just a combination of interview responses/comments already aired since June 25th...

I'm even disappointed in Aphrodite's comment about Michael's abuse as a child by Joe, being exaggerated or blown out of proportion...I can't recall her exact words. I intend to let her know it too.
he was a sensitive child, a sensitive person. what affects me (especially when we're kids just developing our defenses) might not affect you the same way.

that was a point she should have made succintly. I expected better of Aphrodite Jones. maybe she was edited in that comment? I wouldn't put it past them. I mean, Stacy Brown, Diane Dimond, Ian Halperin, Leonard Rowe?

come on. what a farce!
For those who couldn't watch, you didn't miss anything.

The ONLY thing "new" was the backdrop. So I don't know what their supposed "investigation" was. :doh:

It was just a combination of interview responses/comments already aired since June 25th...

I'm even disappointed in Aphrodite's comment about Michael's abuse as a child by Joe, being exaggerated or blown out of proportion...I can't recall her exact words. I intend to let her know it too.

When Ian Halperin appeared I knew the story was destroyed. I am like Leonard Rowe,Stacy Brown, that nurse,Diane Dimond? I am like has anyone noticed they can never interview Mike's true friends like Elizabeth, Chris,Steve Harvey and Manning, Maculay,Akon because guess what they will take whatever moments they had with Michael to themselves meaning the media can take a flying leap.
Let's face it guys. We are waiting on the media to do something they are not going to do. Have a little bit of integraty. They are to stupid to realize that if they put positive things on they will get more viewers. His millions of fans and maybe curious people. Example the Memorial Service. The millions of magazines sold. Look. I'm saying it is time for the fans to take action. The MJJ Legacy Project is finding strategic ways to get the fans messages across in an intellectual way. We want to get away from random complaints and call for doing things big through the mass of fans MJ has. It is our time. Forget E! and all the other E! like shows. They will never do right by him, but we will do right by him. We are letting a small few out shout us. We are much larger than they are. We are from several countries and all walks of life. We even have in the closet fans. Don't worry we are organizing for small battles and the ultimate is to win the war. With that said, we will still have none believers and idiots, but our message will be out there.

Well said.
I couldn't watch it. Once I saw Diane Diamond and Ian Halperin's faces I kinda had this weird sick feeling in my stomach...

Good thing is that these shows don't get much attraction from audiences. We don't have to worry too much since most don't watch silly shows like this one. I just hope they don't plan on airing it that much.

Does anyone else feel exhausted from all this? Sometimes I feel physically and emotionally tired from all the drama...
Ms. Jones is just exploiting Michael's name, she's really no different then the rest of them...just because you write a book doesn't mean you are on the up and up. She trashed Michael during the trial along with all the rest....then suddenly develops a "conscience" and writes her book...another Diane.
Ms. Jones is just exploiting Michael's name, she's really no different then the rest of them...just because you write a book doesn't mean you are on the up and up. She trashed Michael during the trial along with all the rest....then suddenly develops a "conscience" and writes her book...another Diane.

I have a feeling you hit the nail on the head there.
Forget E! and all the other E! like shows. They will never do right by him, but we will do right by him.
Not entirely true cus The Soup made sense of all the media coverage of how much they love to sensationalize stuff and the rampant speculation.
Ms. Jones is just exploiting Michael's name, she's really no different then the rest of them...just because you write a book doesn't mean you are on the up and up. She trashed Michael during the trial along with all the rest....then suddenly develops a "conscience" and writes her book...another Diane.

I didn't see the show, so I can't say, but...I'd be really *really* disappointed if this were true. I find this blog http://michaeljacksonconspiracy.blogspot.com (from 2007, admittedly) very interesting - she's totally trashing Diane Dimond and that media crew....Was she unaware they'd be partaking tonight? Were her words severely edited and twisted? This is just...interesting, to say the least.
Just read off another MJ board that Diane Demon stated as fact that Michael and LMP were never intimate. . . what a joke! The woman followed him all over the world for almost 3 years after their divorce and I don't think they were just meeting up as friends.

How the heck would she know that?! Was she constantly peeping in on them?! I absolutely hate that these entertainment shows go to Diane Demon as the expert in MJ. It's worse than Taraborelli! She just wants to drive her point that MJ was a pedo.

I just don't understand how these people have no conscience about what they are doing. There are just some sick, sick people in the world.
I agree, once DD face appeared I had to turn away. E picked the lowest of the low then through in others like Rev Al & Majestic to make thier program seem legit. Dd, Ian Stacy come on.
Just read off another MJ board that Diane Demon stated as fact that Michael and LMP were never intimate. . . what a joke! The woman followed him all over the world for almost 3 years after their divorce and I don't think they were just meeting up as friends.

How the heck would she know that?! Was she constantly peeping in on them?! I absolutely hate that these entertainment shows go to Diane Demon as the expert in MJ. It's worse than Taraborelli! She just wants to drive her point that MJ was a pedo.

I just don't understand how these people have no conscience about what they are doing. There are just some sick, sick people in the world.

I think Diane Dimond needs some serious help. she's got issues. just my opinion.
Just read off another MJ board that Diane Demon stated as fact that Michael and LMP were never intimate. . . what a joke! The woman followed him all over the world for almost 3 years after their divorce and I don't think they were just meeting up as friends.

How the heck would she know that?! Was she constantly peeping in on them?! I absolutely hate that these entertainment shows go to Diane Demon as the expert in MJ. It's worse than Taraborelli! She just wants to drive her point that MJ was a pedo.

I just don't understand how these people have no conscience about what they are doing. There are just some sick, sick people in the world.

yup, this was the clip that made me so angry!! how can she say that??!