tv alert: Issues W/ Jane Valez-Mitchell


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
They will be talking about possible charges against Murderer tonight on Issues With Jane Valez -Mitchell on HLN News and views. I know it is sort of tabloid, but just to let people know. :angel: I pray it is a least 2nd degree MURDER.

Don't shoot the messenger.
knowing how Jane Valez Mitchell feels about Michael, I'll pass
The discussion is revolving around involuntary manslaughter (area of negligence).
Why in the world would I want to give this hateful woman any ratings? I dont' understand some of the "so-called" Michael fans sometimes. JVM, Nancy Grace and others are only tabloid, sensationalist programming. They care nothing about the subjects they portray. They only care about ratings and making names for themselves. NO, thanks! I will get my updates from more reputable sources.
Why in the world would I want to give this hateful woman any ratings? I dont' understand some of the "so-called" Michael fans sometimes. JVM, Nancy Grace and others are only tabloid, sensationalist programming. They care nothing about the subjects they portray. They only care about ratings and making names for themselves. NO, thanks! I will get my updates from more reputable sources.

Chillllllll outtt
They were just alerting us. It's not like they run the show, no need to get worked up over this. Thanks for the heads up tofdel1.
Thanks Xodenon.

MrsMJ2007 Sorry, but you don't know what kind of fan I am. You may want to reread my post again if you didn't understand what I said.

I really don't understand other "so called fans" who continue to judge other "so called fans" who they don't even know.

I was just trying to alert those who choose to watch the show. No one said you had to.

L-O-V-E :cheeky:
I'm Just Tired of Jane using Mike, and Britney Murphy's deaths to promote her agenda even though we hardly know anything about those cases. And Michael's death was used to promote her damn book.

Thanks for the reminder though OP. :)
what I don't understand is how she can put Michel down when she has her own issues? :doh::no:
Because that is they way life goes with people in general. Think about it. the person who often raise the most noise is often the one who is not doing right him/herself. It never fails. Misery loves company. YOu will never see Bill Gates degrading Donald Trump but a broke person will degrade both men.
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Sorry but I'd rather get my Michael Jackson related information from anybody except Jane, Nancy and folks of that ilk. I wouldn't watch them if you paid me!

Anyway, I'm sure she will be glad to know that her program was PROMOTED on a Michael Jackson fansite.
I don't want to hear any more of these people discussing it, the only thing I want to hear is that Murrey has been arrested, all these people do is talk, most of them wanted Michael to die in jail, now they have the audacity to talk about him just for ratings. I won't be adding to them.