TV ALERT- Geraldo at Large, Michael Jackson Investigation tonight (10pm EST, 7pm PST)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I got this information from another MJ forum. Thanks to candykisses.

Apparently, Geraldo is going to discuss why the investigation is taking so long.

Starts in 15 minutes on the Fox News network. . . (ugh, :() I just saw on my TV Guide network that it was air again at 10pm for the west coast.

Michael Jackson investigation – Geraldo at Large – 20/12/09

Geraldo Rivera will be discussing the latest news on the Michael Jackson homicide investigation on Fox News: Geraldo at Large on Sunday 20th December 2009 at 10pm EST.

On the panel will be MJ’s former criminal defence attorney Mark Geragos, Kimberley Guilfoyle (legal analyst) and Dr Susan Essien Etok.
I'm sure Geraldo is'nt coming with anything new and why is he even having that Etok woman on? crazy that one is.
well right now they're talking about Brittany Murphy. they think Diabetes might be the reason :(
they are also saying they found some time of perscription drug in the house ..hmm who knows
well that was a bunch of nothing...why this surprises me I dont know.
Etok said that Michael called her too and asked her for Diprivan and Propofol.......

he seemed kind of hesitant to say it......
I only caught a little bit because my family is over and the men want to watch football. I did catch Brian Oxman and Susan Etok on a panel. So, I guess it was just a bunch of bull shyt, right? Oh wellz. . .
Is Etok the lady we assumed was crazy because she said MJ also wanted to have a baby with her?
Is Etok the lady we assumed was crazy because she said MJ also wanted to have a baby with her?

what? well, if ms. billie jean said that, then im not going to believe her when she said michael called her and asked for diprivan and propofol
I only caught a little bit because my family is over and the men want to watch football. I did catch Brian Oxman and Susan Etok on a panel. So, I guess it was just a bunch of bull shyt, right? Oh wellz. . .

Oxman was on there? I've been waiting to hear from that guy. He's the one who started the whole Demerol, Oxycontin, Xanax garbage that was in the press for months after MJ died.
yes she did that , she even asked Firpo Carr to confirm that she had been MJ's girfriend since 1993 and it was a secret he knew about plus his family . Firpo posted the email she sent to him , the woman is a greedy bitch who will do anything to get some $$$$
Thanks for the heads up on this show. I usually DVR it but haven't watched lately because Geraldo insists on having that Anne Coultergeist on all the time. :smilerolleyes:

Oxman said he's been in touch with Attorney General Jerry Brown and the prosecutors in Los Angeles and he says they are being very circumspect and they want to do this right. He says at the 6 month anniversary point we are going to start to see some frustration set in (heh, he should visit the fan boards for frustration). He says we'd like to see some action take place and he says he thinks we're going to being seeing something soon.
How is Geraldo even relevant anymore? Talk about someone wanting the spotlight one more time ... Just more tabloid crap from someone who started the whole Jerry Springer era. Investigation ... ? What did he investigate? More like 'REVEALING NEW ACCUSATIONS' type junk :smilerolleyes:
I only caught a little bit because my family is over and the men want to watch football. I did catch Brian Oxman and Susan Etok on a panel. So, I guess it was just a bunch of bull shyt, right? Oh wellz. . .

Thank you thank you for mentioning Oxman was on it. I would have been disappointed for missing it otherwise, but now I'm enthused I didn't see it. He's worse than Diane Demon, but at least she makes no pretense about hating Michael. Oxman is a backstabbing opportunist.
How is Geraldo even relevant anymore? Talk about someone wanting the spotlight one more time ... Just more tabloid crap from someone who started the whole Jerry Springer era. Investigation ... ? What did he investigate? More like 'REVEALING NEW ACCUSATIONS' type junk :smilerolleyes:

I give Geraldo more of a break than others in the press. He was saying the trial was a farce while it was happening, one if not the only one in the media, giving Michael any kind of break during the time.
Could someone Please link a video online? I missed it, the weird thing is a few days ago I was surfing though the major news channels and I thought to myself where's Geraldo at,he did say he'd follow this case. But please could someone post a link to watch it? Even though I may not like the people on the panel,I do want to hear what they do say. Thank You in advance.
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on other board they said Geraldo said the work done usually by the LAPD is now done by the GA .

which is very untrue , the GA is investigating the other doctors , especially klien and his 27 incidents of self prescribing . the police and DA are the one involved with MJ's death .
Well if anyone happens to find it on their DVR or a link online i.e FOX News, a link would be nice.. Love & Peace
Etok said that Michael called her too and asked her for Diprivan and Propofol.......

he seemed kind of hesitant to say it......

:doh: mhmm just like Mike asked her to have his 4th kid lmfao. wooh this Etok really gives me a good laugh, mmm I tell ya. :lol:
I only caught a little bit because my family is over and the men want to watch football. I did catch Brian Oxman and Susan Etok on a panel. So, I guess it was just a bunch of bull shyt, right? Oh wellz. . .

oh man, Oxman was there too? :doh: Yep him and Etok as a team will deff give us "new" and "factual" info. :smilerolleyes: What a waste of a show ehh? and now Etok is trying to say that Mike called her for Propofol now too? Ok so Mike called her to have his 4th child, to give him propofol, come on Etok what else? I doubt Etok even knew Mike at all. Who knows if she even met him. She gave us nothing for proof to her lil' claims. That woman is a complete joke.
Oh heck NAW, I'll catch the Youtubes.

I can't STAND Oxman. Etok is a crazy attention seeker wanting to remain relevant.

oh man, Oxman was there too? :doh: Yep him and Etok as a team will deff give us "new" and "factual" info. :smilerolleyes: What a waste of a show ehh? and now Etok is trying to say that Mike called her for Propofol now too? Ok so Mike called her to have his 4th child, to give him propofol, come on Etok what else? I doubt Etok even knew Mike at all. Who knows if she even met him. She gave us nothing for proof to her lil' claims. That woman is a complete joke.