**TV ALERT**Conrad Murray on GMA

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Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I just read on another forum that Murray will be interviewed on Good Morning America tomorrow Tuesday April 6. I thought you guys might want to see what he is thinking and all that stuff. Since he is STILL a free man, lets see what he is thinking to himself... Anyway the show comes on ABC at 7 am.
son of a BITCH!!!

no doubt what will be asked. but they will spin the ish out of it like CRAZY
I just read on another forum that Murray will be interviewed on Good Morning America tomorrow Tuesday April 6. I thought you guys might want to see what he is thinking and all that stuff. Since he is STILL a free man, lets see what he is thinking to himself... Anyway the show comes on ABC at 7 am.

Really? This is really true? :bugeyed I do not think he will do it. lol! :doh: I just want to see it....
what story will he come up with next? How many more lies can he spew over the fans? What we want to see is JUSTICE and Michael aint getting it but Murray is getting media buzz and hes getting paid for these interviews so what is he going to come up with next? Its so sad really that he has no balls. I mean this "Man" has killed a person yet hes walking free as hell and Michael is laying in..... well hes not with us anymore. How is this right How can this scum bag be able to walk around on his own 2 legs when someone the world over loved so much is dead?!?!?! I dont understand how Michael was put through hell and made to go to jail and this man is out doing god knows what? it not only makes me sick but it makes me want to hurt this man.
do we have a source for this info? GMA website does not say anything
Are you sure about this?!
I hope this loser doesn't go on there to gain sympathy for his screwed up life....
do we have a source for this info? GMA website does not say anything

I don't see anything either and I think GMA would be advertising a Conrad Murray appear like crazy. But if he does show up... :no:
Don't you feel like crying?
I do :weeping:

I hope this will not happen.
Um, he better stay the eff out of my city! I have to leave my apt by 6:30am and I sure as heyyyyell don't wanna be runnin' into him on my way to class. :angry:

I don't think I believe this. -_-
id love a source for this please like idk what but i want to know where you got your info at please.
I just don't think this will happen, that lawyer is not gonna allow an interview of this man, the doctor may incriminate himself.

But then again I didn't expect that youtube video that was up either.
What the hell! Is this true? Is there a source for this?
It really pisses me off that the man who killed Michael is actually getting 5 minutes of fame. 5 minutes of fame he doesn't deserve one bit.

I can only imagine what will be asked...this makes me sad. :(
I really dont think this is true. As one member said i doubt very much that his lawyer would allow it, and secondly wouldnt the judge put a gag order or somethin?
i wouldn't be surprised if evil abc tv came up with that idea, whether or not it happens.
guys I'm going to close this thread as we cannot find any source for this information.
if indeed dr. murray appears on GMA tomorrow we can open a new thread.
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