Tunisian Girl Commits Suicide After Michael Jackson's Death!!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
You surely remember how Michael Jackson fans went mad when he appeared in stage.
Girls would shout and scream and in many cases faint!
How many fans were rushed to the hospital to receive immediate medical attention during MJ's LIVE events?

Well, now that he's passed away, that doesn't mean such incidents are over!
The first suicide following the death of Michael Jackson happened in Tunisia, where a young girl, from a rich part of the capital, locked herself in her room after hearing the sad news, watched nothing but MJ videos for days and then swallowed a large number of tablets that resulted in her death.

michael jackson double pavel talalayev

In Russia, MJ's look-alike, Pável Talaláyev, attempted suicide but was given medical attention that saved his life.
Talaláyev spend most of his life trying to get as close as possible to his idol; he went under the knife several times, bought Jackson’s stage costumes and spent hours rehearsing the dance moves from Jackson’s shows and music videos.
After being revived and saved, he said: "I don’t know why the doctors saved me. I want to be with Michael, and I will kill myself anyway."

There's been about 12 suicides, from what I hear...
Terrible, Michael would want us to live. :(
Although, I'm not going to judge, I was thinking about it too, but you guys changed my mind. :cry: I love you more.
this is unbelievably tragic, nobody i mean NOBODY no matter how much MJ meant to them should think about ending their life because he's gone.. Michael would never want people to do that, he'd probably cry for days and days if he knew
Michael certainly would be upset by this. What Michael would want is for us to continue to love each other do our part to make the world a better place. That is what his legacy is all about. Lets live and do good.
There's been about 12 suicides, from what I hear...
Terrible, Michael would want us to live. :(
Although, I'm not going to judge, I was thinking about it too, but you guys changed my mind. :cry: I love you more.

I also had wanted to kill myself. But I had realized Michael would not have wanted his fans to do that. Plus knowing that I would go to hell if I had killed myself was another reason that I didn't go through with it. I was brought up as a Brethren and in my religion we believe that you will go to hell if you commit suicide. God should be the only one that should take a person's life.
sad thread...i am glad that you all decided to stick around. Micheal would not want anyone to hurt themselves/
Yes good all of you are still here!

Michael wouldn't want anyone to hurt themselves or even commit suicide over his death for sure.

I'm sure he'd want ppl to ask for help. And help is available for everybody.
There are lots of helping systems around.

I'm glad we're here for eachother.
If some of the most die heard fans commit suicide, how are we going to keep his legacy alive?
What fans can do are to vote for him in some polls, get others ppl to know him and if you have kids, get them to enjoy his arts and tell them about him!
i wanted to kill somebody...but not myself. im still hurt angry and sad,but i know mike wud never want us to take our lives
i wanted to kill somebody...but not myself. im still hurt angry and sad,but i know mike wud never want us to take our lives

I would love to catch one of those brainwashed antis and kick the hell out of him.

I'm also still hurt and sad, but when you commit suicide, I'm pretty sure other things play a role. Michael's death was perhaps the straw that broke the camel's back.
What?! Terrible. I really wish these fans would stop and think before doing this. Death is so final. Once you're gone, that's it. You can't wake up the next day and change your mind and say that you've changed your mind and you don't know want to die anymore. How do these fans know they wouldn't have been able to cope better in time? Mostly all of us are devastated over MJ's death, but we're coping 'cause we have to. We all must go on. No one should kill themselves over Michael or over anyone for that matter imo. What about these people's families and loved ones? They must be in so much pain and that's something people who commit suicide should think about. They will be 'causing their loved ones so much pain, but they had to have other problems besides MJ dying. His dying was probably just the final thing that set them off. I don't believe any stable or truly sane person would do that otherwise.

Life is too precious though. You should never take it for granted and if people were really and truly MJ fans, they would know that. MJ never took his life for granted and lived it to the fullest. He loved life. He would never want fans of his killing themselves over his death. He would totally be against that and would be very sad over this. Killing yourself is not the answer! Please, I wish these fans would have considered talking to someone or getting some serious professional help. This whole situation is just tragic. It's already sad enough with MJ gone, but fans killing themselves now...damn, it's just ugh, beyond words. SO SO SO sad.
I do not know if it is indeed real ... but according to the news in Romania have been two cases of suicide attempts ... The two fans entered in alcoholic coma, and one tried to cut his veins ... I repeat, I do not know if it's official ... it announced the news ...
I sorry that people feel the need to committ suicide. These people had other issues going on in their life and they used Michael Jackson as a way to escape those issues and that isn't a good thing.
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Please let's refrain from judging dead ppl we never knew personally into 'real fans' or 'no fans in the real sense'.
However I agree that ppl comitting suicide usually do have more than one issue going on.
It's still sad though. It's a loss however one could might turn it around and around.
I do not know if it is indeed real ... but according to the news in Romania have been two cases of suicide attempts ... The two fans entered in alcoholic coma, and one tried to cut his veins ... I repeat, I do not know if it's official ... it announced the news ...

of course it's real, fans were left totally heartbroken and devastated everybody who loved him did
I didn't want to kill myself...but I didn't know how I was going to live with this...I thought I was going to loose my mind, I almost did when I learned he died! :cry: but I discovered I'm not the only one who feels this way and I try to find some comfort in that I try to find support and give support, and I also discovered how much I love his children...I think about them everyday now
Oh, I know that boy from Russia - Pavel. His dancing is amazing, even all moves from Billie Jean he always did perfect. I hope his friends and girlfriend will help him to survive now :(
I imagine anyone who would commit suicide over Michael must have other issues going on. Those of us who are well balance, though destraught and in pain can get through this.
i understand them.
i know it's not right, but this pain is so strong and so devastating...
when i heard the news i died...
i didn't wanted to commit suicide, because it's a big sin,
so i beged to god to kill me, just to stop this pain which was unbearable...
i wanted to die all my heart...
so i know why they did it...

i still don't know why to live... i have no future plans...
no i have one_ to meet michael's children....
i understand them.
i know it's not right, but this pain is so strong and so devastating...
when i heard the news i died...
i didn't wanted to commit suicide, because it's a big sin,
so i beged to god to kill me, just to stop this pain which was unbearable...
i wanted to die all my heart...
so i know why they did it...

i still don't know why to live... i have no future plans...
no i have one_ to meet michael's children....

May I just say that I'm happy you're still alive and welcome to this message board?!
You'll make more happy plans again, it will take time... but you will! *hugs*
I also had wanted to kill myself. But I had realized Michael would not have wanted his fans to do that. Plus knowing that I would go to hell if I had killed myself was another reason that I didn't go through with it. I was brought up as a Brethren and in my religion we believe that you will go to hell if you commit suicide. God should be the only one that should take a person's life.

Thats a friendly god you believe in. Nothing but love right...
Really sad. I saw on a TV show where some idiots laugh at the news! They are truely heartless and cruel people. Those fans who commit suicide, we cannot judge them. We don't know what else might be going on in their lifes. But I pray for them that they will find happiness in another world and I pray all the MJ fans in world to stay strong and continue on his legacy.
I'd been through suicide thoughts a few years back because of so much sadnest I'd faced. But I was young and naive back then so I don't know how to handle depression well. But I'm stronger now, eventhough I feel misarable even since the news, I just love MJ even more and I will try to influence as much people to love MJ as well and continue on his legacy!