Tumaini (Leave a Little Room For Hope)


As some of you here know, I got the chance to be in a movie this fall (really great role in the movie and I loved every minute of it). It's called Tumaini which is Swahili for Hope. I was so blessed to be a part of this project. My first film experience was not only wonderful because of the cast and crew, but I don't think I could have asked for a better project.

It encompasses so much of what I believe in and hold dear.

I just recently learned some more about the writer of the screenplay and some projects he's been working on. I was so impressed by what he and his friends are doing that I wanted to share. First I was just going to make a website so I would have something to refer to and also show anyone who was interested but then I thought why not share in here?

If I'm not mistaken, so many of Michael's fans are not just fans but also ambassadors for what he believes in and spreads as a message in his music. So if I am correct in that assumption, I know you'll all be very interested in what is happening in the world and what we can do to make it better.

It may not look like much on the facebook page but this is still the beginning stages. There is still a year to go before it get's put into Toronto Film Festival and other festivals and maybe then to a theater near you if it gets picked up. http://www.facebook.com/pages/courtesy-productions/84141714677?v=wall&viewas=510594292

The Story Synopsis is:
Tumaini Plot Summary

Saturday, May 23, 2009 at 11:30pm

By Steve Neufeld, Screenwriter

It is becoming impossible for Terry Bowman to reconcile his typical suburban lifestyle, with his first hand experience with extreme poverty. He is disappointed when Rene, his student, backs out of her plan to raise money to build a school in Kenya. Melody, his girlfriend, seems oblivious to his desire to make some serious sacrifices to make a difference. However, it is not until a hallucination in the form of a little Kenyan girl begins to haunt his classroom that he seriously doubts that he can teach highschool and live in the suburbs without being a hypocrite. His colleague Candace encourages him to follow his gut, but she is also vying for Terry’s affections. Meanwhile, Terry’s obsession is blinding him to Rene’s cries for help, as her incredible potential is squandered caring for her alcoholic mother. He begins to suspect that his vision, whose name is Tumaini, is there to convince him to engage in a more drastically humanitarian lifestyle, but when he starts moving in this direction, it finally dawns on him that he can have a huge impact on the world if he pours his desire for social justice, along with a lot of compassion and understanding, into his students.
Now Steve Neufeld has some other projects that are something that I want to share. Something I found out about just today. Tumaini is actually his personal sequel to a documentary type film he had made a few years ago titled "E for Everybody" like the movie rating.

http://www.unveilstudios.com/ take a look. I can't highlight there to copy past anything, but if you follow that to their productions, and click on the movie and info, it explains what it's about and you can watch clips of their documentary which one two awards but I can't read to see which ones..lol.

They also have a a website about more things they are doing and how we can help http://www.saveafricanow.org/documentary/index.html . and http://saveafricanow.org/v2/about/howitbegan.html where they are building orphanage, health care, schools, nursery, etc etc. You have to see it. They are doing what Michael wanted to do (from the sounds of it).

http://andrewkooman.com/ This is someone who is also a founder of the http://www.unveilstudios.com

You all gotta see it. So what started out as just another opportunity for me to get to act was actually so much more. This isn't a movie, it's a movement. Or at least it has potential to be. If it became that, it'd be wonderful.

I will be very disappointed if nobody is interested in this... but I'm going to post it anyways.

I hope people take interest. It only gets better from here.
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Wow, amazing stuff there Ape. So inspiring and so beautiful. I was especially touched by the movie trailer for Africa sing me your song http://saveafricanow.org/video/index.html I think I'll buy the DVD :)

This is what it's all about - providing for the children of the world and giving them the tools to improve their communities. Empowerment is a word I love in English, I don't know of any other language which expresses that message so well. How was the sayin'? Give a man a piece of bread and you feed him today, give him a ploughshare and he will feed himself a lifetime.

I really believe Africa needs not the crumbles from the table of the rich nations (there was a graphic showing just this, but I no longer have it), it needs not the pity of the 'developed' world, but only assistance in overcoming centuries of colonial oppression and exploitation of its resources, the greatest being its people. The rest they will do themselves, they are more than capable.

Colonialism not only created the premises for slavery and the depletion of natural resources, but also brought about in existence false state entities based on borderlines drawn by men who had neither interest, nor concern for the ethnic and tribal differences among people, thus setting up the stage for genocides such as the ones in Rwanda, Sierra Leone and Darfur. The quest for resources such as diamonds with the help of weaponry imported from the West, China and Russia not only fed the local power hungry, but crippled entire generations.

Jeffrey Sachs believes we could see the end of poverty by 2025. Unfortunately I haven't had the chance yet to read his book, but I sure hope he is right.

In any case, I have great faith and great hope that in Africa's youth stands its highest achievements yet to come. Timbuktu might be but a distant memory, but I hope the future will be filled with love and peace on that martyr of a continent hurt by our collective neglect, recklessness and disregard for human life.

And since I mentioned Darfur, here is a wonderful video song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQwCCm-H-sU&feature=fvw
Hello Ape,

This sounds like a movie I really want to see. What a wonderful premise in the storyline. It must have been a very special experience filming this movie and now I wonder who you are portraying. Candace perhaps ? When is it due to be released ?
Also the "E stands for Everyone" looks very interesting.
I stumbled upon this thread from lurking in the "Did MJ find love in the Dark" thread. I love all the deep thoughts, connections, introspective reflections and it is also what bonds us as MJ fans no doubt, finding the meaning of life, love and living in small, kind gestures and the earth and universe.
Please never stop with that thread, it is soulfood and food for thought.
The film sounds like it should be good. I like "Change is needed. Change is possible". I hope all goes well with the writer's projects. I look forward to seeing the trailer for the movie you are in Ape :)
Amazing Ape,
Thank you for showing us a little about this wonderful project, I'm glad you're participating in it. :)
I'm anxious to see the trailer, think I will like it a lot... Give us news! ;)
Thanks! :flowers:
Congrats Ape. :flowers: This sounds like a wonderful project you've been working on. Keep us updated. :)

Jeffrey Sachs believes we could see the end of poverty by 2025. Unfortunately I haven't had the chance yet to read his book, but I sure hope he is right.

Jeffrey Sachs did a very interesting and informative documentary with Angelina Jolie on Africa a few years ago that aired on Mtv. I'm not sure if it can be found on the web but it's definitely worth watching if it's available.
What?? I never replied? I was sure I had. Anyways I can't thank you all enough for your support in this. It warms my heart. It really does. Especially that you've seen the deeper reason for all of this. The bigger picture.

Here is a little about the writer of the screen play. They wrote a little article in the paper about him. As with most news articles they got some things wrong or at least not the whole story, but the main idea is there and it's not a bad article.
Amen and Amen, Ape!! I very much look forward to seeing that movie when it comes out! Time to break those chains! :)
They dyed her hair to semi match mine. I'm so ugly in it (I think). But I'm supposed to be dying of liver failure so... guess it works. She's sweet,and beautiful. I enjoyed acting with her. We played pretty well off each other I think. We both felt bad after being mean to each other in the scenes..lol.
I have no idea how I look other than pudgy..lol. I still haven't seen any of the filming yet. So guess what?? Come on guess!!!

The rough draft is DONE!!! I am so excited. The producer just mentioned it's done and he is watching it. I don't know if i get to see it or not but I am so surprise. I thought there wouldn't be a rough draft for ages since the movie isn't supposed to be completed till the fall of 2010. Anyways, it sounds like all is well so far cause his facebook thingy says "so lucky to have been surrounded by so many wonderful women in this movie...and Sam and Ryan too :)". :-D It would be an awesome Christmas present if he lets me see it.
:) Thank you Queen g.

I have more info now. First off, and I wish I could embed this, it's some of the soundtrack being created here. http://www.facebook.com/pages/court...#!/video/video.php?v=10150090114670265&ref=mf

I got the ok to share this with everyone so here's the letter I got from the Producer.

Good Morning Everyone;

Happy Family Day! It's been awhile since we wrapped shooting and I thought that all you good folks involved in Tumaini might be itching for some news on what's been happening. Or you might all be busy with your own lives and had completely blocked all memory of the project from your mind! Either way, here's what's going on.

We're chugging along towards the finish line in the post production world as our outstanding editor Colyn Brisebois has done 2 cuts of the movie thus far and is working towards the final picture edit of the movie which should be done around March 1st.

In the meantime the sound is being created and our head of sound will begin creating the aural landscape of the movie in the next few weeks. Also, our score composers, Andrew and Cameron Wiebe have been working furiously on the score for the film and we're all very excited about the direction it's taking. To that end we actually had a recording session last week with the Red Deer College Choir last week to capture 3 songs that will be used to help underscore some of the more dramatic moments of the picture.

One of the places the choral music will be used is over the opening credits where it will be paired with some incredibly moving footage that was shot a few years ago in Africa by our writer Steve Neufeld. Matt Orobko, your favourite director is currently cutting together that sequence to add to the finished film.

Lastly, I've been putting together all the marketing plans and materials which is no small feat either. Our poster is currently in design and will be unveiled in the coming weeks. I'm compiling a list of festivals, both here in Canada and around the world that we'll be submitting Tumaini to. We have a trailer running at the Galaxy Cinemas in conjunction with the Reel Movie Monday nights and there will be a new web teaser trailer added to the one already running on the Tumaini Youtube channel. (just search Tumaini Web Teaser if you haven't seen it) In addition I have begun planning for the gala premiere weekend in the Fall. I would encourage you all to keep the weekend of September 17th open...more information to follow.

Lastly, I have some very exciting news regarding DVD's. We have just begun offering pre-orders for exclusive collectors DVD packages online. Now I know that everyone involved in the making Tumaini is already getting a copy of the movie, but I'm sure all of your friends and relatives would jump at the chance to get their hands on one of our great DVD collectors packages! It's a simple and secure credit card transaction and they'll be able to help us raise money to get the word out and market Tumaini, so tell everyone you know to buy one today!

To buy any of the 6 Special Collectors Packages they just need to go to the link below and choose the package they want. It's easy!


Well that's it for now! Thanks again everyone for all your hard work on Tumaini and I hope 2010 is as rewarding for you as it's been for me thus far.

Leave a Little Room for Hope

Jeff Woodward

from there, it will go into festivals and so the DVDs could be pulled after if the movie is picked up by some production company to be shown in theaters(not the ones already bought but any new ones) if it's sold they'd probably tell them no more DVDs (other than the presold ones).

and you can pre-order the DVD for the fall of 2010 on
https://www.indiegogo.com/project/pledge/2940 or you can make pledges/donations or just read about it in here.

http://www.indiegogo.com/Tumaini?c=pledges click project home
gives a nice summary

It's an interesting experience and I'm proud and shy about it but was talked into sharing the trailer and all this with you guys.
from there, it will go into festivals and so the DVDs could be pulled after if the movie is picked up by some production company to be shown in theaters(not the ones already bought but any new ones) if it's sold they'd probably tell them no more DVDs (other than the presold ones).

and you can pre-order the DVD for the fall of 2010 on
https://www.indiegogo.com/project/pledge/2940 or you can make pledges/donations or just read about it in here.

http://www.indiegogo.com/Tumaini?c=pledges click project home
gives a nice summary

It's an interesting experience and I'm proud and shy about it but was talked into sharing the trailer and all this with you guys.

, my friend, you've got nothing to be shy about. You should only feel pride for being part of such an awesome project. One of these days imma get that DVD, best believe it :yes:

Simple love the music that features in the trailer how it develops (a crescendo of sorts) and matches the tension of the plot until the appex of 'freedom', love it. Also love the last line "i need my life to matter". Don't we all, don't we all?

God bless you.
:) Thank you both of you. I hope they can get it completed properly with the colour fixes and all that so that it looks like a quality film. I think it has that potential. I can't wait to see it either though I know it will be very difficult to be objective about it. It's hard for me to see it as it is because I know all the actors and my own role in it, it changes how I view it. If it's excellent, I can't tell. If it's crap, I can't tell..lol. I hope for excellence, but will be alright if it's just a good movie.
World Premiere of Tumaini!!! September 17th 2010

We now have a date for our World Premiere for Tumaini~!

More information to follow, but it will be September 17th 2010.
Re: World Premiere of Tumaini!!! September 17th 2010

We now have a date for our World Premiere for Tumaini~!

More information to follow, but it will be September 17th 2010.

Wonderful news, my friend. God bless. May the premiere go as you and the rest of the team want and even more so :)