Trouble Maker Inside Jackson Estate


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
The media is all about the story, the truth won't sell

Well lets try truth now. The article in the above link is being posted below.

According to Michael Jackson's younger sibling, some one inside the house is trying to bring scandal, get the authoritys to take Michael Jackson's children away from the family, and make a boat load of cash all in one fell swoop. A Jackson family insider apparently has struck a deal with a certain news media business to create salatious stories involving Jackson's kids.

On their twitter page this message was posted :

A private issue, handled internally. The 1 in the house that called TMZ&DCFS is on a mission 2 exploit us & separate the kids 4 her evil gain 1:29 PM Mar 4th via web

Next thing we know, all the headlines the following day stated "Debbie Rowe is upseat over stun gun, wants custody" pulling Rowe into the media farse. Some private pictures of the visibly upset Debbie were thrown into the mix. Only thing is, Rowe was upset while she was visiting her ex husbands burial site a Forest Lawn, but media reported otherwise. At Forrest Lawn, she was met by the fans who were also there to pay their respects to Michael Jackson on March 3rd, a ritual the fans do every 3rd day of each month since the beloved entertainer passed away.

The two stories are unrelated, but someone wants to link it togeter, and wrangle Mrs. Rowe into it as well. Since then crazy story, after crazy story has been coming out surrounding the Jackson Family. Everything from Jealousy rumors, to Michael jackson's children being hurt, to questing the safety of his kids. No doubt, the trouble maker is getting desperate. For whatever reason this person, feels betrayed by the family. And wants to futher scandalize the Jacksons, and does'nt care who gets caught in the mix.

Michael Jackson's children former nutritionist and nurse, Cherilyn Lee speaks out.

E! News caught up with Cherilyn Lee at Friday's MMPA Oscar Week Student Filmmakers Luncheon, and she had nothing but glowing things to say about Prince, Paris and Prince Michael.

"The kids are wonderful. They're very intelligent, and alert, they speak more than one language," she said. "They're well disciplined children. They are very loving, well adjusted kids."

Lee, still "communicates" with the Jackson's, and told E! News the children are doing well after the loss of their father. Due to the support of their large extended family, they are ajusting to the loss. "For any child losing a parent it is very difficult, but they have a strong family and they have their cousins. They're actually doing great."

Lee also believes that matriarch Katherine Jackson is "most definitely" the best possible guardian for the three children, and sees big things in their future. "They're very creative children. They have that from their father," she said. "Whatever they do is going to be very special."

one would think media news organizations would do some background work, and investigate for the facts first, but when theres big money to be made, a fact check takes a back seat.


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^ Who takes seriously this article is sloppily written..

Anyway, the fact is many people around the kids have their own agendas / vendettas:

Randy's and Joe's are well known

Alexandra ex-partner to both Randy & Jermaine;
and most probably other people we haven't heard from yet.

any of these people may be the troublemaker...or, someone has real & legitimate concern about these kids. No one knows what is really going on behind close doors. We have been told by attorneys & sources that the kids are happy, enjoying time with their cousins. But no one really know if it is true or just propaganda.

Expect the finger pointing to continue.

Sadly, these three innocent children are caught in the middle.
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Just read this story. Personally, I think it would be best if Katherine cleaned house of all those freeloaders in the house. There doesn't need to be anyone except her, MJs kids, security and necessary staff. This is the last thing she needs. We all know there are many people (including the media) who are working to get the kids away from the Jackson family. For some reason they still don't seem to accept that those are Michael's children!
Its too bad this "insider" is making life worse for these beautiful innocent children for their own personal gain. This has to be the lowest. How do they live with themselves?
You would think that these people could hire smart enough people to spell correctly for these so called articles.
i think we the fan should do something to show support for the Jackson to keep the children together there
Those children speak more than one language??


Because all Michael speaks is English. What intelligent children he brought up.
Just read this story. Personally, I think it would be best if Katherine cleaned house of all those freeloaders in the house. There doesn't need to be anyone except her, MJs kids, security and necessary staff. This is the last thing she needs. We all know there are many people (including the media) who are working to get the kids away from the Jackson family. For some reason they still don't seem to accept that those are Michael's children!

I agree completley. There needs to be some spring cleaning.
The kids know 2 or 3 foreign languages according to what Raymone Bain said, she said back then that ''even the little one knows 2/3 foreign languages, they are highly intelligent'' :lol: For her to emphasize on Blanket due to his young age I found it funny :lol: lol

As for the spring cleaning ain't gonna happen unless the MJ kids do it themselves once they turn 21/18/25 etc imo.
The thing is those children are going to move on with their own lives what will happen to all the freeloaders then? I somehow can\t imagine 35 year old Prince and 30 year old Blanket wanting to live at Hayvenhurst with a bunch of additional relatives raising their future offspring lol, but those who are freeloading now (not the siblings kids but the adults) would want to continue freeloading even then.

before i forget I don't think she is in touch with the family anymore (the nurse)
Please when a link is posted, give a description of what the link is for all to know what it is about. Thanks guys!