Triple J Hottest 100 of all time - vote for Michael!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Ok, for all of you who don't know about the 'Hottest 100', it's an annual countdown on radio station, Triple J (Australia). Each year there's a summation of the greatest hits from the past year that listeners vote on. Let me tell you now, the type of music is more rock/alternative/indie; not really stuff like Lady Gaga or Backstreet Boys. These are, somehow a few pop songs here and there. I really have trouble describing the stuff they play lol. My fellow Aussies will know what I'm talking about if they tune in to JJJ. And I must admit, I haven't actually heard one of Michael's songs on Triple J, but there have been countless remixes with Mj in them.

Soooooooo... this year it's the 20th anniversary of the Hottest 100, and Triple J are asking us what the hottest 100 of ALL TIME is. I think we should all get together and vote for some of Mj's popular songs. I know 'Billie Jean' or 'Beat it' may not be your favourite songs, but popular songs like these will have the best chance of getting included in the top tracks. You can choose up to ten songs in total and you can make a shortlist. Feel free to include any other notable artists/songs that aren't Mj if you wish. The songs aren't limited to the last 20 years either, so you can really go wild.

Anyway, voting instructions are on the website in the link below. They seem to be pretty straight forward. I think you just have to confirm your votes with your email address, so do this to make sure it counts :)

Come one guys, show the world, well mostly Australia that Mj is still the King of music. This countdown is a big deal :p

Oh, and by the way, if you vote, you automatically go into the draw for winning tickets to the Reading Festival in the UK, which is sold out. Full details are on the left column on the triple j website, so that's an added bonus ;)
ps. sorry i sooooo meant to post this in a different section and got carried away - in news and discussion. sorry :S
soo many votings.

It takes way tooo long to vote at that site.