Trailer during VMA...

Dangerous 1991 HIStory

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
It's dumb. Stupid. And retarded.
I hate how they are trying to force MJ fans to watch their crappy awards just to see the trailer.

But i won't! I hate those "money addicted pigs".
I agree...I don't want to watch their crappy awards either.
It'll be on Youtube within minutes of the trailer being aired anyway... so there's really no need to sit through the crappy show.
I haven't failed to tune in and watch the VMAs since 2001 and admittedly, one of the reasons being an MJ mention. So you can imagine how I must be feeling this year :lol:
The torrent for the whole show will be online a couple of hours after the show.
Just download the show so you can skip to the MJ related parts.
That way you don't influence the MTV ratings.:D
I just want to see Janet performance and the trailer and that's it

ye , me too.. but I think I will end up watching the hole show after all , but I will never forget how they treated Michael after everything he has done for them.
I just want to see Janet performance and the trailer and that's it

I feel the same. I don't think I want to watch the VMAs, I haven't in yrs. I hope somebody uploads the trailer and Janet's performance to YouTube immediately after they are shown. I'll be checkin the TII site for the trailer. Thanks for the link andyroser.