'Tragedy on top of tragedy, you know, its killing me...'


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
How long do you think there will be these stupid death stories? How long this is going to last? Its already killing me. Its actually so boring. I understand the death must be examinated but is it impossible to focus on music... I want to remember his music and visualise him alive again. I dont wanna remember him murdered and buried...
How long do you think there will be these stupid death stories? How long this is going to last? Its already killing me. Its actually so boring. I understand the death must be examinated but is it impossible to focus on music... I want to remember his music and visualise him alive again. I dont wanna remember him murdered and buried...

many more months, if not a year or two. thats just the way its going to be sorry :(

hopefully Sony will release some unreleased music & footage soon to ease the pain a little.
I know it's hard, but try not to pay it any attention. Like sidewalk said, this will go on for quite awhile.

years, and if there is a trial : don't even go there. Thank God for this community.
hell, then imagine the pain of elvis fans who felt that he was murdered but no justice. and then having ot move his body to graceland....
It is also killing me as well. I am always in a state of deep depression and sadness. Its been that way ever since I had heard the horrible news. I try not to pay any attention to the news but that is just so hard to do. Because I like watching the news. But whenever they start to talk about Michael. I just either turn the tv off or change the channel. Cause I am in enough pain as it is. I don't need to make it any more worst for me. The only thing that would probably ease some of the pain that I am always in. Is that Michael's killer is brought to justice. Until that happens I am just so very glad that I still have my MJ messageboard sites to go to. I don't know what I would do without them. And I still have my MJ music and videos to listen to and watch. Because they have been a great comfort to me. Even though it is still hard a little. But I tend to go back to the way I used to be whenever I watch one of my many MJ performances. Cause I am remembering Michael in a more happier time.
Unfortunately, I see this whole saga as neverending. I've just decided to stay away from media coverage of anything relating to his death for now. We now know what killed him, I really don't need to hear the harping pundits disect every little rumour to death with a sense of authority.

And for some reason, I don't think Michael Jackson will receive any justice when all is said and done (he sure never got any in life). I see some flimsy charges at the end of this but nothing more.
god its so hard isn't it I cant watch his video or listen to his music like I used to and I stopped watching tv coz I cant take any more of that trash :cry: so I get most of the news from here
and I hope that this will end soon and we will get more mj unreleased stuff and hear more positive news (I know it seems impossible but look at the cool tributes that are happening right now :wild: )
How long do you think there will be these stupid death stories? How long this is going to last? Its already killing me. Its actually so boring. I understand the death must be examinated but is it impossible to focus on music... I want to remember his music and visualise him alive again. I dont wanna remember him murdered and buried...

A year or two if LA County press charge against Dr. Murray and other doctors it will be all over the nets the media like a attention.
This thread title is from MJ's song 'Shout'... In case you didnt know. Damn, if this lasts a year or two thats so long time... But probably its possible because its Michael. This came so suddenly... No one was prepared. I waited for new music like never before and suddenly boom. Its hard to get used to with these death stories. People buy his music like nuts but rarely are talking about it... :/
hell, then imagine the pain of elvis fans who felt that he was murdered but no justice. and then having ot move his body to graceland....

:yes: :yes: The doctor got indicted on 14 counts and WALKED, the bastard is 82 still living, a constant reminder how Elvis been gone 32 plus years and his doctor resumed his life. I hope we get someone convicted in Michael's death.
Yeah, I'm getting burnt out by all the negative media coverage, I can't even watch TV anymore. I'm so sick of hearing about propofol and from all the "experts" and doctors who never even knew Michael, I wish they'd arrest Dr. Murray and get it over with, I don't know what they're waiting for. I get most of my news from the MJ board now.
I disagree that its tragedy on top of tragedy. There has only been one tragedy so far and that MJs death. Everything else can simply be expected. Another tragedy would be if another jackson family memebr died or the jackson family home burned to the ground or whatever , you get the point.
:yes: :yes: The doctor got indicted on 14 counts and WALKED, the bastard is 82 still living, a constant reminder how Elvis been gone 32 plus years and his doctor resumed his life. I hope we get someone convicted in Michael's death.

Wow , didnt know bout that.
:yes: :yes: The doctor got indicted on 14 counts and WALKED, the bastard is 82 still living, a constant reminder how Elvis been gone 32 plus years and his doctor resumed his life. I hope we get someone convicted in Michael's death.

This is all so true I remember i was 10 when elvis died...it was a very difficult time for a 10 year old...I was a big Elvis fan even at that early age........And the part of your post that says "I hope we get someone convicted in Michael's death"...............We HAVE to have someone convicted in Michael's death.....justice has GOT to be served for Michael.....it sure was not for Elvis. It is high time theses MURDERERS START PAYING THE PRICE FOR THEIR CRIMES.
Topflux, I understand you...

I want Michael to be at peace. Like many fans, I want him to get the justice that he deserves. However, I might be a little selfish when I say that I want things to just focus solely on his music legacy rather than his personal life. Like you said, I am just sick of all the news and I just want to remember Michael HAPPY!

I am tired..... I love Michael so much... and I am just tired of seeing his name tarnished over and over again by the media. It's killing me too.
This is all so true I remember i was 10 when elvis died...it was a very difficult time for a 10 year old...I was a big Elvis fan even at that early age........And the part of your post that says "I hope we get someone convicted in Michael's death"...............We HAVE to have someone convicted in Michael's death.....justice has GOT to be served for Michael.....it sure was not for Elvis. It is high time theses MURDERERS START PAYING THE PRICE FOR THEIR CRIMES.

I was short of turning 8 years old and I just remember my dad saying he heard people talking later about how that Dr. Nick got off and he had all of these friends who supported him and gave him jobs even after he was stripped of his medical license. It's beyond shameful that SOB who not only overmedicated Elvis but he also gave thousands of pills to Jerry Lew Lewis basically was able to do a big 'F-U' to our justice system. It Murray and Klein along with others get away with killing Michael, expect more celebrities to continue dying in years to come due to so called doctors knowing they can get away with it.
It seems as if history repeats itself, but I'm hoping in this case, a change DOES happen, and that it's a change for the better. Something positive HAS to come out of this...Although, I don't know what it is yet.
years, and if there is a trial : don't even go there. Thank God for this community.

thank good God ... if he exists that is (let's not go there, it just became a natural response for me,whenever God is mentioned...so don't mind please...)
hell, then imagine the pain of elvis fans who felt that he was murdered but no justice. and then having ot move his body to graceland....

This isn't about Elvis! This is about Mike....I really don't care how Elvis fans felt.....I'm sick of the comparisons.
Don't indulge in all the drama. That's the only way to try and stay unaffected by the circus. Don't read all the stories, don't go and discuss them, don't read all the websites or watch the news. Just don't expose yourself to them. Other than that, it's pretty much impossible.
This isn't about Elvis! This is about Mike....I really don't care how Elvis fans felt.....I'm sick of the comparisons.

Disrespecting others is against forum rules. Whether you like something or not does not change the similarities between the two men. If you don't like a topic then move on from it.
I disagree that its tragedy on top of tragedy. There has only been one tragedy so far and that MJs death. Everything else can simply be expected. Another tragedy would be if another jackson family memebr died or the jackson family home burned to the ground or whatever , you get the point.

You think there was no tragedies in his life..?
I was short of turning 8 years old and I just remember my dad saying he heard people talking later about how that Dr. Nick got off and he had all of these friends who supported him and gave him jobs even after he was stripped of his medical license. It's beyond shameful that SOB who not only overmedicated Elvis but he also gave thousands of pills to Jerry Lew Lewis basically was able to do a big 'F-U' to our justice system. It Murray and Klein along with others get away with killing Michael, expect more celebrities to continue dying in years to come due to so called doctors knowing they can get away with it.

This is so true.....It is about damn time that doctors start being held accountable for their action's......Murray and they rest of them....have taken someone from the world that can NEVER be replaced....Michael was far more than just an entertainer......regulations have to be made stricter on doc's writing scripts. Hopefully there will be a change on this and another loved person will not die to soon