Touching message from an older ladyfan!!!


Had to translate it but it warmed my heard.

It was sent to a magazine for women of age: (Margriet for the dutch people among us):

I would like to tell something.
People -considering my age- will probably laugh at me, but.....I am fan of Michael Jackson.
Being almost 75 years old i cried during his memorial. My husband left the room and said: "What do you see in that freak?".
But seriously, i find him amazing! When i hear his song Ben i cry to no end. And sometimes, when no one is home, I dance on Beat it.
Well, dancing. As far as that is possible with my new hip and new knee.Is that strange?? I believe it is. Because when i share my love for Michaels music with people they look at me in a pityful way. And thats before i told them anything about my other favorite: Prince with his Purple rain...
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I'm so glad you wrote what you did. Michael touched the lives of people of all ages. He loved the very young, the teenagers, middle aged people, older people, the elderly, the healthy, the sick, he was colorblind and I could go on and on.

Don't feel embarassed that at the age of 75 you love to think about MJ, dance to his music and appreciate his kindness and goodness. I sometimes think that younger people think that those over the age of 60 or 70 do not have daydreams, fantasies and hopes. MJ always loved many older women. He loved people (men & women) of all ages. MJ would love to have known that you felt the same way about him as any teenager or 20 or 30 something year old female.

Good for you for speaking up and speaking out. MJ would have loved to have met you.
Had to translate it but it warmed my heard.

It was sent to a magazine for women of age: (Margriet for the dutch people among us):

I would like to tell something.
People -considering my age- will probably laugh at me, but.....I am fan of Michael Jackson.
Being almost 75 years old i cried during his memorial. My husband left the room and said: "What do you see in that freak?".
But seriously, i find him amazing! When i hear his song Ben i cry to no end. And sometimes, when no one is home, I dance on Beat it.
Well, dancing. As far as that is possible with my new hip and new knee.Is that strange?? I believe it is. Because when i share my love for Michaels music with people they look at me in a pityful way. And thats before i told them anything about my other favorite: Prince with his Purple rain...

That is the sweetest thing i have heard! Wish I could give that lady a hug!