Tori Amos - the female Prince.


I think she's one of the only contemporary artists (male or female) who can compete with Prince in terms of:

1. Prolific output
2. The vast quantity and generally high quality of her B-sides and unreleased tracks

All her post-00's albums have practically been double albums, she even released two albums last year, which is something Prince has never done.

And any fan worth their salt knows that the huge amount of unreleased/b-side Tori material out there is staggering.

There really is no-one else around today that I know of who can compete with Prince on these fronts.
I'm officially jealous. I really wanted to see her when she played London last month, but I've seen her many times in the past and couldn't really afford it at the time.

How was it?
Amazing, wonderful, magical! She's a goddess! :bow: :wub:
But it was also very hard for me, very emotional. Her music touches my soul. And I'm still so sad about Michael... :( When she played Lovesong from The Cure I couldn't really hold back the tears... :weeping:

Too bad you couldn't go! :(
Amazing, wonderful, magical! She's a goddess! :bow: :wub:
But it was also very hard for me, very emotional. Her music touches my soul. And I'm still so sad about Michael... :( When she played Lovesong from The Cure I couldn't really hold back the tears... :weeping:

Too bad you couldn't go! :(

She is incredible.

This is my favourite Tori performance from recent years: