Top 10 Iconic U.S. Homes - #7: Neverland Ranch


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
#7: Neverland Ranch


In 1988, Michael Jackson set out to create his dream home on 2,600 acres of property he purchased in Santa Barbara County, Calif. While he left the property's Tudor-style home almost exactly as it was, he completely transformed the grounds into his own private amusement park, adding a zoo, two railroads, roller coasters, bumper cars, a Ferris wheel and a carousel. He appropriately named the property "Neverland Ranch," after the fantasy island in the story of Peter Pan, the boy who never grows up. Inside, the home was filled with Jackson's unique collection of valuables, including Star Wars paraphernalia, life-sized statues of fellow celebrities, a customized Rolls Royce limousine and an oil painting of the King of Pop himself dressed as a king. Although the home has stood empty since 2005, when Jackson vowed never to return to Neverland following the child abuse allegations he faced during his residency there, fans still visited the home to pay their respects after Jackson's death in June 2009.

The ranking will go way up once its open to the public. It really is a nice place.

I've heard that it took around 10 million per year to maintain. It's a ridiculously heavy number but with the size of neverland it seems pretty plausible, is this true?
The ranking will go way up once its open to the public. It really is a nice place.

I've heard that it took around 10 million per year to maintain. It's a ridiculously heavy number but with the size of neverland it seems pretty plausible, is this true?

No, 10 mill. is overrated...!!!

Max. 5-6 mill. per year, but the "number" is not so high imo, most of the expenses were because of the kids coming at Neverland.

But living there as the Jackson family - MJ and kids, would cost less.