tomorrow in Iran.. i already am scared :(

Jul 25, 2011
lost, lonely & scared... wanna live with Michael i
there is going to be a demo in iran as every year it has always been but this year, it seems there's gonna be a bloodshed. *scared*

goverment has odered the forces to fire on people who protest against the regim and there are a lot of people ready to defy guns with their bodies.
i already can see blood..

and there is gonna be alot of arresting which many will end to death pentalty.

God pleaaaaaaaase bring peace to Iran
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Oh no :( Are you in Iran then?

I've been following this news on tv, twitter etc.

I read two people were due to be hung for protesting. Is that actually true? It happened?
ohh no.. that is terrible :(

hugs to you sweety :hug:

(be safe)
stay safe!
i hope your country finds peace soon :(
Aww that's not nice :(

I hope Iran finds peace someday too. It's sad to see on the news all the violent things happening there..

Why are we not in Iran like we are Iraq/Afghanistan? Things like this shouldnt be happening, especially from the government.

Hope your ok
be safe,be strong,be very careful.heart goes out to people and places under such fear.

its all about l.o.v.e.
Why are we not in Iran like we are Iraq/Afghanistan? Things like this shouldnt be happening, especially from the government.

Hope your ok

Excuse me? You think violence will be solved with more violence?

My grandparents live there and the idea that a WAR will help a country is totally crazy to me. Have you seen the extent of damage Iraq is in? How much has Iraq truly benefitted?
Excuse me? You think violence will be solved with more violence?

My grandparents live there and the idea that a WAR will help a country is totally crazy to me. Have you seen the extent of damage Iraq is in? How much has Iraq truly benefitted?
i do agree but it seems that in the world of today, no peace can be gained without war.

i really don't know. but it seems the goverment of Iran is too strong for ordinary people who has no weapon to defeat. they r so strong supported by north korea.
Excuse me? You think violence will be solved with more violence?

My grandparents live there and the idea that a WAR will help a country is totally crazy to me. Have you seen the extent of damage Iraq is in? How much has Iraq truly benefitted?
I think ( I hope!) the person who posted that meant that maybe the 'western' countries could send troups to protect the people and help them achieve peace and freedom. However, it's sad that this has to happen with guns and armies and not through communicating.
i do agree but it seems that in the world of today, no peace can be gained without war.

i really don't know. but it seems the goverment of Iran is too strong for ordinary people who has no weapon to defeat. they r so strong supported by north korea.

Why the hell is North Korea involved?

Damn it.