Tom Cruise "dangles" his daughter Suri over a river


Proud Member
May 21, 2006


Did anyone just see that?!?!?!?!? He's dangling his baby over a river!!!! He's gonna toss her in!!!!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!


Ok, so obviously he doesn't want to toss her in- or hurt her in any way. But we'll see what the media has to say about THIS before I comment any further...hmph.
^ Yeah, interesting too see what they have to say this time.
THey'll probably show MJ dangling Blanket's images as an intro to this.... just to show ''Michael Jackson crazy side'' again... lol wait and see...
The media has said nothing about this. Makes me so angry, one rule for one person, one rule for another.
Well, the press makes fun of Tom a lot as well because of his Scientology, jumping on the couch on Oprah's show, saying he's really homosexual and his marraiges are fake, those comments he made to Brooke Shields about her depression, etc.
yea, to be fair the media also say Tom is a ''crazy nut job'' which is not fair to him either.

EDIT: If Jim Carrey was jumping on a Oprah couch, no one would make a fuss....that would be funny, but if Tom Cruise does, oh my god! ...Seriously.
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Where is Gloria Allred? Stop the Press!!
They attack Tom at every chance they get. Didnt he sue the bloody SUN or some other and got millions? Good on him. Michael should of done that as well.
The media has said nothing about this. Makes me so angry, one rule for one person, one rule for another.

:unsure: Yeah, if I hadn't come to this topic, I probably wouldn't have heard about it.

This just gives the media the chance to use Michael as the "poster boy" for dangling babies (which I don't think it was "dangling" when it was all for 3 seconds).

If they mention this at all, I doubt it will be anything like they did to Michael.

I have nothing to say about it though. It's really not a huge deal at all.
holy shit!!

well well well..

anyway...MJ fans know what is what. i just hope somebody puts this thread in the archives. cus it's not going to be on msn nbc abc cbs or anywhere else in the media, like MJ's no big deal incident was. but for the record, Cruise is dangling her by the hands, without quotations around the word dangling., Michael was holding his child in the crux of his arm and shoulder.
Tom Cruise is a media darling that's why you haven't heard anything about this.

Hardly. Well, maybe he used to...but I havent heard one positive Tom Cruise story for years.

Sure the media don't dig into him like they did with Michael, but all I hear about Tom is how much of a nut job he is, he's scarey scientology beliefs, his depressed looking wife, his over dressed daughter, still the weirdo who jumped on Oprah's chair, what happened to his decent movies etc etc etc

I think the media are so obsessed with this Suri kid that they see this as yet another "adorable little adventure for the little fashionette with her daddy". Blah

Media sucks. I can guanrentee if Michael had of done the same thing, it would have made as much news as the balcony incident.

And yes, probably if they do start talking about it, they will bring up Michael. That's how they make thier stupid little stories :(
That's horrible, he was going to drop her! Who in the right mind would do that. :doh::smilerolleyes:

Just trying to get his daughter closer - I'm surprised there hasn't been a huge outrage.
hhmmm...I havent heard a word about this from the media at all...hmmm I guess you get shit on only if your Michael Jackson.
hhmmm...I havent heard a word about this from the media at all...hmmm I guess you get shit on only if your Michael Jackson.

I know right?

I haven't heard much about Tom Cruise's supposed "craziness" except from my mom. lol. I really don't know his deal aside from that scientology stuff. Don't really care too much for Tom Cruise.
holy shit!!

well well well..

anyway...MJ fans know what is what. i just hope somebody puts this thread in the archives. cus it's not going to be on msn nbc abc cbs or anywhere else in the media, like MJ's no big deal incident was. but for the record, Cruise is dangling her by the hands, without quotations around the word dangling., Michael was holding his child in the crux of his arm and shoulder.

My thoughts exactly.

I debated with myself about even posting this...then I thought, yes, yes I am! It's the principal of how differently reporting is done, depending on who it is.
Well, the press makes fun of Tom a lot as well because of his Scientology, jumping on the couch on Oprah's show, saying he's really homosexual and his marraiges are fake, those comments he made to Brooke Shields about her depression, etc.

Yep they do that to him at times, Heck I remember the press debating the existence of Suri because they managed to keep the baby under wraps for a long time.
But I can't judge the picture because, I don't know how long that he held her over the water and stuff and It could have been a second. I refuse to do the same thing to Tom or other celebs that MJ haters to Mike.
If Michael had done something like this the media would have had a field day with it

It would have been all over the papers with an headline like this

''W*** J**** dangles helpless baby over raging waters''
yearh. Tom Cruise gets fifty/fifty treatment from the media. they reported when he rescued people from waters. and they're not reporting the subject of this thread. but they tried to say MJ was never charitable...his hand was forced to mention the curing of the cancer patient, himself, because he never liked to blow his own horn and talk about his charities.

and they hounded..HOUNDED him about the balcony incident till the day he died..and only THEN..THAT was an excuse to call him a drug addict, without real proof.

and, only now, like at other times, disingenuous 'positive' stuff(in order to sell a movie and claim he's worth more dead than alive..playing only billie jean, and not selling a song as a single..'this is it', when in reality, fans have always bought his other stuff and he sells equally before and after june, because you can't get any bigger than MJ)....the reality is it's all been one hundred percent turbo main stream media negative..and u had to dig up small time articles from sleuth fans to hear anything positive, before June.
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