Together We Stand- Do You Understand?

Sharon B. Sidney

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Together We Stand- Do You Understand? 1/07/11
I already understand some people may think it wrong of me to publicly discuss the things I am about to write and for them I ask to please attempt to understand my heart and frustration.

I have previously reached out to Michael Jackson’s fan community concerning inward turmoil amidst certain fans repetitively accused of doing hostile, unscrupulous and deceptive things created a shockwave effect causing division and separation of members from groups, clubs and communities.

I encouraged and even gone so far as to warn everyone claiming to be with this family member or that family member that if they continued in bad judgment then the witnessed truth concerning these parties involvement and co wrong doing amidst assertions of “others being jealous” and “spreading lies” against them while claiming no involvement would be made known to the family. Some of these parties appear to have unified however their unscrupulous efforts have continued and conjoined with a byproduct of product of perpetual severing amidst Michael’s fan community in process of what can easily be perceived as pursuing self glorification, personal importance and deception.

I have prayed and debated on how to approach what I learned concerning Michael’s fans at the court house today… As everyone is aware when I see things that are wrong I stand for what is right. What I am about to say may anger some people and ruffle feathers but it needs to be said.

Today God placed me in several areas to hear many things from people who were not in any type of fan club, or “click” affiliation. It wasn’t pretty. I decided to investigate the things I heard further but trust me it didn’t even require much effort, all I had to do was stand silently and listen to others conversations and it was more than apparent some people had been doing things that I’ll kindly describe as questionable. At that point I started different discussions with fans inquiring how they were and what’s going on with the fans, From people who had witnessed activity outside of the courtroom of many things and who were of various ages I learned what eventually led to what I can honestly say left me with outrage and a horrible headache.

Before I proceed, please allow me to make it clear that my heart and my intentions are to promote unity amongst the people whom Michael Jackson greatly loved. Among those whose heart eternally hold a place for Michael Jackson.

I’ll never forget the wisdom that warns us- all that evil needs to prosper is for good people to keep silent. It’s time for me to speak.

I have been seeing and hearing extremely negative things from fans for a long while via internet postings, emails sent and phone calls here and there but I have always tried to keep an open mind and give people the benefit of the doubt. I have even reached out in a general plea concerning reported abuse and encouraged unity in efforts of preventing disunity due to what has been referred to as “fans in their clicks” and or “in with this person or that person of the family” and doing or speaking bad things to and or against other fans.

I’m not standing for this person or that person but for God and what is right and far too much wrong has occurred to even pretend that anything is right!

I am in inner turmoil wondering whether I should discuss each issue that has come to the forefront of my attention which I would love to steer from and don’t know where all this letter is going to lead but I will start at this which in my opinion is a grotesque blemish of this disgusting, vile pettiness that fans, groups, family members and associates have allowed to come to be. Today I learned that a fan was - I’ll say unfairly coerced in efforts of being persuaded to relinquish a raffle ticket that had been drawn for her to go inside and witness the events taking place inside the court room. When this effort didn’t work, I further learned that a fan, whom I regretfully at some point had spoken highly of and perhaps assisted in her being acknowledged by the family quite some time ago spoke with members of the court and dishonestly had the others fans raffle ticket taken from her by a member of the court so that one of her friends could enter into the courtroom in her stead.

I’m going to skip putting certain relatives on public blast simply because it would grant a story to the media but I do advise them to put hormones, egos, and personal agendas aside!…

How is it possible and I ask this in anger and in sadness while pushing away so many tears that continuously attempt to well up in my eyes- how is it possible that we forget that Michael isn’t here with us and the only way we will know what happened June 25, 2009 is by all unifying, verifying and assuring the truth is sought?

How is it that we seem to lightly disregard the fact that security personnel for Michael literally and now under oath have testified of their attempts to give witness of their accounts of things they deemed significant in the midst of a murder investigation to the police and were callously pushed aside? The people who were in closest contact to the victim???

How is it that so many of us, and I raise my hand in guilt of this one- seek what is easy by turning off the T.V., not following reports and recluse to our own personal worlds while so much is going on?

We already know that main stream media networks often if not always have agendas and are not guided to seek truth but a headline story. We already know that there appears to be corruption and major cover up! Am I the only one who thinks if our eyes and ears should turn from this then Michael’s grave will be covered and we will never know truth? I know I’m not!

This hearing is not about Michael’s fan groups, fan clicks or even his family members!!! It is about Michael and as of NOW this chaos MUST come to a stop!!!!!

Any and ALL “fans” who have been bullying and pushing away other fans from the courthouse while promoting their self MUST stop! We ALL MUST find and persistently maintain UNITY!!!!! Not for me, not the family, not for self but for Michael!!!

Please hear me, please, I literally beg and beseech you in the name of God stop the chaos, the I’s and let’s stand in unity as one for Michael. He gave his all to this world! To love! To help heal the hurting hearts and share love and joy and create an escape from the sadness and dark turmoil of so many lives… God used him for that and that same God would not allow me to keep silent amidst so many travesties. I wish, I pray to God that we find, no, that we create a place where the focal point in all we do concerning this trial we do so knowing we are in the eyes of a just and holy God and Michael is watching over us. Let’s make them proud?!?!
I’m asking you all to please over look and put behind you anything that has happened to steer your hearts away and to stand strong and fight for what is right.
God bless you all so very, very much!!!
Sharon B. Sidney

I ask you to please pardon me for posting this in the news section but I felt it the most appropriate place for it.

If you think it should be seen in another section then please if possible keep it here as well.

Thanks for all you do!

God bless!!!