Today's the day...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Boston, MA USA
Today I find out what I got on my Nursing final exam. I took this last night. It consisted of 100 multiple choice questions, each one 1 point each. And in the beginning of class, the professor had a piece of paper that she put out saying if we wanted, we could find out if we passed or not. We just needed to put our name and phone number down. I was sick nervous taking it last the middle of the test, I started sweating bullets and getting very nauseous. I turned around and opened the window - it seemed like that whole building was completely HOT last night. Maybe it was a hot flash, I don't know.

I thought about wanting to find out all night last night, and this morning decided I didn't want least not early on in my day at work in case I was so upset I couldn't finish my day of work today. So I emailed the professor and told her thanks but no thanks. I think I'll just wait for the grade to be posted so I can get all upset in the privacy of my own home...
Maybe it's better off this way. My daughter just told me - I wouldn't want to be sued for liability if I was in the field. I don't know. I need to get some sort of direction now.
Aw, maybe that means it wasn't meant to be. I hope you find something that satisfies you and something that you'll have fun doing :yes:
Take a minute and figure out what it is that would really make you happy, as far as direction goes. And good luck x100!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I feel like absolute SHIT. I am so upset it isn't even funny. I can't stop crying. I just can t believe it. And 1/3 of the class failed!!
Linda, I'm sorry to hear that. But, if nursing is what you want to go, Don't give up! Take the test again! It was probably just sheer nerves! If nursing is what you really want to go. Go for it again! LOTS of people fail and sometimes you just got to pick up the pieces and try and try again! *hug*
Aww Linda :better:

Sorry to hear, can you take the test again?

I know how much you wanted this, maybe you had a bad case of the nerves?

cass is right lots of people fail, I failed my Human Physiology exam by 2 marks and I was shattered kept thinking why didn't the guy just pass me. But I re-sat it and showed him why he should have passed me the first time around. Sometimes stress and nerves can really screw up an exam for ya, but I can promise you the second time around it's much less stressful. If you can re-sit it do it! :kickass2: I have faith in you :flowers:
Linda, I'm sorry to hear that. But, if nursing is what you want to go, Don't give up! Take the test again! It was probably just sheer nerves! If nursing is what you really want to go. Go for it again! LOTS of people fail and sometimes you just got to pick up the pieces and try and try again! *hug*

this is true! I guess I was assuming that you just wanted to say 'forget it', but if this is what you really want, then you should keep trying at it. I mean, if you're over it, then you're just over it. But if you really want this, then go after it again. There are plenty of people who don't make it on the first try of something, and they never give up. :better:
Linda go for it again if possible!
This world just needs ppl like you as nurses and I'm not only saying that. I'm hiring nurses for the nursery homes I'm working like almost every week.
I'd hire you in a minute but sheeeeeeesh we do need such stupid papers.
And you'll make it. Just please prepare a way your nerves can't play with you again!!!!!
I've failed an exam at University also and I hated to lose half a year and also to try again... but in the end it was all worth it!
I can't go for it again. Its not as simple as re-taking a test.... I have to take this whole current course over again I cannot afford that. I also have to go through a steering committee for them to agree to teach me this all over again. AND I have to have an opening at my level in order for me to get in....and be placed on a waiting list. I am too old for this. I am not going to be in nursing school at the age of 60. I cried all weekend long about this.. I am heartbroken.
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Linda, I'm so sorry. I hoped it would be as simple as just retaking the test later, but obviously now that is not an option. I wish I had to words to comfort you. *hug*
I'm better now...I am still shocked by it...and how many in my class "failed out". Out of 28 students, at least 8 "failed". Wow.