Todays kids are now into MJ


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
:yes:It seems kids today like in the last week are getting into MJ music and learning who MJ was. I saw a kids in a computer cafe..talking to each other and saying " dude you got to check out the moonwalk on MJ" and watching MJ videos on youtube. How u feel about that?
Everyday in school now I'm hearing people talk about him.
I'm a teen myself and practically everyone i know is interested in his music.
I know what you mean, it's nice to hear Michael is getting new fans, but many of these are the same ones who would crack a joke at just hearing his name a couple years ago and that makes me mad
My 12 year old daughter as always been a fan but now she says some of her friends have started listening to Michael and in music class they have been singng ABC and we are the world.
Yeah, my young cousins are obsessed now. I think Michael is a different kind of artist. He's timeless, unlike Beatles, Elvis (No disrespect, they're amazing). Michael appeals all ages and that's unique. Back then and even today, no artist appeals to everyone. That's one of the many things he'll leave behind. And thank God for youtube and the internet, the access is different today so young kids and new fans can enjoy his music anytime.
Imagine what it would have been like had these young fans gotten a chance to see him perform at the O2. Then they would understand the mastery of a true genius. But it is good to see future generations getting interested in his music.
my sister is 8 and is mad on Michael
and so are a few of her mates.
its great seeing younger people trying to moonwalk across the living room
It's nice to see people taking an interest in his lesser known songs too, as opposed to only the hits. Many people truly didn't know how big his body of work is, and how good his songs were.
Michael's lesser known songs are better than most artists number 1 hits.
My sister is 6 and her favourite songs ever are "Earth song", "Heal The World" and "Black or White".
Yeah, my young cousins are obsessed now. I think Michael is a different kind of artist. He's timeless, unlike Beatles, Elvis (No disrespect, they're amazing). Michael appeals all ages and that's unique. Back then and even today, no artist appeals to everyone. That's one of the many things he'll leave behind. And thank God for youtube and the internet, the access is different today so young kids and new fans can enjoy his music anytime.
Very true!
I'm still annoyed at all these new fans i mean why does it take someones death to relise how good that person is i mean honestly :doh:
im a teen but have been into MJ's music for years, i dont even remember when i first listened to him, then i listened to him more from around 2yrs ago, and then became a proper fan of Michael's very early this year in like january, and made it my mission to get friends to listen to him, i succeeded with some, but the ones i didnt, now listen to his music and some i reckon are becoming fans.

shame it had to happen so late though :(
I was walking past this bookstore yesterday and saw some high school girls looking at a soley MJ tribute mag. And then the other day, I saw some secondary school kids talking about Michael Jackson. And also, my 9 year old cousin know him and told me many of his friends are talking about him at school.

Michael's lesser known songs are better than most artists number 1 hits.
Yupe. and I'm so sick of them so called fans who only know Thriller and Billie jean as if he has no other songs.

Yeah, my young cousins are obsessed now. I think Michael is a different kind of artist. He's timeless, unlike Beatles, Elvis (No disrespect, they're amazing). Michael appeals all ages and that's unique. Back then and even today, no artist appeals to everyone. That's one of the many things he'll leave behind. And thank God for youtube and the internet, the access is different today so young kids and new fans can enjoy his music anytime. true. so true. My brother told me he has listened to Elvis and the beatles and he just doesn't like any of it. He said MJ's music has a wider appeal. I think many would agree with him.
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Because of me my 9 year old brother knows Michael's music since he was 4 months old, he loved to watch his videos and the Bad parody with the kids, Badder really cracked him up :giggle:
He's not an MJ fan but he loves to watch Thriller, Smooth Criminal, Dirty Diana and Black or White.
When he saw me I was sad because of Michael he told that I'll always have him in my heart and then he hugged me :wub:

In the case of kids it's normal and natural that they are appealing to Mike's music because they probably have relatives that are into but teenagers or adults it's hypocrit if they started as soon as they knew about his passing.
my niece is turning 5 in August, and got to know about Michael from us when he died. just tonight, she was doing the opening act of Billie Jean, and it was so cute, with her hand on the crotch of her pajamas! she requests to watch the Black or White video, and asked her mom earlier to repeat Man in the "Middle" on the IPOD haha. i love it! (and her, of course)..i could not understand what she meant, though. twice, while watching MJ's concert, she asked me if Michael knew his name, or that he was Michael...go figure
My sister is 6 and her favourite songs ever are "Earth song", "Heal The World" and "Black or White".

Can I say that your lil' sister has great taste? :D

my niece is turning 5 in August, and got to know about Michael from us when he died. just tonight, she was doing the opening act of Billie Jean, and it was so cute, with her hand on the crotch of her pajamas! she requests to watch the Black or White video, and asked her mom earlier to repeat Man in the "Middle" on the IPOD haha. i love it! (and her, of course)..i could not understand what she meant, though. twice, while watching MJ's concert, she asked me if Michael knew his name, or that he was Michael...go figure

So sweet. LOL @ man in the 'middle'. Gotta love them kids :yes:

I am not entirely sure we outta to atack those who have only recently come to enjoy Michael and his craft. It is indeed tragic that it had to take his passing for some to show their appreciation, but we must understand that unfortunately human nature is like that sometimes - we don't know what we've got till it's gone.

I say, the more people learn about Michael, what he was all about, the more they love him, the better it is for his legacy, for all of us and for the entire world if we take heed of his message and learn from his example of meekness, vulnerability, but above all love - love for God, love for those less fortunate, love for enemies, love for creation.
It's amazing, actually :) A few days after his passing I heard some boys on the street where I live mentioning his name (they were maybe 8-10 years old) and on Saturday I heard some other kids the same age asking each other "can you dance like Michael Jackson?" and then attempted to dance like him :) Two black girls and one white girl maybe age 10-12 :love: it was so sweet and I got such a good feeling inside for the first time since he died. Michael lives on though yet a new generation of fans :)
I got a little niece (she's 6 now) and she told me today she listens to Michael every morning because she really likes his music and he's a good singer :D

I taught her the moonwalk, well, kinda,... She thought it was hard and she's just walking backwards but it's very cute :D
Her daddy taught her something else:
She puts one hand behind her head, the other one on the crotch and then yells 'Aooow!'.
LOL, she's adorable :D