Today JW came to my door, due to MJ


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
New Zealand
Today JW came to my door, due to MJ I greeted them with a smile:) You never know who someone is, I have always been open minded when it comes to peoples beliefs, but normally I don't like door knockers, this time I thought If MJ was here what would he do, (Michael hated ignorance) I was Kind and very tolerant, I listened in my mind I didn't agree, but I knew I only have to face me and my dissuasions. I refuse to be unkind anymore, that does not mean not having a point of view, but being able to walk away with a smile knowing we all belong some were and we all are a someone. I felt very good:) Thank You Michael!
Aw, good for you hun! :hug:

I never usually answer the door when the JW come to my door. My parents do. But the next time they come, I will surely keep Michael in mind and treat them as if it were him at my door or act as he would. :) I've thought about this before. I respect other people's beliefs too. But good on you for being so open to them.
That so kind of you.
You know, my dad is a JW and when I was younger I sometimes used to walk the doors with him. I was around 7 and mainly did it to make him happy, but it suprised me how cmean people could be.
People can be so cold to the unknown, my dad and all of the other JW's aren't trying to bother people nor do they hate people who won't listen. They are trying to "save" other people in their eyes, when you really think of it...its a real sweet thing they do. They are investing a lot of time, in trying to "save" others, while they probably already know that 90% they are trying to talk to will slam the door in their face. Sadly it is mostly seen as a cult and people are annoyed by them.

I will never forget how cruel people can be. How people used to scream to my dad, while I, a little kid at the time, was standing next to him. I remember how he once told me, that one of older guys (he was in his 70s), who attended the same kingdom hall as he did, once got someone to throw a bucket full of water on top of him..

You know, its ok to tell you're not intrested, but it won't harm you to tell it with respect. :) its a realy nice thing you did! :)
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That was very kind of you but I have to warn you, my mother did the same thing recently and regretted it because now they keep coming back, lol. She needs to learn the words "no thank you". :)
I always listen and take their booklet smile and shut the door when they're finished. UNLESS they step boundaries and put their foot inside the house and their hand on the door so you cant close it - then i get angry and tell them to leave im not interested
Overall JWs are very nice people, I used to be one and I always felt part of a big family. It just a shame they follow a organization when I believe no one should come inbetween you and God.
I open the door and tell them I'm not interested. I'm open minded aswell about people's believes. If that person feels good about it and does no harm to others why not?

Though my experience is that some JW's are really pushy and say mean things when you say you are not interested. And some are taking it a bit to far(in my eyes atleast). I heard many times that children where not allowed to celebrate christmas with thier classmates, where not allowed to take candy if someone had a birthday and gave everyone candy to celebrate. I always feel a bit sorry for those children.
They used to come regularly to our door. My mom got one of their books and kept it by the door. When they would ring the bell, she would get the book and tell them she has their book already, thank you anyway.
I open the door and tell them I'm not interested. I'm open minded aswell about people's believes. If that person feels good about it and does no harm to others why not?

Though my experience is that some JW's are really pushy and say mean things when you say you are not interested. And some are taking it a bit to far(in my eyes atleast). I heard many times that children where not allowed to celebrate christmas with thier classmates, where not allowed to take candy if someone had a birthday and gave everyone candy to celebrate. I always feel a bit sorry for those children.

Aww! You don't have to feel sorry for JW children. i was raised one and have been one my whole life. In my household I never felt like I was missing out on anything. And I still don't regret the decisions I made.