Today is mj twitterthon


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hi All

Over at twitter there is a twitterthon to celebrated Michael's legacy. If anyone wanta to join in here are some suggested tweets.

This is such a great idea...trying to spread the truth about him through a massive twitterthon..

All these different efforts by Mj fans . Michael's fans truly are the best!! (It seems like there is some hope for this world after all)
I just tweeted a few times and spread the word on a blog of mine. Hashtag is #MichaelsLegacy
This should be in News & Happenings because it is happening Right Now. How many times everyone try to get Michael Trending well is it now Don't Let it slip. #MichaelsLegacy
It's trending, keep up the good work. I'm tweeting like crazy
yayyyyy just posted my first tweets for MJ. :heart: great job everyone!
Tweeted several times. Made up two new ones:

#MichaelsLegacy - Michael Jackson and E=MC2 Eternal Love = Michaels Compassion 2.

#MichaelsLegacy - Michael Jackson and E=MC2 Everlasting Love = Michael Cares 2
The #michaelslegacy Twitterthon was a great sucess
and #michaelslegacy trended throug out most the day beteen 2-6 EST
Fans should be proud of thier efforts_ 1000's and 1000s of positive tweets
went out to the world today for #michaelslegacy all fans united and for the
most part kept agenda at bay _ I really enjoyed being part of this one. We
should do it this way more often :)
Why do MJ related trends always "disapear" lol???

Umm becuase its called a trending topic not a 24/7 topic
It was a success We accomplished what we wanted for
#michaelslegacy today _ I hope that helps

Nothing negative can be said about it :) It was wonderful
and the fans enjoyed lifting Michael up in this manner on thier
twitter accounts _ so many ecxellent posts about Michael today :wub:
That's great. :D I'm happy to have been apart of that today and happy that everyone joined together.