Today in Michael Jackson HIStory: June 2nd


Proud Member
Nov 1, 2006
Trying to reach Michael...I cant see him but I fee
~JUNE 2~


‘Farewell My Summer Love’ (LP) enters the Pop and Black albums charts peaking at numbers 46 and 31 respectively and remains on both charts for fifteen weeks. ‘Farewell My Summer Love’/‘Call On Me’ by Michael Jackson, released in May in Britain, enters the Top 100 singles chart peaking at number 7 and remains on the charts for twelve weeks.



Michael performs to a capacity audience of 55,000 at a sell-out concert at the Prater Stadium in Vienna, Austria. [Video @ the end]

Crystal Cartier filed a $40 million federal lawsuit against Michael Jackson, Sony Music Entertainment, MJJ Productions and Epic Records. She alleged that she originally wrote and recorded "Dangerous." [Video @ the end]


The Prosecution’s case is summed up by Deputy District Attorney, Ronald Zonen. Thomas Mesereau then closes the case for the defence.




Various media outlets report that Michael has told fans that he wanted to play only 10 London O2 Arena shows rather than the 50 that have been scheduled. In a statement, Randy Phillips of AEG Live, commented: “This is not true; Michael Jackson was thrilled at selling 50 shows. The size and scale of this show would not be possible without an extended run, which Michael has been fully on board with from the very beginning. He has not agreed to a world tour at this point, however, he can at any time.”


AEG CEO: Michael Jackson Concert Concerns 'Not True'

AEG Live president and CEO Randy Phillips has rejected U.K. tabloid reports that Michael Jackson told fans that he only wanted to play 10 London O2 Arena shows rather than the 50 that have been scheduled.
The Sun reported that Jackson told fans outside his L.A. rehearsal space that he wanted to play 10 O2 shows and then go on tour.

In a statement, Randy Phillips, president & CEO, AEG Live, commented: "This is not true; Michael Jackson was thrilled at selling 50 shows. The size and scale of this show would not be possible without an extended run, which Michael has been fully on board with from the very beginning. He has not agreed to a world tour at this point, however, he can at any time."

The first four dates of the concert were recently pushed back in order that the show will be completely ready. The first night is now July 13.


Michael Jackson Bad Tour,
Prater Stadium, Vienna, Austria- 1988

Crystal Cartier's "Dangerous" lawsuit against Michael Jackson- Michael's deposition in 1992 (There are 5 parts to this video on YT!)


Quote of the day:
"Some people spend their lives looking for love outside themselves. They think they have to grasp it in order to have it. But love slips away like the wet bar of soap."
♥Michael Jackson♥, L.O.V.E. Poem

**Please feel free to add any information/pics/videos in regards to this HIStoric day.

ENJOY! :heart: :)

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"Dangerous" Writ*ten & Per*formed by Crys*tal Carti*er

The legacy of the Michael Jackson-Crystal Cartier lawsuit
Cut to the Cartier trial, in early 1994. Jackson had been sued numerous times since "The Girl Is Mine" brouhaha, but none of those issues got to the point where he had to testify. Soocher speculates that some disagreements may have been settled not because they had any merit, but due to the fact that a cash payment would be less expensive than drawn-out litigation. However, Cartier turned down a settlement offer, and her persistence forced Jackson's gloved hand.

Soocher says the self-proclaimed King of Pop came to Denver with as little fanfare as possible, turning up at the courthouse in an anonymous van and entering the building via a side door. Cartier, for her part, arrived in a limousine in an outfit that struck Soocher and plenty of other observers as much more outrageous than what Jackson wore. That kind of thing didn't happen to MJ very often....

As a music lover (he got his start as a rock journalist before turning to the law and then academia), Soocher found Jackson's testimony fascinating. "He went through and described his writing process," he says. "For anyone who wanted to know how he came up with his material, it was a very good explanation. It was like taking a course from Michael Jackson on how he wrote his songs -- very enlightening and very colorful."

Of course, Jackson's legal team relied on more than their client's word to establish his innocence. "Experts are brought into these trials with charts and graphs. They'll talk about song structures and compare one to the other," Soocher says. But this approach is of dubious value, in Soocher's view. "These things are really determined from the point of view of the average listener -- so ultimately it's up to the jury or the judge to decide if something sounds too much like something else. Now, in fact, many copyright-infringement cases are dismissed by judges at the pre-trial stage. A judge will say, 'I'll listen to it like I listen to all music, and then I'll decide.'"

Cartier's argument was weak on these grounds; to this listener, Jackson's "Dangerous" was hardly a clone of hers. And she undermined herself further by not presenting an original 1988 recording in court. According to Soocher, Cartier said she gave out all the demos of her song long before the Dangerous album's release -- so she recorded a new version. The court's determination not to accept such a remake constitutes "an important procedural point that came out of the case," Soocher says, and likely contributed to a verdict that cleared Jackson of wrongdoing.
I remember when the article came out about Michael only wanting to do 10 Shows and I took it very seriously. I tried talking about it over on the Sony board but got reprimanded for doing so. I'm still extremely sad about it.

Here's Paul Gongaware testifying about June 2, 2009 and how when they met at Michael's home his needs would be met, with nutritional foods and rest. The article that came out stating that Michael only wanting to do 10 Shows was taken very seriously by AEG Live. This wasn't just another rag maligning Michael Jackson, this was deadly serious. Michael knew he was in trouble not eating and not sleeping because of worrying. Watching Disney movies and listening to classical music, to distract Michael from his worrying, was not working. Michael trusted that the Propofol would solve this issue and he trusted Conrad Murray with his life!

Paul Gongaware - AEG Live Co-CEO / Dr.Murray Trial
