Today in Michael Jackson HIStory: June 18th


Proud Member
Nov 1, 2006
Trying to reach Michael...I cant see him but I fee
~JUNE 18~


‘Mama’s Pearl’/‘Never Can Say Goodbye’, ‘Maybe Tomorrow’/‘Sugar Daddy’ by The Jackson 5 and ‘Got To Be There’/‘Rockin’ Robin’ by Michael Jackson are released on Motown’s Yesteryear label.

Dancing The Dream by Michael Jackson, a book of poetry and essays, is published by Doubleday.


In a court case which was to begin today an announcement is made that Michael and Prescient have settled their dispute. Michael had denied signing an agreement with Prescient to refinance debts for a fee of 9% of the total refinanced, which, if this had been correct, would have been $48 million. No documents were available to prove that Michael had made this agreement and it is thought that without any such proof, Prescient would lose this case, and therefore took the easy way out via a settlement.


Mama's Pearl Demo- Jackson 5


Maybe Tomorrow- Jackson 5


Sugar Daddy- Jackson 5 (One of my favorite early J5 songs) :D


Quote of the day: “Sometimes the heart is so heavy that we turn away from it and forget that its throbbing is the wisest message of life, a wordless message that says, "Live, be, move, rejoice -- you are alive!" Without the heart's wise rhythm, we could not exist.”

**Please feel free to add any information/pics/videos in regards to this HIStoric day.

ENJOY :heart: :)



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|| QUANTUM leap ||


I looked for you in hill and dale I sought for you beyond the pale I searched for you in every nook and cranny my probing was at times uncanny but everywhere I looked I found I was just going round and round in every storm, in every gale I could hear your silent tale

You appeared wherever I went In every taste, in every scent I thought I was in a trance in every quiver I felt your dance in every sight I saw your glance you were there, as if by chance

Even so, I have faltered despite the fact, my life has altered all my doubts were struggles in vain of judgments made in memories of pain only now, by letting go I can bask in your glow no matter where I stray or flow I see the splendor of your show in every drama I am the actor in every experience the timeless factor

In every dealing, every deed you are there, as the seed I know now, for I have seen what could have happened could have been there is no need to try so hard for in your sleeve you hold the card for every fortune, every fame the Kingdom's here for us to claim in every fire, every hearth there's a spark gives new birth

To all those songs never sung all those longings in hearts still young beyond all hearing, beyond all seeing in the core of your being is a field that spans infinity unbounded pure is the embryo of divinity if we could for one moment BE in an instant we would see a world where no one has suffered or toiled of pristine beauty never soiled of sparkling waters, singing skies of hills and valleys where no one dies

That enchanted garden, that wondrous place where we once frolicked in times of grace In ourselves a little deep in that junkyard in that heap beneath that mound of guilt and sorrow is the splendor of another tomorrow if you still have promises to keep just take that plunge, take that leap"

In physics, the movement of an electron from one orbit in an atom to another, sending out or taking on a photon in the process.
(See Bohr atom.)
Informally, a “quantum leap” may be any great, sudden, or discontinuous change.
