Today in Michael Jackson HIStory: ♥→JUNE 13TH←♥


Proud Member
Nov 1, 2006
Trying to reach Michael...I cant see him but I fee
~JUNE 13~


Contracts are signed for Victory tour dates in Birmingham, Kansas City, Dallas and Jacksonville.

‘State Of Shock,’ the Jackson/Jagger duet and the first single from The Jacksons’ ‘Victory’ album, is aired on radio stations. KIQQ FM go Jackson crazy by playing ‘State Of Shock’ around the clock. DJs act as though nothing unusual is happening and inform listeners they had just heard Bruce Springsteen, Cyndi Lauper and others, when they had been listening to The Jacksons for nearly twenty-four hours!


Michael gives a second sitting to sculptor, David Goode, in Los Angeles for the latest Madame Tussaud’s wax figure.

Michael has a giraffe shipped to his Santa Ynez ranch. He had seen the giraffe while touring in Kansas City in 1988.

Michael gives a second sitting to sculptor David Goode in Los Angeles for the latest Madame Tussaud’s wax figure.

Donte Williams, born on June 13, 1992 is adopted by Alejandra and Jermaine in 1995. *HAPPY BIRTHDAY DONTE* :)


Concert in Kiel

Michael rehearses for the concerts in Los Angeles .

In the late afternoon Michael spends just under an hour at an HMV store in London, but finds it difficult to leave as so many fans gather outside. Unfortunately an elderly lady is knocked over in the chaos. On seeing this, Michael gestures to the fans to calm down, helps the lady to her feet and gives her a lift home. [Video @ The End]

Michael is inducted into the National Academy of Popular Music/Songwriters Hall Of Fame at the Sheraton Hotel in New York. Although he is not there to collect his plaque, Liza Minnelli and David Gest received it on his behalf. Minnelli says: “You write the songs that make the whole world dance.”


After weeks of backgound plotting, Feldman & Katz finally report the allegations of the family to the Santa Barbara County Sherriff. District Attorney Tom Sneddon asks Feldman not to file a civil suit before he has completed a criminal investigation...

Michael is back in Los Angeles.

JUNE 13, 2005

The jury submit, then withdraw, a question for the attorneys. A short time later, the jury announce that a verdict had been reached. Michael is given one hour to get to court to hear the verdict. This is later extended by a further thirty minutes. The Jurors findings are read by the court clerk to a hushed courtroom, and are transmitted by an audio link to various news outlets worldwide. All ten charges were returned NOT GUILTY! The judge excuses the jury and tells Michael: “Mr. Jackson, your bail is exonerated, and you are released.”

  • [*=center]Michael and his father Joe leave the courthouse after closing arguments.


  • [*=center]Michael and his mother Katherine outside the courthouse.


  • [*=center]A fan releases a dove outside the courthouse after Michael is acquitted.



MICHAEL SHOPPING @ HMV Store in London - 2002



Michael Jackson Not Guilty Acquittal Vindication Exoneration Special 2005 Part 1/5

Michael Jackson Not Guilty Acquittal Vindication Exoneration Special 2005 VERDICT

[video=youtube;MXkAysa3h-0] [/video]

Michael Jackson Not Guilty Acquittal Vindication Exoneration Special 2005 Part 3/5

Michael Jackson Not Guilty Acquittal Vindication Exoneration Special 2005 Part 4/5

Michael Jackson Not Guilty Acquittal Vindication Exoneration Special 2005 Part 5/5



Quote of the day: “Without God, my children, my family, and you, my fans, I could not have made it through. Your love, support and loyalty made it all possible. “You were there when I really needed you, and I will never forget you Your ever-present love held me, dried my tears, and carried me through. “I will treasure your devotion and support forever. You are my inspiration. Love…”
♥Michael Jackson♥ , June 26

**Please feel free to add any information/pics/videos in regards to this HIStoric day.




HAVE A GOOD ONE! :heart:

I remember the vindication day and feeling so nervous during that one hour of waiting for Michael to get to the court and watching the CNN report where helicopters followed Michael's car all the way from Neverland to the Courthouse. I was so affraid something might have gone wrong with the deliberations.
Poor Michael, he was devastated, even if he was vindicated, the look on his face said it all.

A HUGE THANK YOU to Mesereau though!!! You'll never be forgotten for what you have done for Michael!
I was in 10th grade going to 11 at the time and my whole family was wathching Oprah (I KNOW :doh:)... but anyways, while watching the first segment, there was BREAKING NEWS and cut to The 4 SUV's going from NL to the court. It was just a very difficult moment. After the results of NOT Guilty 14 times... I was a total mess. Never cried like that, except on the 25th (for a totally different reason.). I felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders and to see Michael come out of that court, looking numb and in a daze was one of the saddest thing to watch.

I Agree with you BJ78, Tom Mesereau is one of a kind and I thank him for believing in MICHAEL!!!

I remember this day so well watching TV when they said the verdict was in . I tried to stay positive but I was scared. When the verdict came in I was was so relived and was crying and yelling then when i saw MJ walk out looking so frial and out of it . I knew it had taken a Great toll and i just broke down. It was such an emotonal day liek on a roller coaster one minut so happy the next so sad. I use to like to celebrate it becuase he was victorious. But now it only bring tears and bitterness becuase of what they put him though ..I feel all this pain he went through from His accusers and the dispicable? media led directly to the event of his death :( but Im thankful for the NOT guilty verdicts for his sake and his legacy. It's important to me that people know that .. Michael was INNOCENT
I'll never forget that day. One of the best days I ever had. I remember coming home late from school because I have student council meeting, when I came back home my dad told the verdict is in, I was watching CourtTV for it, before the verdict was about to be read, the satellite signal went down, until later my mom was one phone and she told me "Not Guilty on all counts" I was so happy I cried and prayers have been answered.

The next day I asked the librarian in high school if I can have the "Daily Press" (as seen on Michael Jackson Not Guilty Acquittal Vindication Exoneration Special 2005 Part 5/5 at 5:45) and I've kept the article since. Have you saved the articles like the ones shown on the video?
I was at home, when the news came in that the verdict had been reached I just couldn't settle or concentrate on doing anything to keep myself occupied. I kept thinking how Michael must be feeling right now. I must have already put the children to bed because they weren't with me.

I was just trying to send Michael so much love through the tv set and my friend phoned me (which irritated me because I wanted to concentrate on Michael) as the verdicts were read out I repeated them to her she wanted to carry on talking but I just hung up and danced and cried around the room.

Then Michael came out.

And the anger really set in, the anger that he had been put through this and anger at the effect it clearly had had on him. I remember thinking that I hoped he would take himself away to heal, that I didn't need to see him so long as he was okay. That's all I wanted... for him to be okay :cry::cry::cry:
I remember june 13th 2005 like it was yesterday. I was shaking and crying and afterwards I was just soo relieved, but I couldnt stop crying.
I hope that we always remember June 13th for the rest of our lives. For most people, it means nothing. For me, it will forever be the day that justice was done and Michael walked free from that courtroom where day, after week, after month, the light and life drained from him. I'll never forget how he never really recovered from the trial, the terrible ordeal that 2003-2005 became for him. I'll never forget how much the fans bandied together and supported each other. How we all united in our belief in the innocence of one man- a man we grew to care about.

I'll never forget June 13th. How against everything that had happened, the world got to see justice. I'll never forget how happy we were, how relieved everyone was. The weight of the world lifted that day from our heavy shoulders. I'll never forget Tom Mesereau and the defense team who hugged MJ's bodyguards. The vindication video on MJJSource. The jubilation outside that courthouse. The 14 white doves that flew above for each not guilty. The ranch employees outside Neverland's decorated gates, cheering along.

I'll never forget what it was like seeing Michael Jackson every day for nearly 4 months. Or how each day, the pain became more and more apparent. Nor the roses of love that were presented to him with that white teddy. How happy he looked on that day! I'll never forget the way the Neverland Ranch employees joined hands as MJ left for the verdict. I'll never forget the look on his face as he faltered ever nearer to the valley of he didn't give in.

Remember: moments before the verdict was read, for the first and last time, our minds and Michael's were connected with a single thought...a prayer, a pleading, a desperate hoping. We were all thinking the same thing at the same time.

I'll always remember that after all was said and done, Michael walked out of there and went home to his children. Went home and was there for them, every single day for the next 4 years, the last 4 years of his life. Taught them to love and care.

Watching Paris speak to Oprah, it became so very clear how much she missed him. How must he taught her, how much he loved her. It makes no sense really that the man who meant so much is not here anymore.

But for me, June 13th will always be the day that anything seemed possible. The day good triumphed over evil.
I bet everybody was relieved, happy and crying as soon as all of us found out Michael was vindicated but since 2010 it's so bitter sweet because that horrendous and malicious trial contributed to his physical and psychological deterioration! :cry: :sigh:

Oh lord, I remember this day 7 years ago too. I kept thinking to myself that if he was found guilty, I wouldn't leave my room for as long as possible (and school only lasted a few more days anyway, so I didn't care). Once I got home, I immediately ran to my room and switched my TV on CNN to find the verdict. It turned on and they had the black car MJ was in riding down the road as the banner below said something along the lines of "Jackson found innocent". And I yelled "YES" as loud as possible and I was so incredibly happy!
I will never understand why Michael had to go through something like that. I don't think I ever saw him more terrified or heartbroken than that day. I was happy for him but to be honest I wanted him to get away from all those people. Horrible people. To recover and be with this kids.
Michael Jackson - Morphine (1997) (subtitles lyrics English - sous-titres paroles Français)-ala Trent Reznor (NIN)

Michael Jackson's song "Morphine", with english and french lyrics.

In her autobiographical book Shockaholic, Carrie Fisher claims that he (Evan Chandler) was her dentist, and was known as the "dentist to the stars." Addict Fisher would get unnecessary dental surgery just to obtain morphine from him, and this was a dentist who would allow that. He could also be persuaded via financial incentives to come to a patient's house to administer morphine. His license plate read "SLEEP MD".

I think Michael was preaching about this truth.

You'd think that the 2005 Trial would've ended the Speculation of Michael being inappropriate with minors and yet that rumor still persists with people who choose to be ill informed, adjective lacking adequate or proper knowledge or information!!!

This picture is so sad in a way... Yes, he was acquited but it really destroyed a large part of him, he was never ever the same anymore.
And it makes me think about how how I saved every each one of the pictures of Michael from everyday he went to court, because I was thinking "What if he does go to prison and these will be the last pictures we get of him for the next 20 years?!
I still have all those pictures saved somewhere, I never ever look at them though.