Today in Michael Jackson History April 8th (Dedicated to Ryan White)


Proud Member
Aug 22, 2007
Michigan USA

Today in Michael Jackson History April 8th

Is Dedicated to ...

Ryan White - Gone To Soon :love:
(December 6, 1971 – April 8, 1990)


1985 - The single "We Are the World" peaks at #1 Billboard Pop chart, four weeks after it's release. Michael and Lionel are on the cover of 'Jet' magazine with the story, 'Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie's song earns millions for Africa's famine victims'.

1988 - Michael Jackson performs the 1st of 3 BAD Tour concerts at the Summit in Houston,Texas, USA

1990 - Michael's friend Ryan White, at the age of 18 loses his fight against the deadly disease, AIDS, after being comatosed for six days. Michael, who had become a close friend of Ryan's hears of the tragic loss whilst at the Taj Mahal Casino. He leaves immediately with Donald Trump to travel to Ryan's home in Indiana. Michael spends several hours inside the family home consoling Ryan's mother and sat next to her at Ryan's funeral.

Ryan White was diagnosed with AIDS in 1984 at the age of 13 after he received a tainted blood treatment for hemophilia.. At that time, AIDS was poorly understood, and despite doctors having said he posed no risk to other students, many parents and teachers rallied against his attendance when Ryan tried to return to school. Ryan and his mother were subjected to much ridicule in their community and even gunshots were fired at their home to try and force them leave. A lengthy legal battle with the school system ensued, and media coverage of the case made Ryan into a national celebrity and spokesman for AIDS research and public education.

Michael Jackson reached out to Ryan and befriended him in the late 80's. Ryan visited Neverland many times and they both shared a special bond. A year before he passed away, Michael gave Ryan a red Mustang, which was his favorite car. When Michael visited Jeanne, they went and sat in Ryans car, Michael started it and “Man in the Mirror” was playing. It was Ryan’s favorite song and the last song he heard in his car before he passed away. Michael and Elton John, together placed a beautiful black and white marble headstone, at Ryans resting place. Michael's side was embedded with a cross that holds Ryan's picture and says: "Gonna Make a difference, Gonna make it right - Friends forever, Michael Jackson"

Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency (CARE) Act

Enacted August 18, 1990) was an Act of the U.S. Congress named in honor of Ryan White, an Indiana teenager who contracted AIDS through a tainted hemophilia treatment in 1984, and was expelled from school because of the disease. White became a well-known advocate for AIDS research and awareness, until his death on April 8, 1990. It has been called America's most important step in fighting the AIDS epidemic, helping thousands annually.

The act is the United States's largest federally funded program for people living with HIV/AIDS. The act sought funding to improve availability of care for low-income, uninsured and under-insured victims of AIDS and their families. Unlike Medicare or Medicaid, Ryan White programs are "payer of last resort," which fund treatment when no other resources are available. As AIDS has spread, the funding of the program has increased. In 1991, the first year funds were appropriated, around $220 million were spent; by the early 2000s, this number had almost increased 10-fold. (

In 2009, Congress passed the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Extension Act which was signed by President Obama on October 30, 2009. This bill extends the Ryan White Care Act for an additional four years. This young man was such a pioneer and gentle old soul that did so much in his short time here for so many. Peace.



Ryan White


Michael Jackson with his friend Ryan White


Michael visit's Ryan White's Mother, Jeanne


Gone To Soon -
Michael's video for Ryan White



Phone Call Between Michael Jackson & Ryan White (June 26,1989)

Ryans mother Jeanne speaks about his friendship with Michael Jackson


Ryan White's mom recalls time with Michael Jackson

Ryan's Mom wants Michael's poster for Ryans replica room at children's museum

Elton John: Ryan White Saved my life pt2

Interview with Jeanne White-Ginder Part 1

Interview with Jeanne White-Ginder Part 2

Interview with Jeanne White-Ginder Part 3

The Ryan White Story 1989


Ryan White
'Dancing The Dream' (1992

Ryan White, symbol of justice
Or child of innocence, messenger of love
Where are you now, where have you gone?

Ryan White, I miss your sunny days
We carelessly frolicked in extended plays

I miss you, Ryan White

I miss your smile, innocent and bright
I miss your glory, I miss your light

Ryan White, symbol of contradiction
Child of irony, or child of fiction?
I think of your shattered life
Of your struggle, of your strife

While ladies dance in the moonlit night
Champagne parties on chartered cruises
I see your wasted form, your ghostly sight
I feel your festering wounds, your battered bruises

Ryan White, symbol of agony and pain
Of ignorant fear gone insane
In a hysterical society
With free-floating anxiety
And feigned piety

I miss you, Ryan White

You showed us how to stand and fight
In the rain you were a cloudburst of joy
The sparkle of hope in every girl and boy
In the depths of your anguished sorrow
Was the dream of another tomorrow.

~ Michael Jackson :heart:

* For your convenience > MJJC Index For all "Today In Michael Jackson History" Threads

* A major part of historical data comes from Michael Jackson: A Visual Documentary

Your support and comments are greatly appreciated. Please feel free to contribute to this thread by commenting, adding pictures, videos or any other information related to this day in MJ History. Please PM Qbee if you find any misinformation or broken links to pictures, videos etc.
A few more pictures


"Mother and Son" Ryan and Jeanne white


Elton John sings "Skyline Pigeon" at Ryan white funeral
Video -


Michael arriving at Ryan white's Funeral


Michael and Jeanne White at Ryan's funeral


Michael's gift to Ryan displayed at The Children's Museum of Indianapolis


Ryans Whites Beautiful headstone from Michael Jackson and Elton John


Elton John and Michael's messsage on headstone for Ryan white


Michael's single , Gone to Soon


Ryan White's book includes beautiful stories about MJ


Ryan and Michael at neverland

This story is a good example of the "good" that comes out of something very horrible. I remember at that time seeing the parents screaming at that child as he tried to enter the school. It made me think that the African Americans who tried to enter mainstream public schools prior to the 60s really must know how that child and his family felt.