Today i went to a Evangelical live band and it was rather interesting, I got some questions too.

Jan 17, 2004
Recently i received a card/flyer about a live music band that would be playing this saturday. I like music, so i thought let's check it it out. Long story short, it took place in a Evangelic community and it was a really interesting experience. There was music, with the lyrics of course all about believing in god and that apparently it's the solution to all problems. There were a few people who explained their story about how their were feeling miserable, doing all the 'wrong' things like smoking weed and going out to clubs and so on. It was a hour long and it was good to see something like this, it's something new for me, that's for sure. The guy their invited me to revisit next weekend again to attend a 'thing' (not sure how to word this) by a preacher/pastor. I might do it..don't know for sure yet.

I talked about this with a good friend of mine and well, he absolutely advices against this on all counts, he says i shouldn't bother and that he speaks from experience. Basically he said these things...and i know it's not a simple topic, still i'd like to hear honest thoughts/opinions on this.

Thing is, i am kinda interested by it, to know about it, this has peeked my interest for a while, but when my friend is so advicing against it.....i might need to think it over.


Religion is a tool used to take advantage of the weak and the ignorant. look I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you don't know much about this stuff, that you've never really done any reading about it and seriously look into it, I have, its all garbage.

its a complete waste of time and it corrupts your mind. its designed to keep people dumb and keep them in line to not question things, to habe faith that things will work out, when we all know it isn't.

it was made up by the ruling class as a way to keep the commoners in line
but theres no basis for it. think of how miserable you've been the past few years, why would god allow that? why would god allow cancer and pain and misery and disease and death
millions of people dying all the time from diseases?

its a form of mental illness when people believe in god, its a delusion. i dont know if you know but the medical definition of a delusion is a belief in something that isn't real
or doesn't make any sense or is impossible. i believed in this garbage and it makes me furious to think that you're gonna get sucked into this there is no happiness in this route that you're on.

They think it's a sin to do certain things, like masturbation for example. Does that sound like a fair deal to you?

and you know what it did for me? when I believed in it? I didn't value human life i didn't care about people dying because i thought oh well they're off enjoying the afterlife now.
and theres a million different videos i can show you that explain with scientific reasoning and geometric logic, that prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that religion is a bunch of stupid bs.

This is the link he gave me.

So yeah....thoughts/opinions?
it sounds like a good idea :) if you enjoyed the gig you went to why not go to this event? im christian, so i believe in god, so i think it would be good for you to go, but thats my own opinion, its upto you to decide ;) some people dont like religion, some people think its pointless. but some people love it. i for one love god with all my heart, and nothing will ever make me feel differently :D
but its completely your choice, dont feel pressured into going, or not going if you dont feel its right for you :)
Religion is a tool used to take advantage of the weak and the ignorant. look I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you don't know much about this stuff, that you've never really done any reading about it and seriously look into it, I have, its all garbage.

its a complete waste of time and it corrupts your mind. its designed to keep people dumb and keep them in line to not question things, to habe faith that things will work out, when we all know it isn't.

it was made up by the ruling class as a way to keep the commoners in line
but theres no basis for it. think of how miserable you've been the past few years, why would god allow that? why would god allow cancer and pain and misery and disease and death
millions of people dying all the time from diseases?

its a form of mental illness when people believe in god, its a delusion. i dont know if you know but the medical definition of a delusion is a belief in something that isn't real
or doesn't make any sense or is impossible. i believed in this garbage and it makes me furious to think that you're gonna get sucked into this there is no happiness in this route that you're on.

They think it's a sin to do certain things, like masturbation for example. Does that sound like a fair deal to you?

and you know what it did for me? when I believed in it? I didn't value human life i didn't care about people dying because i thought oh well they're off enjoying the afterlife now.
and theres a million different videos i can show you that explain with scientific reasoning and geometric logic, that prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that religion is a bunch of stupid bs.

^This! All of it.


Go with your own instincts. Do you feel genuinely well there? Is it your thing?
Those are things that concern your existence. I feel equally awkward about people screaming "HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!, RUN!!!!!!!!", as I feel about my former friend who kept pushing me her line of spirituality - in her case a "Course in Miracles". First it was open enthusiasm and I how should get into it - then she switched tactics and pushed her 'thing' without saying so - but thought I'd be stupid enough not to realize what she is pushing.

These are experiences we all have to navigate ourselves - and find out.

If inner alarm bells are going off - listen. But don't let friends decide for you where your search should take you. Ever. Good luck.
I am the first 'openly' searching family member in a hardcore atheistic family. Spirituality and the search for the nature of our existence is something that you obviously feel drawn to - and which is something nobody can advise for, or against.
Of course - even a spiritual search doesn't mean ignoring common sense and turning off your brain - use discernment, read up about everything. If something smells fishy- don't ignore the feelings. But don't let other people on a different path make decisions for you. Free will above all.
Recently i received a card/flyer about a live music band that would be playing this saturday. I like music, so i thought let's check it it out. Long story short, it took place in a Evangelic community and it was a really interesting experience. There was music, with the lyrics of course all about believing in god and that apparently it's the solution to all problems. There were a few people who explained their story about how their were feeling miserable, doing all the 'wrong' things like smoking weed and going out to clubs and so on. It was a hour long and it was good to see something like this, it's something new for me, that's for sure. The guy their invited me to revisit next weekend again to attend a 'thing' (not sure how to word this) by a preacher/pastor. I might do it..don't know for sure yet.

I talked about this with a good friend of mine and well, he absolutely advices against this on all counts, he says i shouldn't bother and that he speaks from experience. Basically he said these things...and i know it's not a simple topic, still i'd like to hear honest thoughts/opinions on this.

Thing is, i am kinda interested by it, to know about it, this has peeked my interest for a while, but when my friend is so advicing against it.....i might need to think it over.


Religion is a tool used to take advantage of the weak and the ignorant. look I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you don't know much about this stuff, that you've never really done any reading about it and seriously look into it, I have, its all garbage.

its a complete waste of time and it corrupts your mind. its designed to keep people dumb and keep them in line to not question things, to habe faith that things will work out, when we all know it isn't.

it was made up by the ruling class as a way to keep the commoners in line
but theres no basis for it. think of how miserable you've been the past few years, why would god allow that? why would god allow cancer and pain and misery and disease and death
millions of people dying all the time from diseases?

its a form of mental illness when people believe in god, its a delusion. i dont know if you know but the medical definition of a delusion is a belief in something that isn't real
or doesn't make any sense or is impossible. i believed in this garbage and it makes me furious to think that you're gonna get sucked into this there is no happiness in this route that you're on.

They think it's a sin to do certain things, like masturbation for example. Does that sound like a fair deal to you?

and you know what it did for me? when I believed in it? I didn't value human life i didn't care about people dying because i thought oh well they're off enjoying the afterlife now.
and theres a million different videos i can show you that explain with scientific reasoning and geometric logic, that prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that religion is a bunch of stupid bs.

This is the link he gave me.

So yeah....thoughts/opinions?

well, your friend is taking the same position he is speaking against. he hopes to tell your brain what to do. if you make a decision based totally on what your friend said, and things go bad for you, you won't be able to blame him, because he will tell you you made the final decision. In the end, we all have to make our final decisions. Your friend is coming from his own point of view. what about all those who see it as a positive? So, it's best to investigate and make up your own mind, IMO
I talked about this with a good friend of mine and well, he absolutely advices against this on all counts, he says

... when people believe in god, its a delusion... a belief in something that isn't real.

Your friend is saying this because he doesn't believe God is real because he has never experienced Him in a real way. If your friend had asked God with sincerity this challenge, "God, if You are real, then please show me that You are," then God would have. In fact, Staffordshire, if you ask God this, He will show you in a personal way that He is real. I know He will. It seems that you have been grieving over something privately recently...a loss of some sort, this is what I am sensing, and He wants to let you know He sees and cares.

Maybe if you attend this event God will draw a safe person to you at some point in the evening who can pray with you about this. It might help. It's worth a shot. Give it a try. :)

Thanks so much for sharing this.
Your friend is saying this because he doesn't believe God is real because he has never experienced Him in a real way. If your friend had asked God with sincerity this challenge, "God, if You are real, then please show me that You are," then God would have. In fact, Staffordshire, if you ask God this, He will show you in a personal way that He is real. I know He will. It seems that you have been grieving over something privately recently...a loss of some sort, this is what I am sensing, and He wants to let you know He sees and cares.

Maybe if you attend this event God will draw a safe person to you at some point in the evening who can pray with you about this. It might help. It's worth a shot. Give it a try. :)

Thanks so much for sharing this.

It's already more than a year, but it feels like yesterday that my beloved father passed away at a way too young age. Maybe that was one of the reasons i decided to go there, i'm not sure. I don't know yet if i will return there,i'm always welcome to visit there and they always apparently have music or a preacher talking there in weekends, so who knows..i may go back sometime.