To what extend did Michael's success matter to you?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
This is a very hypothetical question as it is obvious that Michael virtually broke every record possible with his monstrously successful career, but did that really matter to you to become his fan? I know I was really lured in when MTV was having all those MJ weekends and you saw the fans going mad over him. I wanted to know what that magic was all about and became thus hooked. I often wonder if the same would have happened if Michael was just mediocre successfull as artists like Seal or alicia Keys. Both of them are artists I really respect but there is no allure and hype surrounding them like with Michael. When Michael doesn't reach # 1 fans are often disappointed, but does it really matter? Wouldn't it have been great if Michael did not have a legendary status, but was just approachable and low-key, performing in small venues and stuff? Is it really the magic and the madness (surrounding him, not he himself of course) that is interesting about him or does it just destract from what it is really about, the music? If I'm really honest I don't think I would be quite as hypnotized with Michael had he had mediocre success, his larger than life status definitely made him more interesting, but I feel kind of guilty admitting that as I feel like this is exactly what made him so lonely during his life. What are you thoughts about the importance of his success for your own fandom?

I must add that his personality has always been more important than his music to me, which might be even stranger.
I became a fan just because of his spectacular Dangerous tour Billie Jean performance. At that time I didn't even know much about his records. He was and still is awesome. And that's what matters ;D
Well, if you are talented, then you are bound to break records and be successful. When I became a MJ fan just over 10 years ago, I wasn't aware of all his records and achievements. I just saw him dance and fell in love with him the very instance.
Of course it makes me proud of him and makes me happy, but I'd be a fan even if his talent wasn't recognized. I think I first became a fan of him as a humanitarian, actually.
This is a very hypothetical question as it is obvious that Michael virtually broke every record possible with his monstrously successful career, but did that really matter to you to become his fan?

No. When I first became a fan, I was about 11-12 or so and I didn't know anything about him prior to hearing a tape of the Bad album. I liked the album a lot and that's how it started. I didn't know how big star he was. Of course, later I found out.

I sometimes wonder what if Thriller and the following albums had just been moderately successful, let's say, like Off the Wall. But I wonder about this not in terms of how it'd effect my fandom, but how it would effect Michael's life. Sometimes I think he would have had a better life with a little less success... He would have been less of a target.
I would still love his music, his style in his art and his humanitarian effort.
But It's impossible to think MJ without his success. It's MJ, it's like cause and effect.
It's like asking what if MJ was born white?
I became a fan based off of his personality after watching The Living With Michael documentary (previous to that I only knew Billie Jean and parts of Bad). I saw someone so caring and selfless that I immediately wanted to know everything about him and to see what his music was all about. I was 15 at the time and had somehow managed to avoid all the hype and tabloid sensationalism and was able to listen with fresh unbiased ears - suffice to say I've never looked back :)

For me I don't judge artistic merit on numbers sold or chart positions ect. I prefer Invincible & HIStory to Thriller for instance because for me I can relate to the songs on those records more. I listen to songs for ME not for the mass public. If an album doesn't do so well it's only disappointing to me on the level of me feeling that the artist deserved more attention for the brilliance and hard work but at the same time if an album sells millions it doesn't qualify to my ears that music as good.

It's great and much deserved that Michael got the recognition, album sales, awards ect for his work but for me my opinion of the music would be no better or worse had Michael been a town hall singer as opposed to a stadium entertainer.

I suppose if it wasn't for his fame then the documentary wouldn't of been made and I wouldn't of been introduced to him so I certainly respect the level of fame he attained. Consequently that level of fame enabled him to help countless charities which he wouldn't of had the platform to do if not famous so the fame has it's benefits but has no bearing to me on the quality of the music.

I could love the music if I didn't like the man and I could still love the man if I didn't like the music but this is where Mike's so unique and special - I love him AND I love his music too :)
I became a fan in 1987 when I was 6 years old and therefore I didn't have any interests in records and stuff like that. I only cared for the music and dance :)
I became fan of MJ's because of his music. I didn't know how many records he had sold or things like that and i find it quite interesting and surprising that there are people who are fan of his only because of his success or personality. I actually fear that because in the end of the day music is what really counts and lasts, not his personality or his success. Personaly, I wouldn't care if he hadn't sold a record in his life but he had made the same music that made me a fan.
I became fan of MJ's because of his music. I didn't know how many records he had sold or things like that and i find it quite interesting and surprising that there are people who are fan of his only because of his success or personality. I actually fear that because in the end of the day music is what really counts and lasts, not his personality or his success. Personaly, I wouldn't care if he hadn't sold a record in his life but he had made the same music that made me a fan.

Where? Because apparently there are no fans like that in this thread.
^^ Oh, sorry i didn't say that to offend anyone. I just find it weird that someone could be a fan of a musian because of his personality and not his music. I personally don't care about this kind of stuff because to me music is what matter and Michael's legacy is primarly his music. But if lots of fans are not interested in MJ's music but in his personality or whatever, then what it is going to be remembered of him? Again, i appologize if i offended you.
^^ Oh, sorry i didn't say that to offend anyone. I just find it weird that someone could be a fan of a musian because of his personality and not his music. I personally don't care about this kind of stuff because to me music is what matter and Michael's legacy is primarly his music. But if lots of fans are not interested in MJ's music but in his personality or whatever, then what it is going to be remembered of him? Again, i appologize if i offended you.

You didn't offend me because I'm not like that.:D so no problem.
I just wanted to know where did you find that kind of fans, that's all.
Michael's sucess was always very important to me becuase it was always very important to him
he wanted to be recognised for his art. He wanted to be imortalized throught his music. His success
in the musical industry would assure that. Beyond all that I truly loved him for the MAN he was and
I still do Love him with all my heart.
Michael's sucess was always very important to me becuase it was always very important to him
he wanted to be recognised for his art. He wanted to be imortalized throught his music. His success
in the musical industry would assure that. Beyond all that I truly loved him for the MAN he was and
I still do Love him with all my heart.
Well i ain't a huge fan or anywhere close of the beatles or elvis, it might add some weight, but it's about so much more than success. I'd say it mattered like 3% or something terms of why i am a fan
Michael's sucess was always very important to me becuase it was always very important to him
he wanted to be recognised for his art. He wanted to be imortalized throught his music. His success
in the musical industry would assure that. Beyond all that I truly loved him for the MAN he was and
I still do Love him with all my heart.
Well, if succes meant it made Michael HAPPY and it made him recognized for his talent than yes... Succes matters...
but I personally care more about Michael (the person) then Michael (the artist)
Thats a :tease: to explain as I'm seen as "a fan" but I see Michael more as "my friend, my bro" and being MJ, the artist was just a JOB for me like we have all jobs right...
Of course, it was cool Michael had the N°1 spot... I didn't like all the hatred and jealousy it brought with it though :(