To MJJC-from all of us


Proud Member
Jul 5, 2004
Dearest MJJC,

On behalf of each and every member from every nation, every race, every faith, with all of my heart and soul I wish to say-Thankyou... On June 25 last year our world came crashing down…NOTHING would be the same again. We may say we’re ‘devastated’ but our hearts know that word doesn’t even come close. As Michael's Army of Love we were always fighting alongside him, doing our best to help him, protect him, shield him. But we’re also like his children and in that unbelievable moment that he was ripped apart from us, we were all orphaned. But like elder brothers and sisters you rushed in to hug us, hold us, heal us, comfort us, protect us. Putting aside your own pain and grief you took it upon yourself to carry us through. You took it as your responsibility to be brave and help us find the courage to cope and survive. You saved lives. You gave us hope. You kept the family together. You understood what we were going through and with your kindness and patience you helped us deal with the pain. Each one of us. While many of us old members were not even in a state to find enough strength to be part of the forum that had been our loving home ‘every day’ for all these many years, you gathered the strength and will not only to deal with the daily deluge of news reports and information but also welcome new fan members with open arms and face the barrage of all kinds of visitors. You held on to your integrity, preserved your honesty, maintained your decency. You did it all with love and we could feel it all along. And its because of you that we are able to stay strong and live through this day today. And we thank you and bless you with all our hearts.

May God bless this most beautiful, dedicated, loving family and may we all do Michael and each one of us proud in every way, always!
I would like to thank you Gary and all the staff who work so hard to make this the most wonderful site your love and support for us is greatly appreciated. I am proud to be a member of MJJC without your site I don't know where I would be.

I would also like to thank you for this special forum you have created for us during this difficult time it has helped me to feel comfortable enough to be able to express some feelings I have kept deep inside.

Thank you everyone at MJJC, I love you!!
Thank you brother Garry from the bottom of my heart for everything you are doing for Michael, his family and fans.
To the wonderful MJJC team, much gratitude for all the hard work and perseverance.
To every fellow MJ fan, I hope I have done just a little bit to make you feel better.

I love you all dearly.
Absolutely, Gaz (a.k.a The Boss), the mods, the staff, everyone - please know that your efforts do not go unnoticed and are very much appreciated.


MJJC rulez! :punk:
I also wanna thank u gaz & the staff once again for all the hard work u do for the mjjc forum- We all couldnt have gone through today with it!

Thanks everyone. I know you put a lot of work into running the forum and I really appreciate it. This is the only forum I use and I would be totally lost without it and the people in it

Thanks again :group: