To Kill a Mickingbird Anniversary (Michael related)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
United States
We all know To Kill a Mockingbird was one of Michael's favorite films ( I like it too but love the book) but has anyone noticed how many eerie parallel's in the story are to Michael's? Beyond the obvious African American man accused of a crime he did not commit by a trashy family, but a singer who only sang his heart out to give joy to others, a lawyer whose career he willingly put on the line for the cause of defending an innocent man regardless of what was being said by the majority. There's even a quote on how wrong a majority can be by Atticus but that may take a while to find. Since today is the fiftieth anniversary of the book I am sifting through my copy and seeing more eerie coincedences.

Maybe too many but it even goes to syllables (Mi-chael Jack-son; Tom Ro-Bin-son= 4 syllables) Tom Mes-er-eau At-ti-cus Finch=4 syllables) Ga-vin Ar-vi-so; May-el-la E-well=5 syllables)

That may seem like too much but I wanted to hear other's takes on this. I wonder if on some unconscious level Michael was so tired of accusations he manifested a chance to clear his name. Maybe he regretted settling so much deep down he wanted a trial as a chance for evidence to come out and in turn manifested Mesereau. I'm certain if Michael had kept vain-flaky Geragos he would have lost that case in a month. Mesereau has that Atticus integrity so rare in people period, to do what's right when everyone else says you're going to lose. That's true courage and integrity.
Ok, this is the about the 5th random To Kill A Mockingbird reference that got me this week (most others not seemingly in connection to the 50th anniversary, so just weird, lol). We read the book in school back in the 80's and I've also seen the film. Yes, I agree that the parallels are pretty amazing. And sad. Not sure about manifesting a way to clear his name, though. I mean, although it's obvious to anyone who actually looks into the case what was really going on, sooo many people believe even more now that he was guilty since he was accused more than once. :no: At least it seems that way overall (although of course there are exceptions ... the people without the media wool over their eyes). Crazy about the syllables matching up.
Re: To Kill a Mockingbird Anniversary (Michael related)


That may seem like too much but I wanted to hear other's takes on this. I wonder if on some unconscious level Michael was so tired of accusations he manifested a chance to clear his name. Maybe he regretted settling so much deep down he wanted a trial as a chance for evidence to come out and in turn manifested Mesereau.
I get what you're getting at.
In this case I do think though that it was the others that manifested this farce of a trial.
I agree on Mesereau.

I'm certain if Michael had kept vain-flaky Geragos he would have lost that case in a month. Mesereau has that Atticus integrity so rare in people period, to do what's right when everyone else says you're going to lose. That's true courage and integrity.

I couldn't agree more. "we will land on you like a ton of bricks." S'cuse me?? You consider that professional? Ouch.
And in this case Mr Mesereau had a lot to do with "manifestating" winning this trial. (and of course a ton of hard work by him and all working alongside)
Listen to Mr. Mesereau in interviews stressing how important your mental attitude as attorney is. He did say that he treated this trial as if it were a death penalty trial, sensing Michael as a person and his needs- but he also stated numerous times that he always acted as if OF COURSE this trial is winnable, especially when he started looking into the evidence.

Mr.Mesereau always devoted time to speak about his mental attitude on "verdict day" and prior- that was very insightful in that regard.
This is my favourite book and yes I always think of Michael when I read it. Sooooo many eerie parallels.