To innocent..

Michael was actually a very clever person but violence, bad language, alcohol, drugs, etc never bothered him.

Innocent.........he wouldn't hurt a fly!!!!!!!
Innocent.........he wouldn't hurt a fly!!!!!!!

He wouldn't hurt a bug... we know that for sure, for HIStory tells us so!!! :)

But coming back to the original post... yes... Michael was so special, so unique, so intersting, so attractive, so nice and so gentle.
How I wish I could have ever met him for real :-(
He wouldn't hurt a bug... we know that for sure, for HIStory tells us so!!! :)

But coming back to the original post... yes... Michael was so special, so unique, so intersting, so attractive, so nice and so gentle.
How I wish I could have ever met him for real :-(

yes he is so special. His heart was so gentle and pure, he radiated beauty and had a youthful innocence to him that I love. Sometimes I like to imagine what it would be like just spending one day with Michael. It would be so much fun. We would be playing with water squirt guns, eating popcorn. :wub:
I totally agree. Especially when I see something like this:


Michael really was the most loving and sweetest person in the entire world. There will never be another person like Michael Jackson. And MJstarlight I have many dreams where I just spent the entire day with Michael. And let me tell you it is like what you see in those home movies of his. It is just so wonderful spending the entire day with Michael. And just doing something with him. Especially when that entire day is spent at Neverland. My last MJ dream I had of Michael is when we played Indiana Jackson. Instead of Indiana Jones it was Indiana Jackson. It was a very good dream that I had. My MJ dreams are so wonderful at times that I hate waking up from them.
The world could not handle Michael! :( People can not believe there could be such a person as kind and loving as him! People like to believe there is bad in everyone and the reason Michael got so much stick was because there was nothing evil or bad about him! Its sad really :(
He was so good to the fans. I saw something on youtube where he was on his way to court during the trial and someone had a painting of him on the road. He had the car stopped and meet the fan and accept the painting. He must have had so much on his mind but he stopped and did that. Nobody else would do those kinds of things.
The world could not handle Michael! :( People can not believe there could be such a person as kind and loving as him! People like to believe there is bad in everyone and the reason Michael got so much stick was because there was nothing evil or bad about him! Its sad really :(

Yeah, that is what it seems to me.