To Fans Who Saw Michael Live on the Bad Tour


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Please tell me about the part of his performance where he takes off the big wrester type belt and throws it on the stage. During which song did he throw the belt? Does he say anything before he throws it on the stage?

I would love to hear details from anyone who saw this because right now there aren't any clips.

If you want to know what I'm talking about look at the small snippet in Birchey's signature here:
sorry I want that near the front and with everyone fliiping screaming and crying couldnt make it out/
i was at the bad tour in aintree liverpool 1988 but i don,t remember this bit i was to far back anyway,sorry,could be another part of me,
In Holland I don't remember that he throw his belt off... It's a shame, because I was in the front row, if he had threw his belt off I could catch it ;) I was very close to him and could see all his face expressions.

I guess the song is: Another part of me.
The way he rocked in Birchey's sig did make me think of APOM for some reason. He didn't throw his belt into the audience, Jennifer Batten said he would throw it on the stage. I think it weighed about 30 pounds so he would have give someone a concussion if he threw it into the audience. LOL

I hope someone on this board saw this live and can give us details.

Question for you guys.

I'm sure there are alot things that Michael did on stage during the Bad tour that most fans who didn't see him live might not know about.

Should I start a thread asking for fans to tell us about some of the things Michael did during the Bad tour that aren't on all the concert DVDs?

EDIT: APoM on one of those NYC dates is on YT, btw:

Thanks. I have this one in my collection. I love APOM live.
Michael knew how to drive us crazy.....

I mean come on! Taking his belt off?? I know the audience went wild. I bet he has a big smile on his face after he tosses that belt.
I remember wondering at the time about how much that belt weighed. I had no idea it was 30lbs! when I shook his hand during the Bad tour, I remember thinking he was soo wiry. I was really small and lean then, and he seemed really tall to me, but really slender with long muscles.

but 30 pounds!! wow!
That's what I heard. Hopefully someone can confirm it was that heavy. But it wouldn't surprise me since it was made of silver and his military jackets from the eighties were heavy like that.
Uhm, why is this in the "Investigative Unit?" It's interesting, but isn't this a post for "Michaelmania?" We're investigating Michael's death in here . . . . !
Uhm, why is this in the "Investigative Unit?" It's interesting, but isn't this a post for "Michaelmania?" We're investigating Michael's death in here . . . . !

I thought I posted this in this in the general discussion section so this is a mistake. Can you move it to Michaelmania?

It was truly a mistake so sarcasm and exclamation points really aren't necessary.
Where can I find this video to make download? I really want to see it.