To believe me or not it's th truth


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Before he died in one day , l dreamt enjoying his show ,"this is it" but not in London ,in my country Morocco .
when l wake up l hate my life because it was jut good dream....

Rest in Peace Michael
*gives you a big hug*

I dreamed about a person's death(don't remember well but it's about a death) and I got a phonecall from my dear friend who wanted to let me know he had passed away.
Before he even muttered the word 'Michael' I knew it had happened.

Many of us had a nightmare or weird dream that day.
I'm so sorry to hear that

You have to remember the fact that there are millions of fans, just like yourself, across the globe who couldn't see him either. It was their dream to see him perform in their country someday, and sadly, heaven couldn't wait for him also.

Hugs. x
Mehdi, my friend, I completely feel for you... Sending you all my love from Serbia...
I saw a dream some weeks ago that I was at his concert and I was the lucky girl and then I woke... too bad that I didn't get the chance to make my dream come true...

I miss Michael so much :cry: I try to convice myself that all this is just a nightmare and I'll wake up :cry:
I had a dream the night he died that I looked on the internet and saw that he had woken up out of a coma and is recovering in hospital, I woke up and quickly looked to see if it was actually a dream or not, I was very dissapointed.
the best it's when l am sleeping it makes forget this dark world when l wake up l refuse life.
I had a dream a few weeks ago about watching Michael rehearse and going up to him afterwards whilst he was collecting his bags, we spoke & hugged (& it might sound strange but in my dreams things feel real and I really felt his arms around me), I asked for a photograph with him in case I never saw him again, and he promised I would see him again later. Then I watched the show - everyone was standing and dancing an enjoying themselves... :( :( xxMJxx
the best it's when l am sleeping it makes forget this dark world when l wake up l refuse life.

Mehdi, I feel your pain. I really do. Mornings are the worst. But please do not "refuse life." Try to feel his presence in the music, and in the videos? I know people here have different spiritual beliefs. Myself, I believe that the soul never dies. Michael was larger than life. Somehow and in some way, I think he feels all the love directed toward him. Don't give up on life. . . . . . . . you are young. . . . .
I know how you feel.

I can't lay in bed in the morning anymore, its too quiet and my mind goes over it again - I found out the terrible news by being woken up by my dad who looked so paniced and shocked and told me 'Francesca,theres bad news,something bad has happened,Michael Jackson has...' he led me down to watch the news, told me to hold onto him down the stairs in case I collapsed! I keep reliving that.

Michael's soul is not gone he is still here somewhere.