To Be a Hero...How Michael Saved My Life in a Real-Life Gang Scene

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Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Michael Jackson is a Hero, my HERO and I would like to share my story about how Michael risked HIS life to save mine in a real-life gang scene. I would like to share with MJ's fans his humility and selfless act(s) of kindness from my perspective and my point of view. Michael is a HERO in so many ways and he's made sacrifices for what he believes in, and sacrifices to ensure his dreams, his desires, his wants, and his needs.

In the past, he has shared with me some of his dreams, some of his desires, some of his wants, and some of his needs, which, out of respect for him and respect for his privacy, I have chosen long ago, not to divulge. However, some may feel that sharing my story of how Michael saved my life in a real-life gang scene to be disrespectful or an invasion of his privacy, I assure you that it is not, and no man would want to toot his own horn, so to speak. I'm very appreciative of Michael's heroics and what better way to show my appreciation by sharing HIS bravery which I personally witnessed, with his fans.

I hope this thread generates positive discussion, and maybe you too, have a story to add about how Michael or someone else has helped you when it wasn't expected. Do you know what it's like, To Be a Hero? Soon, you'll find out how Michael, while in disguise, RISK HIS LIFE TO SAVE MINE...........Stay Tuned.
We have a thread for this actually. If you have met Michael and also the people who have changed you life threads :yes:
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