to all the fans that has send me things plz read


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
gosh i dont even know where to start but this has gotten me to lose sleep and i been having night mirrors about this i cant go up to MJ crypt my fear is way stronger then me i just cant i have this fear since i was a littel girl since after losing my grandma and barring her ever since then i cant step one foot in a cemetery im scard that they might jump out at me and try to take me with them as childish as it sound im sorry i dont want any one to be mad at me or to say i am a lier becuse i m not i am going over to Fl but i wont be going up to the masalim i will give the letters that you guys have sent me to the person in charge of Fl and pay the $3 fee and requst that they take a pic of everything by the door while i wait there

im sorry but it just the way i fell i cant go up there
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Aw. :hug: It's ok hun! Just relax it's ok. I understand, I used to be afraid of cemetary's also. It is not childish. I can understand how at first you felt like you were ready to go there and do this, but once the day finally comes or as it draws closer, you lose that feeling and become scared or nervous. I, and I'm sure the other fans who sent you stuff, appreciate that you're sending our letters there. Honestly, I don't think I'd be able to go up to his crypt either. It's just way to surreal and I'd break down.

I'm not mad at all. :) Michael would be proud and happy that you came to visit him and bring gifts from other fans who are unable to make it there and visit. However, I can promise that Michael won't jump out and try to hurt you. If he ever were to jump out of his tomb, he would give you the biggest hug you could imagine.

L.O.V.E. :heart:
Ah. Don't worry. I was afraid of these places too when I was younger. I am now 47 and feel differently. However, I would not like to be there in the night by myself. You tried to do the right thing, and that is what is important. In time, you will feel differently about it. Also, you have to remember that you loved Michael dearly, and that coupled with your childhood experiences made it worst. All the best and Love.
gosh i dont even know where to start but this has gotten me to lose sleep and i been having night mirrors about this i cant go up to MJ crypt my fear is way stronger then me i just cant i have this fear since i was a littel girl since after losing my grandma and barring her ever since then i cant step one foot in a cemetery im scard that they might jump out at me and try to take me with them as childish as it sound im sorry i dont want any one to be mad at me or to say i am a lier becuse i m not i am going over to Fl but i wont be going up to the masalim i will give the letters that you guys have sent me to the person in charge of Fl and pay the $3 fee and requst that they take a pic of everything by the door while i wait there

im sorry but it just the way i fell i cant go up there

thats okay :)
dont worry
we understand
Aww! *HUGS* That's ok. You do what makes you feel most comfortable. :hug:
hey thank on firday im going to try to go up there if not then i will give the letter to the Fl personal so they can give it to MJ i wish a fan was going with me it seams when i go with someone like last timei t not as scarry