TMZ Sued Over Debbie Rowe Interview


Proud Member
Jul 26, 2011
*A production company is suing celeb gossip site over the use of an interview with Michael Jackson’s ex-wife Debbie Rowe.

F. Marc Schaffel Productions says it’s the owner of the 2003 interview with Rowe – some of which aired that year while other portions were held back as private and confidential, subject to a joint consent agreement between the interviewer and interviewee. [Watch portion of interview below.]

In the lawsuit filed Monday in California District Court, Schaffel accuses TMZ of stealing the confidential footage and broadcasting it without permission.

After Jackson was indicted for child molestation in December 2003, the Santa Barbara County Sheriff obtained and executed a search warrant on Schaffel’s home and seized the interview tapes. Two years later, the County Sheriff claimed that he returned the property and hadn’t released the “confidential outtakes” to anyone.

But last July, TMZ broadcast those confidential outtakes that included a conversation where Rowe talks about needing sedatives. The plaintiff says that Rowe’s comments were made in the context of a joke about stage fright, but taken by TMZ to tie past drug use to Jackson’s death from a prescription-drug overdose.

After TMZ aired the interview, Schaffel and Rowe demanded that the confidential outtakes be removed. TMZ first claimed the video was sourced from a British TV station, but then said it came from the Santa Barbara Sherriff’s Department. The plaintiff says that when confronted, TMZ rescinded the story and claimed its source was confidential.

Schaffel is now seeking damages from TMZ over copyright infringement and conversion. Schaffel says the confidential outtakes have “an estimated value of potentially millions of dollars, the exact amount of which shall be proved at trial.”

Schaffel also sued Fox News last month for airing the interview. Details of a possible lawsuit against TMZ were first reported by Hollywood Reporter blogger Roger Friedman last August.

see video

This is very serious
This is more than proof of how the LA police are corrupt
How Michael was harmed by these officers
I hope that the prosecution is aware of all this to prevent any
type of manipulation that attempts to involve Mike as an addict remedios
to rid Murray
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hahahah get 'em Debbie! That's one thing I like about Debbie, she don't take sh!t from people.
Schaffel. Why should I care it's not like the money is going to Michael's children. Next.
In the lawsuit filed Monday in California District Court, Schaffel accuses TMZ of stealing the confidential footage and broadcasting it without permission.

Debbie isn't suing anyone, Schaffel is suing over the interview he did with Debbie
In the lawsuit filed Monday in California District Court, Schaffel accuses TMZ of stealing the confidential footage and broadcasting it without permission.

Debbie isn't suing anyone, Schaffel is suing over the interview he did with Debbie

oh aight thanks for that info fam...
Good, let Harvey Levin and Marc Shaffel go at each other. I could careless if they rip each other's throat out.

One slimeball going after another slimeball. I'll be sitting back with a large bowl of buttered popcorn watching them each try and expose each others lowlife tactics.
That's one thing I like about Debbie, she don't take sh!t from people.

Don't you love her for it! She's a straight shooter with a whole lot more integrity than most of the folks who were in MJ's sphere.

You go, Debbie!!
Now let's wait for Karen Faye to sue TMZ over the Forest Lawn pictures. If TMZ indeed printed "stolen pictures" from her facebook, she will soon follow in Schaffel's footstep and sue TMZ.

I cannot wait for that one.
This is more than proof of how the LA police are corrupt
nothing to do with the LAPD this was the SBPD. shame hes not sueing the SBPD.them leaking the tapes is more of an issue than anything else. never even heard about these interview outakes b4. two slimeballs sueing each fun to watch thats about it
Now let's wait for Karen Faye to sue TMZ over the Forest Lawn pictures. If TMZ indeed printed "stolen pictures" from her facebook, she will soon follow in Schaffel's footstep and sue TMZ.

I cannot wait for that one.
They didn't have the TMZ mark on them but Spash News (at least when I unfortunately came across them) Spalsh News usually pays people for the rights to photos or in other words the owner.

Plus she wasn't supposed to take them in the first place and posted them on a Facebook with a couple hundred or more friends.

I don't think she has much of a case. I doubt it will happen. It would be interesting.

nothing to do with the LAPD this was the SBPD. shame hes not sueing the SBPD.them leaking the tapes is more of an issue than anything else. never even heard about these interview outakes b4. two slimeballs sueing each fun to watch thats about it

If I am reading everything right the interview would be what was used in Take 2. There was some footage that wasn't in Take 2 but shown on ET.
Unless it's something else. If he went and sued them I dobut he'd have a chance.
Even though they are slime balls, I want to see more people sue these publications. They have been getting away with too much, especially false information when it comes to Michael. Let all the scum take care of the scum.
They didn't have the TMZ mark on them but Spash News (at least when I unfortunately came across them) Spalsh News usually pays people for the rights to photos or in other words the owner.

Plus she wasn't supposed to take them in the first place and posted them on a Facebook with a couple hundred or more friends.

I don't think she has much of a case. I doubt it will happen. It would be interesting.

I was being sarcastic. I believe she herself sold the pictures. But her fans believe her lies that they were stolen.

I figured they will find an excuse why she hasn't filed a civil lawsuit and get compensated by a court of law over her "stolen goods". I mean Schaffel is suing for similar reasons....
Now let's wait for Karen Faye to sue TMZ over the Forest Lawn pictures. If TMZ indeed printed "stolen pictures" from her facebook, she will soon follow in Schaffel's footstep and sue TMZ.

