TMZ Post Pics OF MJ's Rabbit

  • Thread starter Dangerous Incorporated
  • Start date

Dangerous Incorporated

On the 15 Feb, TMZ posted what is supposed to be MJ's bunny:






The way there is no info I am thinking they are implying something else....:(
The fact that it reads exactly "Michael Jackson Bunny", and the color of the rabbit, I understand what Summer means now, atleast I think.
Well, go to the TMZ photo link that someone posted earlier and read the title again.
I did that already.
I guess they are implying the bunny is a rabbit version of MJ, those b******. Vitiligo is nothing to be made fun of, to h*** with Harvey Levin and his team of low life scums. :mat:
I dont think its implying what you all think it is.
I think they are implying 2 things with the bunny, 1 is the vitligo (that's kinda tasteless if they do) and the other is the pattern that looks like MJ.
The pattern looks like Michael?? Can you perhaps point out how, or circle where the resemblance is , cause I just don't see it.
yeah....I don't think they implied about the skin color. Notice it's a lot of pics of the Bunny's butt, where if you look...and try really hard (must be a REALLY slow news day), you can see two dark black circles (MJ's sunglasses) and then white space, then a black line (his mouth). The the black fur around the white fur is his hair. whoo hoo....they found...pointless crap. Frankly, that can be..anyone. Waste of time. :(
Ahh, I see the image now, now that you guys said something and what it's supposed to look like...Funny how the human mind works isn't it, if you all never pointed that out, I never would've saw it. I'm still questionable though if that's actually what they implied, since its too little of a similarity to actually write about.
Right, so now TMZ are so desperate to hold onto the MJ fans that go there for information they're resorting to posting pictures of a rabbit? Um, ok then?
They obviously couldnt meet their daily quota of MJ news............
ahahha, I can see it. Michael's portrait on a rabbit :) It's cute.

poor TMZ though, no news today, eh?
Thx for taking the time to post DI. Is it the one we should follow ? lol I won't go farther since this part of the forum is not about that but i guess some know what i mean lol ;)
Wow .. is this what the latest MJ news has come to?
I miss him..