TMZ M.I.A over Interview


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Fluttering with Michael's playful spirit at Neverl
I also find it INCREDIBLY odd and glaringly obvious that TMZ hasn't made one peep about that interview. Could it be because she didn't trash talk him and humanized him by saying their marriage was real, that she loved him and that he was intoxicating to her? She gushed over him at some points. The media didn't want that. They wanted the dirt so it was glossed over. It's just soooo obvious to me. I'm not surprised but I wanted to put it on blast that gossip king TMZ hasn't said one word.

I think I saw that yahoo news has some piece on her interview. Has anyone seen any "major" news reporting on it? I wouldn't hold your breathes while searching.
I also find it INCREDIBLY odd and glaringly obvious that TMZ hasn't made one peep about that interview. Could it be because she didn't trash talk him and humanized him by saying their marriage was real, that she loved him and that he was intoxicating to her? She gushed over him at some points. The media didn't want that. They wanted the dirt so it was glossed over. It's just soooo obvious to me. I'm not surprised but I wanted to put it on blast that gossip king TMZ hasn't said one word.

I think I saw that yahoo news has some piece on her interview. Has anyone seen any "major" news reporting on it? I wouldn't hold your breathes while searching.

I have to be honest here, the times that I did see something posted about it a lot of comments were things like " Who cares?" or "He was a drug addict/dysfunctional we all knew that" "Just as bad as Elvis" bla,bla,bla. Even people who haven't forgotten her past interviews and calling her out on it. (Let's say in short, not all that nice)

I read several coverings of it on different entertainment blogs. Same story everytime.
I think the nice responses were mostly from MJ fans who wanted to know about their relationship anyway. Sure some people liked the interview and thought it was positive but there are also a lot of people who's opinions haven't changed or for who it only showed that they were right. (dumb enough some people even still think he's gay even after this interview)

I don't think the lack of coverage is neccesarily because the interview was positive (eventhough it might be I don't know) but more because the general public don't really have an interest in their marriage anymore. It's not really big news to them. (Except maybe the drug talk.)
You would be surprised how many people actually feel like it's old news. If the news would get more clicks on a site they would post it,talk about it, whether it goes against their personal agenda or not.
(That's why we saw a lot of change in the coverage of Michael all of a sudden.)

Besides all that you can still call TMZ out though :p They still suck.
don't think the lack of coverage is neccesarily because the interview was positive (eventhough it might be I don't know) but more because the general public don't really have an interest in their marriage anymore. It's not really big news to them. (Except maybe the drug talk.)
You would be surprised how many people actually feel like it's old news. If the news would get more clicks on a site they would post it,talk about it, whether it goes against their personal agenda or not.
(That's why we saw a lot of change in the coverage of Michael all of a sudden.)
exactly. its old hat. it not like she hasnt done interviews in the past about him. its 15 years to late. and id hardly call the interview postive
I have to agree with xrisx and elusive moonwalker.

She divorced from Michael 14 years ago ffs. I feel sad and embarassed for her husband and children.
i thought the same thing about TMZ....I thought they would for sure jump on the LMP. Oprah banned wagon. Give them time..I am sure they are waiting in the wings for some reason.
M.I.A. as in "Missing In Action," not the singer.

Meaning, they failed to cover the LMP interview and are nowhere to be found. Probably for the best. TMZ sucks.

Thanks! I was thinking about the singer. lol! :doh:

And Lisa's interview was not great. What she said interesting and important? Nothing. So, not deserves attention of media. :fear:
Because it was the same old the worlds most famous princess talking about her prince 14 years later TMZ didn't have to report it But and others did
agree ! very old news , i do not think any TV channel wanted to interview Lisa marie,,,only her friend Oprah did this as a favouire , otherwsie no one is interested about her or the marriage anymore, even us "MJ fans" are not very interested in this story.

MJ's kids are the hot stuff right now , i guess a story about Blanket is really what every channel want , bless his little soul :lol:
I also find it INCREDIBLY odd and glaringly obvious that TMZ hasn't made one peep about that interview. Could it be because she didn't trash talk him and humanized him by saying their marriage was real, that she loved him and that he was intoxicating to her? She gushed over him at some points. The media didn't want that. They wanted the dirt so it was glossed over. It's just soooo obvious to me. I'm not surprised but I wanted to put it on blast that gossip king TMZ hasn't said one word.

I think I saw that yahoo news has some piece on her interview. Has anyone seen any "major" news reporting on it? I wouldn't hold your breathes while searching.'re not telling me you're disappointed that tmz didn't do an article on MJ, this time, are you?

anyway...that interview wasn't as positive. it was insidious. it still left doors open for drug addict accusations and child molesting accusations, and other media ran with it.

yeah, she gushed, but then, she reverted to the usual.

it's a subtle interview, designed to set fans off against each other, with Oprah Winfrey being the guide. and, at that, she succeeded.

that smile she puts on at the end of the interview, is phony, and designed to put a cap on the interview. she's good at it. she should be..she's media. but it isn't something to crow about.
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I think TMZ is more about exclusives (you first heard it here type of thing), commenting on an already aired already watched by millions of people type of thing wouldn't be exclusive to them.
I'm surprised Perez Hilton didn't document any of this, either.