TLC's John & Kate Plus 8!!!


Proud Member
Feb 19, 2008
Illinois - U.S.
Any U.S. fans out there like this show?

It's kind of becoming a slight phenomenon here for all the soccer moms and families. I'm in love with it. All those ADORABLE little kids!!!!! I love the things they get into and their reactions. I think they've had 2 or 3 seasons now and are very successful with the show. They also promote great values. I'm watching it right now and it made me want to write a new thread on this.

So anyone else in the same boat as me....or am I all alone on this board?
No you aren't! I love John and Kate plus 8! I haven't seen it in a while as I don't have cable in this house. I enjoy the show very much. Their babies are beautiful! I just love supersize families. Kids by the Dozen is also one I didn't miss and any show featuring the Duggar family.
they are adorable- but are they getting paid for this show- they must be to keep doing it

-and why doesn't she put those kids in Pre-k now?
LOVE that family !! LOVE THEM !!

Can you even imagine 6 little terrors all at once :eek: I thought the twins were bad enough, they run me ragged. They did twins for a few years then BAMM !! 6 more all at once **YIKES**

After watching an episode I welcome dealing with my twins :lol:

last night they went to the 4th of July parade and a cook out after ... Alexis, Hannah, Aaden(my fave), Collin, Leah & Joel were quite only while eating :lol: scream scream scream ... blanket laid out, picnic basket open, food in front of kids ... SILENCE !!

Priceless :)
they are adorable- but are they getting paid for this show- they must be to keep doing it

-and why doesn't she put those kids in Pre-k now?

Yes they are definitely getting paid. If you have seen the beginning episodes and compare them to the episodes now....they HAVE to be getting some sort of pay for this. They go to all of these cool amusement and theme parks for fun and Kate is always seeming to be giving herself another spa vacation thingy for awhile. Not that she doesn't deserve it. 8 kids around the same age.......NO WAY!

I bet she might not put them through pre-k until their around 4-5 and their only 3 still right? I know I never went to pre-k until I was 5.
i love how small she makes him feel. jon's her husband but she treats him like her 9th child. one day he'll go off and that'll make television gold!
LOL he has shown signs of letting her have it on occasion. usually in public too :lol:
omg i loved when they went xmas shopping. he damn near flipped off on her. she'd better watch it. either shut up and stop trying to make him her 9th child or start drugging his food.
y r they taking the kids every damn where when they only babies? disney world aint cheap and she taking four yr olds and two whiny ass six yr olds....

sorry but maddy should be left in a store somewhere. that child is a demon
I love that show, it was hilarious and so adorable. I love their kids their just too cute.
I believe the trips are sponsored. Either by the television station, or the place they go to ... possibly a little of each. His hair transplants were free, I know that :lol: Did yall see her yanking out the staples from Jon's skull a few days later :hysterical: and she is a trained NURSE :lol:
i HEART jon and kate plus 8!!!

it's like everytime you turn on TLC, that show is on... and i always stop and watch :)

those are the cutest kids alive, it's hilarious now that they are talking...and yes, aaden is my fave too
I discovered that show only recently and I just love it. The kids are so cute and relatively well behaved too.
well behaved? someone needs to knock maddy in the head a few times. that child is a terror....and yes, aaden is my fave as well....
I don't know why I like John&KatePlus8 so much!

Poor Aidan gets hit in the head all he time. He's the scorned child. But he'll grow up to be a doctor or something.

Maddy just wants attention. Same with Cara. Except Cara gave up trying and stays quiet and Maddy still wishes it was just her and her sis. She drew a pic of her family - John,Kate, her, and Cara, and left out the young ones, saying she didn't have space on the page for them :lol:
well behaved? someone needs to knock maddy in the head a few times. that child is a terror....and yes, aaden is my fave as well....

lol relatively well behaved and I was really reffering to the sextuplets more than the older two. But then again she might act out a little to get attention having seven siblings and all.
she's got the worst attitude...if my son ever spoke to me like that i'd knock his ass way in hell woul di be disrespected...on tv no less...they're so loose w/ the discipline, she just laughs it off saying that's maddy and she's learned to work around her daughter's behind....
she needs to deal with it now... I know, I got a teeeeeenage BIIITCH.
it'z on peoples !!

Boyz day out ... jon takes the boyz golfing ??
oh lawd....did anyone see when jon got the hairplugs? was it bad!? i thought the whole point of that was so no one knew about it....