TLC: "There are no great superstars anymore - like Michael Jackson"


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

Obviously you are a timeless group, but do you look to anyone of today for inspiration? Like a Rihanna, for example.

T-BOZ: No, absolutely none whatsoever. You know why? We’ve always been trendsetters and we’ve always had our own lane.

CHILI: And what they do wouldn’t even fit with us.

T-BOZ: We don’t dance in heels, we’re not girly. No disrespect because I like their stuff, but that’s just not us. We have our own sound, and that’s what I love about this group. I’d just like to keep it that way. But if I was to look at someone, it would probably be a Michael Jackson or somebody who has been known to change the world. Not who’s hot today.

CHILI: Everybody, including us to a degree, all have learned something from Michael Jackson.

T-BOZ: He was a game-changer. Being hot and being a game-changer are two separate things. So I’m looking at people who change the game, and that’s really the artists from back in the day.

The reason I asked that is because I see so many legendary artists trying to make a comeback, and they just latch on to the hype.

T-BOZ: We’ll never chase sounds or anything, ever.

CHILI: And the only reason why the J. Cole collaboration happened was because he reached out to us. We had to hear the song first, and it was an amazing record no matter who honestly sung the hook — it would still be a hit. But the fact that he was really talking about something that’s very relevant, he was speaking our language. It [“Crooked Smile”] was like the guy version of “Unpretty,” so it was a perfect fit. Now I will say this, because he wants to work with us too, I really hope that could be a collaboration.

T-BOZ: He’s a great producer and songwriter! Today I just think lyrical content and things of substance is missing overall in the industry. There used to be way more superstars back in the day than there are now. Now they’re sprinkled here and there.Like Beyonce is doing well and Rihanna has great songs, but you don’t hear about great superstars like how it used to be.
Whilst I appreciate their sentiments, I truly believe there will never be another great superstar like Michael Jackson. There wasn't before and there won't be again. He was one of a kind and we were privileged to experience his magic in our lifetimes.
I'd say "stating the obvious" but sadly it isn't so (*cough* Billboard *cough*)

TLC have always been loyal fans as far as I remember and I like them for that. Thanks for sharing!
Whilst I appreciate their sentiments, I truly believe there will never be another great superstar like Michael Jackson. There wasn't before and there won't be again. He was one of a kind and we were privileged to experience his magic in our lifetimes.

I disagree. MJ could easily have never been born he was the 7th or something child of a mother. The fact is there are tons of greater superstars then him and of any other profession that simply were not born. Truth is if MJ didn't exist you'd be calling Prince or someone the greatest superstar whoever lived and that there wasn't one before or after him not thinking "the greatest superstar doesn't exist yet". It's like having a favourite(s) song, if that song didn't exist you would have a different favourite (something that exists) and you wouldn't say to yourself 'oh this is a great track but im sure i like something more but it just hasn't been made yet'. So I agree there was never a greater superstar before MJ but it doesn't make sense to say there won't be someone that is greater then him in the future. Just as he easily could never been born and you would call someone else the greatest 'superstar'.
I disagree. MJ could easily have never been born he was the 7th or something child of a mother. The fact is there are tons of greater superstars then him and of any other profession that simply were not born. Truth is if MJ didn't exist you'd be calling Prince or someone the greatest superstar whoever lived and that there wasn't one before or after him not thinking "the greatest superstar doesn't exist yet". It's like having a favourite(s) song, if that song didn't exist you would have a different favourite (something that exists) and you wouldn't say to yourself 'oh this is a great track but im sure i like something more but it just hasn't been made yet'. So I agree there was never a greater superstar before MJ but it doesn't make sense to say there won't be someone that is greater then him in the future. Just as he easily could never been born and you would call someone else the greatest 'superstar'.

I'm going to beg to differ with you because I've actually given a statement like yours a lot of thought. I've thought a lot about Michael's fame, and the difficult life he led because of it, and the fact that no one ever seemed to understand it, etc. And I've thought about the fame of superstars/royals/global leaders in the past like Frank Sinatra, Elvis, the Beatles, Rudolf Valentino, Princess Diana, Jackie Kennedy, Elizabeth Taylor w/Richard Burton-different Popes, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Jesus, Hitler, Ghandi, etc. People who drew crowds of people wherever they went and people whose fame practically suffocated them to death.

And there still wasn't anyone I could think of who was at the same level as Michael. I was astounded at it when it happened and I'm astounded now. Save his first nine or ten years when he was an unknown little kid and the time period between 1975 and 1983 when they left Motown and he transitioned from a teen idol to a young adult singing star, he was an unparalleled global phenomenon.

From May 83, when he exploded at Motown 25, to 2009-even today, there wasn't ANYONE-black, white, green, purple, 4 years old to 104 years old that didn't know who he was and was affected by him. Not on any continent, and not even on some remote village or island that didn't know who he was, had heard and loved his music, and swarmed to see him, given the opportunity.

Superstar is not even the proper word for him. I can't even think of the correct word for it.

None of the people I referenced earlier can even come near to this level of fame. Maybe you can think of one-if you can, the chances are good that another one will be born in the future.

I suppose if Michael had never been born-sure, there would be other superstars to talk about-and there will be some in the future.

But to have someone in the future at this level to talk about? I'd say the odds are a zillion to none.
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And I've thought about the fame of superstars/royals/global leaders in the past like Frank Sinatra, Elvis, the Beatles, Rudolf Valentino, Princess Diana, Jackie Kennedy, Elizabeth Taylor w/Richard Burton-different Popes, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Jesus, Hitler, Ghandi, etc. People who drew crowds of people wherever they went and people whose fame practically suffocated them to death...

...None of the people I referenced earlier can even come near to this level of fame.

Really? You don't think Jesus can come near the level of fame Michael Jackson had? I'm not saying you're wrong about how famous Michael Jackson was but I honestly think you're pushing it if you don't think some of those figures came near Michael's fame, especially a figure as ridiculously famous such as say, Jesus (and I'm saying this as someone who isn't a Christian).

I think some of the other figures you mentioned certainly were around Michael's level of fame, at least during their respective prime.
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Considering that Jesus is an important religious figure to not only Christians but also to Muslims (even if he is less important in Islam than in Christianity, but he is known and considered a prophet), it's likely that he would be the most famous from that list. It's another question whether he was real at all (at least in the form he is worshipped) or he's just a fictional figure. But as a cultural/religious meme he is probably the most famous from that list.
^^i wrote this last night and slept on it and I agree with both of you. I'm taking both Jesus and Hitler out of my list of people who are famous to everybody. No matter age, no matter ethnicity, no matter gender, no matter religion. Everyone then and now were affected by them either good or bad and knows who they are.

Leaving it at superstars that the public couldn't get enough of, my first thoughts have always been Jackie Kennedy and princess Diana but they still didn't have that kind of unparalleled fame.

Oh and I agree with the level of fame when certain people were in their prime but with Michael it didn't seem to fade and go away ever.
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I always think of the Beatles and Elvis as having that same phenomenal worldwide fame.

Jesus, as a historical figure and the Resurrection and the Life, is on a completely different, higher level of influence and fame.

And, I just like TLC all the more because of their statements.
I always think of the Beatles and Elvis as having that same phenomenal worldwide fame.

The Beatles maybe, but I'm not sure about Elvis. I am just not sure if he is as famous outside of the Western world as MJ.