Tired Of The Mess, Focussing On The Message


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I have posted this in the Legacy Project, but I also wanted to post it here.

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Last year I had some issues on another board where people were busying talking about Michael and the skin whitening creams and the parentage of his children. And everybody had an opinion. And everyone knew how Michael felt, why he behaved as he did. Everybody had a theory.

It got me so frustrated that I let blast over there and felt tonnes better.

Now, in recent days I have found that in looking for answers in the case against Murray, some members here have started speculating, presuming and ascribing motives to Michael that fits with their narrative about what happened.

In another part of the board some members can tell you why Michael shopped, why he had insomnia, why his life was so unhappy. He has even been categorised as schizophrenic.

And it is official, I am tired of people (fans and non-fans alike) always dissecting Michael. His life seemed to filled with people who always wanted to 'fix' what was 'wrong' with him (e.g. Boteach). It was like they felt they had to cure him and be the ones to say 'look Michael Jackson could not exist without me!'

Then there are those who never met Michael but diagnose everything thing about him. He bleached his skin and had surgeries because he wanted to look nothing like his father or because he hated being Black. He was child-like because he was regressive. He couldn't sleep because he was depressed about his money problems. He went shopping to fill the emptiness in his life.

On and on it goes. And it needs to stop!

Michael was a human being with human problems and who would have been served if EVERYONE accepted him for who and what he was, as opposed to always try to pick him a part, examine and judge him.

Some fans use this 'unbiased' critical examination of Michael as their way of showing that they are more rational than those blind, rabid "Michael As Saint" fans. But to me, their dissection of what they PERCEIVE to be Michael's problems shows a kind of arrogance. It is arrogant to PRESUME to know the motivations of another human being that you have never met. It is arrogant and it is UNFAIR to the person being analysed.

Michael had his problems. And alot of those problems came as a result of the unique position in which he found himself. But did those problems make him bitter? No! Did he write music that abused women, denigrated his race or had any kind of negative message? No! Did it make him selfish with his talents and his wealth? No. Was he ever known to be abusive to ANYONE? NO!

Despite the personal challenges he faced, Michael gave LOVE. And to me that is the larger lesson of his life. Always keep pressing on no matter what the challenge is.

For me it is the reason to love him more because DESPITE it all, he had the courage and fundamental human decency to give love, hope and inspiration.
Fantastic post.:clapping:

You have said everything I was thinking. I havent been a member here long but I lurked and read on and off for a few years before deciding to join. I wanted somewhere I could come and talk about Michael and how I felt, (my husband just thinks Im obsessed and should forget about him) but since I joined there has been one drama after another and I was starting to feel that this wasnt the friendly place I thought it was. In fact when the Cascio drama started it seemed like quite a scary place and I didnt dare post in those threads.

We are all here I hope because we love Michael but like you said he was human with the same faults as any of us, of course he made mistakes and bad judgements because he wasnt superhuman or an angel but his message shone through and we should love him because and in spite of the human errors he may have made.

Thank you
Wow. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. You have summed up it. I can agree to you completely. :agree:
I have posted this in the Legacy Project, but I also wanted to post it here.

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Last year I had some issues on another board where people were busying talking about Michael and the skin whitening creams and the parentage of his children. And everybody had an opinion. And everyone knew how Michael felt, why he behaved as he did. Everybody had a theory.

It got me so frustrated that I let blast over there and felt tonnes better.

Now, in recent days I have found that in looking for answers in the case against Murray, some members here have started speculating, presuming and ascribing motives to Michael that fits with their narrative about what happened.

In another part of the board some members can tell you why Michael shopped, why he had insomnia, why his life was so unhappy. He has even been categorised as schizophrenic.

And it is official, I am tired of people (fans and non-fans alike) always dissecting Michael. His life seemed to filled with people who always wanted to 'fix' what was 'wrong' with him (e.g. Boteach). It was like they felt they had to cure him and be the ones to say 'look Michael Jackson could not exist without me!'

Then there are those who never met Michael but diagnose everything thing about him. He bleached his skin and had surgeries because he wanted to look nothing like his father or because he hated being Black. He was child-like because he was regressive. He couldn't sleep because he was depressed about his money problems. He went shopping to fill the emptiness in his life.

On and on it goes. And it needs to stop!

Michael was a human being with human problems and who would have been served if EVERYONE accepted him for who and what he was, as opposed to always try to pick him a part, examine and judge him.

Some fans use this 'unbiased' critical examination of Michael as their way of showing that they are more rational than those blind, rabid "Michael As Saint" fans. But to me, their dissection of what they PERCEIVE to be Michael's problems shows a kind of arrogance. It is arrogant to PRESUME to know the motivations of another human being that you have never met. It is arrogant and it is UNFAIR to the person being analysed.

Michael had his problems. And alot of those problems came as a result of the unique position in which he found himself. But did those problems make him bitter? No! Did he write music that abused women, denigrated his race or had any kind of negative message? No! Did it make him selfish with his talents and his wealth? No. Was he ever known to be abusive to ANYONE? NO!

Despite the personal challenges he faced, Michael gave LOVE. And to me that is the larger lesson of his life. Always keep pressing on no matter what the challenge is.

For me it is the reason to love him more because DESPITE it all, he had the courage and fundamental human decency to give love, hope and inspiration.

Hey > :hug:

Great post! :clapping: Thanks for that. :give_heart: That needed to be said.
I think it's human nature to want to analyze. I do it myself (to my own self) sometimes too much. But you're right, Michael's only human like everyone else. No one can really presume to know anything about somebody unless they knew them personally, and even then only the individual knows themselves best. I go by Michael's own words and what I've come to learn about him. He definitely never said "he didn't want to be black". He said he had "vitiligo." He said he was "childlike" because he was compensating for the childhood he lost. So why assume other than what he personally said? He never really had to explain himself, but he was pressured into doing it. Everything he decided to keep private is unknown and doesn't need to be speculated on, but again people have the desire to know & come up with their own theories. Michael was just Michael, flaws and all. It didn't stop him from being a great entertainer. It didn't stop him from having a big heart. It didn't stop him from trying to heal the world. Trying to put him under the microscope doesn't change any of that. Imagine if everyone was doing that to each other. I'd hate to have all my flaws all laid out there while all the goodness was ignored. I'd also hate it to be analyzed to death and have people make assumptions about my behavior. Only person who can do that is me. :lol: Think I'll stop my rambling and say thank you for this post. :)