Tiny Fey's Michael Jackson Mentions


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Canada - ON
I heard how 30 Rock was getting so many accolades so I got the season 1 DVD collection from blockbuster and the VERY first episode had something EXTREMELY rude about Michael in it. It is just insanely wrong and therefore I will NOT post it here.
And I was so angry I took that stupid show out right then and there and returned it the next day. But when I googled it, I found there were some Michael mentions in many of the 30 Rock shows...and all of them not great at all.

Anyone have anything to say. Because I believe Tina Fey is the writer for this hater show. :angry:
I love that show. Off the top of my head...I only remember him being referenced once, but I don't remember what was said. Twice if one of the characters singing "Ease On Down The Road" counts.
Tina Fey needs to do a stand-up special or something, she has a lot of talent.

not that big a fan of the show, but it's good compared to a lot of the crap out there.
i didn't know about the MJ mentions and i didn't think that Fey had any talent. so my view of her has nothing to do with MJ.

but i guess i can see why she got emmys