Tinted Windows (great new band that hope you guys will love!)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
st.louis missouri
Ok im sure you guysd are wondering who the heck Tinted Windows are so im going to explain. Tinted Windows is a great new band that got together and recored a self titled album in 2007 and released last year. The members of Tinted Windows are members of other bands and when i tell you who they are you guys might think Iam lying but i swear Im not lol. If you wanna check them out just go to www.tintedwindowsmusic.com, www.myspace.com/tintedwindows or follow them on Twitter http://twitter.com/TintWind. now the twitter page is mainly updated by their lead singer who is MY personal favorite and has been for a good 13 years now!

Ok im sure you are wanting to know who makes up Tinted Windows so Im going to tell you you guys. Now chances are if your fans of these guys already and their bands you might already know who is in Tinted Windows but if not well here you go. Tinted Windows are members James Iha from the Smashing Pumpkins, Adam Schlesinger of Fountains of Wayne, Bun E. Carlos of Cheap Trick and finally my favorite Taylor Hanson of Hanson. Yes THAT Hanson. :)

I know what you some of you might be thinking oh god a Hanson?? really?? I know I know mmmbop but please give them a show and i know some of you were Hanson fans back in the day (admit it!) and chances are some of you guys still are die hard Fansons like myself if so awesome!! If not i hie you will give Tinted Windows a chance and also Look in to Hanson. they are amazing and if you want to you can check out my Hanson thread that i made a couple months back here: http://www.mjjcommunity.com/forum/showthread.php?t=77815 hope to get some responces there and here as well! i also posted some in fo about TW in that thread as well with some video if you want to check them out there instead!

heres a picture of Tinted Windows:

I will be posting songs here as well if anyone is interested. hope you gusy enjoy Tinted Windows!! :)

just found this article about the band that says they are calling it a day at least for now.http://consequenceofsound.net/2010/01/12/tinted-windows-turn-down-the-curtains/
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