times magazine names lady gaga most influential person in the world


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
people was debating about this on twiiter and a question was asked on formspring if lady gaga didn't wear all the crazy costumes, the music still be the same but she wore regular clothes just like the othe female stars would the media hype her up like they did now
how do they know who the most influential person in the world is, when they come from an american perspective?

That's a little bit too far. And that's coming from a person who adores Lady GaGa.
That's just plain ridiculous imo.
It was voted upon by the people by the way, so anybody could have topped that list.
I also agree with the fact that this is based on American perspective, so why say "of the world"?

I don't want to turn this thread into a bashing thread so I'll just say I am really really tired of that girl (who in my opion is very overrated) and leave it at that right now :)
(No offense to the people that do like her)
.... of the whole?
Of which world?
Oh, I see, People's world.
Thanks God the world is way bigger and better than that -_-

I like Gaga, but c'mon... this is going too far.
Influential in what way exactly?

She hasn't influenced me in any way at all. That is going too far, she's not that spectacular (to me).

This is an opinion, they can't just say she is because how many people in the world has she really influenced? When she dies, let's see just how many people all over the world are affected. Then we'll see just "influential" she really is.