Time to discuss some SERIOUS music...

You can't forget Easy Reader - Uh, Uh, Uh!

Conjunction Junction

Kidd Video ~ You Better Run

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The Stevie Wonder is awesometastic.

And I love Conjunction Junction! I used to be so happy when that one came on. The music is great! I wonder who's responsible for it?....
Ah, there's some wholesome family entertainment.

Here's a somewhat recent effort from family entertainment icon, Bob Saget:


"'Night, Michelle!"

Disco Duck

They're Coming To Take Me Away
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^^^awwwww, mj was so cute on there!!!!! How come he never told me he did Sesame Street???? :no:
Oh god, I remember this from my childhood. I still have a tape with it on it somewhere. :lol:
Yeah, Ray had some funny songs. He also made serious music as well, but he is more known for his comedy songs.
Hip Hop senior style
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Just when U think you've seen it all....
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