Time to come clean Mr Obama


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
This was posted on another forum i go on so it isnt my words i just thought it was funny

Obama Is The Anti Christ.
Its the reason his wife fell in love with him.
She was looking for someone substantiative and he fit the bill.
Even the children are in on it.
The internet is full of cold hard facts and some convincing arguments like these:

-Obama has 666 in all his campaign commercials, have you recently noticed.
It is so obvious. One has text hope to (62262), add the 2’s and you have your 6666.
Also, his other commercial has a phone number such as 1-866-6—–etc.

-The Obama campaign and his followers are taking on a "cult-like atmosphere.
People are strangely "fainting" in Obama's meetings.
Could be that be a negative spiritual force comparable to people going down under the power of the Holy Spirit ?

-If you do a bit of wonky numerology,
his name, birthday and the words "Democratic Candidate Barack Hussein Obama" all add up in some way to 666."

-"People!! We are on the verge of the Greatest Introduction Of Evil ever known.
And I as a Christian, a God fearing Women… believe that “Barak Obama” IS THE ANTI-CHRIST!
HE will render in the End of Times as we ALL Know it! He fits the Bill PERFECTLY in more ways than One!
I get a creepy feeling from this man. As one person put it…. The OBAMA_NATION.
Wow! It’s just like God to be so Creative!
That’s a Big clue right there! Barak Obama IS THE ABOMINATION THAT WILL CAUSE DESOLATION!! Furthermore…
He is not a Christian. He is Anti-christian. He is Muslim. If he was a Christian why would he swear in as Senator on the Koran??? and not the Bible??
Hmmm?? Ever heard of discernment??
This is God’s way of foretelling his People of the impending doom to come! Hey Christians!
What you are feeling about Barak is Correct! The Holy Spirit has given you the power to Discern that this “MAN” is more than just a Man…
He is the Man… He is the “ONE” that will house Satan. We must Pray and hold fast to the “TRUTHS” we Know!
Don’t let go… Don’t faint or grow weary! What does our Father say?? People Die for lack of (wisdom)… they (non-believers) are Blinded to the Truth!
So be Blessed in knowing in your hearts that you know what’s real and what’s not.
And don’t forget to try and win as many people over to the Kingdom as you can!
The Time is Growing very short! Amen May God Bless and Keep you!"
LOL great PR. thanks for helping B win, you nuttas.
Maybe it would work if the writer figured how to spell Obama's name and figured out where to put capital letters.

What you are feeling about Barak is Correct! :wild:
i would like to see obama winn maybe it will help to mnake a real change in the united states bt of course we dont know all details like you americans do
This was posted on another forum i go on so it isnt my words i just thought it was funny

Obama Is The Anti Christ.
Its the reason his wife fell in love with him.
She was looking for someone substantiative and he fit the bill.
Even the children are in on it.
The internet is full of cold hard facts and some convincing arguments like these:

-Obama has 666 in all his campaign commercials, have you recently noticed.
It is so obvious. One has text hope to (62262), add the 2’s and you have your 6666.
Also, his other commercial has a phone number such as 1-866-6—–etc.

-The Obama campaign and his followers are taking on a "cult-like atmosphere.
People are strangely "fainting" in Obama's meetings.
Could be that be a negative spiritual force comparable to people going down under the power of the Holy Spirit ?

-If you do a bit of wonky numerology,
his name, birthday and the words "Democratic Candidate Barack Hussein Obama" all add up in some way to 666."

-"People!! We are on the verge of the Greatest Introduction Of Evil ever known.
And I as a Christian, a God fearing Women… believe that “Barak Obama” IS THE ANTI-CHRIST!
HE will render in the End of Times as we ALL Know it! He fits the Bill PERFECTLY in more ways than One!
I get a creepy feeling from this man. As one person put it…. The OBAMA_NATION.
Wow! It’s just like God to be so Creative!
That’s a Big clue right there! Barak Obama IS THE ABOMINATION THAT WILL CAUSE DESOLATION!! Furthermore…
He is not a Christian. He is Anti-christian. He is Muslim. If he was a Christian why would he swear in as Senator on the Koran??? and not the Bible??
Hmmm?? Ever heard of discernment??
This is God’s way of foretelling his People of the impending doom to come! Hey Christians!
What you are feeling about Barak is Correct! The Holy Spirit has given you the power to Discern that this “MAN” is more than just a Man…
He is the Man… He is the “ONE” that will house Satan. We must Pray and hold fast to the “TRUTHS” we Know!
Don’t let go… Don’t faint or grow weary! What does our Father say?? People Die for lack of (wisdom)… they (non-believers) are Blinded to the Truth!
So be Blessed in knowing in your hearts that you know what’s real and what’s not.
And don’t forget to try and win as many people over to the Kingdom as you can!
The Time is Growing very short! Amen May God Bless and Keep you!"

OMG. Now I've Seen it ALL!!!! OBAMA - 2008!!!
man, I wish I could vote too.

Im placing my vote here: OBAMA 2008!!!:D
I didn't get the anti-christ stuff. I never understand why people drag so much unnecessary stuff into elections. Personally, I wouldn't vote for Obama anyway but I just don't find things like this effective or useful. Shows ignorance and isn't helpful to McCain at all.
even if that all comes to light... when the 'anti-christ' and the end of days comes ... there is nothing 'man' can do to stop it.
People are saying Barack followers are like cult members? Great one... have they seen some of the Hilary Clinton websites around the net? I'm not talking about the regular Hilary supporters. No, I'm talking about a large amount of people who would vote for a female fish if McCain had selected it as a vice president.

All this crap about Obama being the anti-christ, a Muslim.. .it's all one gigantic joke and I don't get why people feel the need to go so far in their ignorance. It's both funny and sad at the same time.

Fainting? People fainted at a few of his events because of heat stroke... does the bible say something about "He shall rise from the depths of hell and inflict heat stroke and dehydration?" Probably not.

Vote for McCain if you want. It's a free country. Personally, I think they're both fine men but I will not make up a bunch of crap about McCain just because I'm not voting for him. Why can't people just vote and pick apart real issues? Hopefully, while they're sitting in their den trying to figure out ways to combine letters and numbers in his name, birthdate and zipcode to the number "666", he'll be in D.C. working on fixing the issues our country is facing.

This post wasn't even worth the effort, but I had to vent.
OBAMA 2008!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(wish i could vote for him...)
This was posted on another forum i go on so it isnt my words i just thought it was funny

Obama Is The Anti Christ.
Its the reason his wife fell in love with him.
She was looking for someone substantiative and he fit the bill.
Even the children are in on it.
The internet is full of cold hard facts and some convincing arguments like these:

-Obama has 666 in all his campaign commercials, have you recently noticed.
It is so obvious. One has text hope to (62262), add the 2’s and you have your 6666.
Also, his other commercial has a phone number such as 1-866-6—–etc.

-The Obama campaign and his followers are taking on a "cult-like atmosphere.
People are strangely "fainting" in Obama's meetings.
Could be that be a negative spiritual force comparable to people going down under the power of the Holy Spirit ?

-If you do a bit of wonky numerology,
his name, birthday and the words "Democratic Candidate Barack Hussein Obama" all add up in some way to 666."

-"People!! We are on the verge of the Greatest Introduction Of Evil ever known.
And I as a Christian, a God fearing Women… believe that “Barak Obama” IS THE ANTI-CHRIST!
HE will render in the End of Times as we ALL Know it! He fits the Bill PERFECTLY in more ways than One!
I get a creepy feeling from this man. As one person put it…. The OBAMA_NATION.
Wow! It’s just like God to be so Creative!
That’s a Big clue right there! Barak Obama IS THE ABOMINATION THAT WILL CAUSE DESOLATION!! Furthermore…
He is not a Christian. He is Anti-christian. He is Muslim. If he was a Christian why would he swear in as Senator on the Koran??? and not the Bible??
Hmmm?? Ever heard of discernment??
This is God’s way of foretelling his People of the impending doom to come! Hey Christians!
What you are feeling about Barak is Correct! The Holy Spirit has given you the power to Discern that this “MAN” is more than just a Man…
He is the Man… He is the “ONE” that will house Satan. We must Pray and hold fast to the “TRUTHS” we Know!
Don’t let go… Don’t faint or grow weary! What does our Father say?? People Die for lack of (wisdom)… they (non-believers) are Blinded to the Truth!
So be Blessed in knowing in your hearts that you know what’s real and what’s not.
And don’t forget to try and win as many people over to the Kingdom as you can!
The Time is Growing very short! Amen May God Bless and Keep you!"
total proof that whomever wrote this is fullof shit.

sorry b ut muslims are NOT anti-christian.....i'd love to see how the republicans can help ruin america for another four yrs
Fainting? People fainted at a few of his events because of heat stroke... does the bible say something about "He shall rise from the depths of hell and inflict heat stroke and dehydration?" Probably not.

Oh my god :lol:
There will be no change in the country or the world after the elections, no matter who wins. All presidents are sitting ducks who have no real power but just act on behalf of the real rulers. There will be no change, but Obama will get the blame when they mess uop again, and mess up they will. He will be the most hated man after that. General elections are a fraud, to make the public think that they have the power to chose when they don't.